16:26 <+claire> So how do we generate the primes for an RSA key then? 16:27 <+snacky> you pick them at random 16:27 * rowboat picks 5 16:28 <+snacky> wow that was pretty random 16:29 <+claire> But how do you know a given 1024-digit number is prime? It must be expensive to check 16:29 <+pascal> claire: Generally "pseudoprimes" are used. 16:30 <+pascal> Numbers which have a very high probability of being prime. 16:30 <+claire> Hrm. Using like riemann zeta something or other? 16:31 <+snacky> numbers which have a very high probability of being YOUR MOM! 16:31 <+rowboat> whats the probability 5 is prime? 16:31 <+snacky> it's pretty high, probably over 50% 16:31 <+snacky> which is higher than usual 16:32 <+rowboat> i want to run tests anyway 16:32 <+claire> Umm that depends on how you are evaluating the probability of it 16:32 <+claire> I suspect 16:33 <+snacky> there are some reasons to believe it's not prime 16:33 <+snacky> in my experience, numbers that end in 5 are not prime 16:33 <+snacky> also, most numbers higher than 4 are not prime 16:33 <+claire> Isn't that because they are divisible by 5 16:33 <+snacky> claire: yes 16:34 <+rowboat> 5 ends in 5 16:34 <+snacky> it totally does. 16:34 <+snacky> I don't know. I'm thinking of revising down my 50% estimate 16:34 <+claire> And in a base that wasn't a multiple of 5, they wouldn't end in 5 very often 16:35 <+pascal> rowboat: Even more worrisome, it looks like 5 is divisible by 5. 16:35 <+rowboat> hahaha pascal you obviously dont know anything about primes 16:36 <+claire> But most numbers which are divisible by 5 aren't prime... 16:37 <+rowboat> prime numbers are cool 16:38 <+claire> And since the number of numbers divisible by 5 is infinite, we can express the probability that a given multiple is prime as lim[x->inf](1/(x-1)) 16:38 <+claire> Effectively 0 16:39 <+claire> So there is pretty much no chance that 5 is prime imo