[05:09:22] is this the warez channel? [05:11:02] /warez [05:11:07] that's a thing [05:11:17] with extra warez please [05:12:32] "would you like serialz with that?" 11:51 PM: *@dsl-216*.telocity.com 2/10/2001 5:47:44 AM [Set: Fri Feb 9 23:48:16 2001] by juice: you aren't in charge here and stop using opers and admin nicks (play!lenin@dsl-216-227-50-61.telocity.com) [1] referring to lenin: he said he was in charge here so i showed him how much he is in charge [14:44:35] * kaleb replaces Lenin's fat with silicone [14:46:25] a totally inferior substitute [14:46:25] a silicone belly would not move the right way [15:48:45] did you get your mean phrased attitude from Lenin? [15:56:12] I've been thinking about growing my beard really, really long and putting hair relaxer in it [15:56:18] and then bleaching it as white as it gets [15:56:24] hopefully I'll look just like Santa [17:30:23] looking at warez pages is very challenging [17:30:55] fosi.da.ru is a good one [17:31:38] what? where are the porn banners? [17:31:45] oh nm [17:58:43] wakeup and gline Lenin for me, hes been flooding me [18:38:40] so you have never lived in new jersey? [18:38:58] WHAT did I say last time you asked that question? [18:39:13] I think it was "I hate you and I'm never buying notebooks from you again!" [22:56:09] * kaleb hovers over Lenin [22:57:10] I'm sure there's a perfectly unhomosexual reason for you to be hovering ove me while I'm sleeping and I got the 11000th randstuff, which everyone else is really jealous of. you fucking idiots. all praise be to Lenin who is snacky. i don't have time to do all that try it, though it works, doesn't it? you just like to whine a lot <+Arrquko> who is lenin? lostech calc 160 * 300 avenj: 48000.000000 avenj you aren't very smart yeah i know *** ChanServ changes topic to 'since lenin died, i'm in charge here' and it is ever more clear BODA was a nazi istr he used to get glined a lot after all, capital letters are the unmistakable trait of facists. no no no, kosh is a nazi, BODA is just a communist BODA is a monarchist I will continue to think of kosh as a sort of well-meaning Falangist. I, juice, am not smart enough to use my own thoughts, so I've started using Lenin's instead 16 inches isn't really small but it's not that big either a company that's profitable is clearly "old economy" I would also like to address the topic of slug intelligence !8ball is liquid drano as good as they say? I also like AMD, but only because they gave me a free shirt I am wealthy now in shirts my ISP is dying next year, so apparently they're going out of their way to be super-crappy lately <@kaleb> circumcision is good <@snacky> ok <@kaleb> much prettier to look at <@kaleb> :> <@snacky> circumcision: a homosexual plot where is everyone tonight <@snacky> avoiding you <@snacky> go go gadget morphine-injector [06:12:28] <@Yu_Suzuki> hi sporkulate welcome to the warez channel [06:32:12] <@Yu_Suzuki> germany didn't develop the atom bomb because most of their smart people (jews) fled to the US [18:10:05] <@Yu_Suzuki> you only have ops on one of the channels you're on. I have ops on ALL of the channels I'm on. who's more in charge? [18:47:36] you loser [18:47:42] <@Yu_Suzuki> it's spelled 'looser' [18:47:57] you only spell it that way because you're a loser [18:48:04] * @Yu_Suzuki shrugs [19:19:11] the goal is Yu_Suzuki is a jerk [19:19:27] <@Yu_Suzuki> that sentence lacking linking verb [21:59:24] <@Yu_Suzuki> asshole [21:59:33] <@Yu_Suzuki> I'm not going to look at it [21:59:48] <@Yu_Suzuki> unless you send it again as an xpixelmap. and only so I can view it in a text editor [22:05:53] <@Yu_Suzuki> that's why al gore won the election yes, it is me. The onewho is in charge I admit it. you've been in charge here all along. I'm just a pretender to the throne YES. Finally the truth comes out also "stab" is a great word americans tend to confuse sweden with switzerland anyway, rule #2 is that everyone on this channel now favors starving Ukranians to death when they resist paying their tax-grain beating up on chechens isn't nice either because we lend their government money so that officials may embezzle it from the treasury by the same reasoning, my penis is bigger than most peoples' canadians don't even speak english, they speak canadian - or worse, french dalnet really blows I mean that in a nice way, though did I tell you that I'm on track to weigh 600 lbs by the time I turn 40? <@Lenin> die moronic morons <@Lenin> who are dumb <@Lenin> and not very smart either <@Lenin> bring forth the pirated software pirated software is unamerican <@Lenin> you're fat <@Lenin> I'm serious does a swede have the buddha nature? don't worry I'm used to it (jealousy, that is) (and being in charge) No more Crack for you do you know any swedish words I would like? excuse me, why is nobody giving me warez? Gunnar Borkborkborkson * Lenin has a severe stroke and dies and gets preserved in a glass box in Moscow, to remain for the rest of the century *** Lenin has set the topic on channel #Intp to Support Wealthy Text Format! Convert all your files to .wtf now! have you been hearing of the it is "Richard Epstein"?! you moron wtf? rephrase that sentence. are you being the person who was having been hearing of person what it is he are being named the hi I am "Richard Epstein"?! hope that helps <@Lenin> his is longer but mine is much thicker <@Lenin> hi stupid idiots <@Lenin> shut the fuck up, por favor how snackological I don't mean to imply that there's anything wrong with obesity I just think fat people should be locked up if god intended for us to eat with our mouths, he wouldn't have invented IV needles if it weren't for kaleb I'd still be on the streets begging for change so I could buy more vanilla extract to get drunk off of <@Lenin> if this channel continues being gay I will have to assert my in-charge-here-ness by banishing your spirit forms to the Outer Earth I guess it's hopeless to ask you to lick less fuck yes I would be happy with, say, half as much fuck-licking on your part 65% as much is as low as I am willing to go <@Lenin> I had a dream that the blacks were misbehaving <@Lenin> and I had broccoli and cheese with vanilla ice cream on top, flavored by watered-down snow-cone flavoring <@Lenin> in a soggy ice cream cone <@Lenin> and it was raining I like the word "profusely" I'm annoyed that the turks still haven't invaded greece I'm going to work on memorial day and expect to get paid the equivalent of 11,248,607.86 turkish lira per hour for it <@Lenin> I'm thinking of becoming a dreamcast warez trader just to get back at sega <@Lenin> anyone want any isoz? I got 'em Lenin in a werewolf like attack of rage stabs the druggy in the head with the needle causing massive death. YAY! I should make the channel scroll up a bunch so nobody notices I banned *!*@* is it true that "bork bork bork" isn't really swedish? I think all scripts should alias unalias to alias I think "gunnar" is a pretty cool name I think it should be replaced by a new format called Wealthy Text Format I think your dropping testosterone levels are making you fatter i think you're right it's "harboring" not "harbouring." we speak american on this channel <+Lenin> it would just kill me to go to the store and spend the 12 cents to buy another 256 megs I want to set the world record for biggest butt I went to the US and I'm a huge success <@Lenin> kaleb if you don't give me warez, I'm going to leave and not come back for at least a day <@Lenin> maybe it'll help bring you down if I remind you that you're gay my cat thinks I'm SO clever my spork machines are under repair ok I have to go smell like mold you think about this average characteristics issue and how to exploit it once it said "you have leprosy" on this channel we are in favor of stabbing <@Lenin> probably a sign of genetic inferiority <@Lenin> migraines are a sign of sexual identity crisis <@Lenin> Q: What's the difference between a bucket of gravel and a bucket of baby guts? <@Lenin> A: You can't gargle gravel. <@Lenin> Q: What's the difference between a Cadillac and a pile of dead babies? <@Lenin> A: I don't have a Cadillac in my garage. right, the secret police encourages me to turn in my family members should they become communist <@Lenin> right, your name is Avi Jerkowitz <@Lenin> Benjamin Fattystein <@Lenin> David FATASSINDENIAL ron you're fat when you sit around the house, you really sit around the house lol yeah I just came up with that joke myself some day I must get in charge of the .aq tld speaking of email, kaleb I like jews stabbing is a noble thing thank you for smelling like MOLD the B in suBtle is subtle TheWhiteDevil you're fat and you're jealous of my figure don't be embarrassed, I'm used to it this would be a good time to mention the fact that I'm in charge here warez my software license? well, many people think their piss-ant little countries are actually important but who has all the nukes, I ask you? we still favor nuking sweden, however what use is NATO if they can't wipe Greece of the map? when someone says it's the goatse.cx picture, genghis troll replies: "Hurtful lies make baby Jesus cry :(" the emoticon makes that extremely funny who do you think is smarter: you or me? you, of course why are you asking me about my Q? that's personal <@Lenin> you're right, I have a major aversion to having things rammed up my anus you should buy some CRACK it'll help you lose WEIGHT anyway, rule #2 is that everyone on this channel now favors starving Ukranians to death when they resist paying their tax-grain ok then /kill chanserv Lenin is sexy I mean fat the power of christ compells lenin i am fussy mind, no tentacle anal thanks <@Lenin> diagram that sentence, pirisy whatever, nonp and lenin sitting in a tree s-n-a-c-k-i-n-g, first comes dingdongs, then comes the yoohoo's, here comes lenin talking about jews. * Stalin uNFS Lenin whatever, gay sex stdin: Lenin is gay. girls just don't have the right equipment <@Lenin> equipment for what exactly? i'm talking to stupid canadians right now they cut a hole in the bag, then pour it into a container canadians sure are dumb they do have milk cartons though usually printed in french on one side and english on the other