<@Diggty> how much radiation do you think the average colocation center puts out? <@snacky> um, what wavelengths of radiation do you have in mind: <@ibrlmp> ALL OF THEM <@snacky> https://media.giphy.com/media/sUNqplVFtsctW/giphy.gif <@ibrlmp> <@Diggty> well electromagnetic would be the obvious choice <@ibrlmp> why not banana radiation? <@ibrlmp> maybe the people in the colocation center like to eat a lot of bananas <@Diggty> But lets go with ibrlmp and say beta <@ibrlmp> and i hear bananas put out a LOT of radiation and that they are very bad for you among other reasons <@snacky> in my experience ,the extra radiation from bananas is disappointingly low. <@ibrlmp> we have heard different things, snacky <@Diggty> https://xkcd.com/radiation/ <@snacky> um, just a sec ibrlmp <@ibrlmp> xkcd is liberabl propaganda <@Diggty> ibrlmp: so a banana is .1uSv -!- ibrlmp is now known as lrpibm <@Diggty> I am glad ibrlmp is gone <@Diggty> that dude was one ignorant fuck <@Diggty> communist bananas and shit <@Diggty> lol wtf right? <@snacky> lrpibm: ok, explain this. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMqAyYvT-c-Ixc0xTIo2wTyXtf34zemDvhKUKsqFq8mVagd5BdAjCy42OhuQ_kbEg?key=MlRvLXNUd256Nm5WVnZuZFItMW1EdzMyOXZwYW9B <@snacky> fucking owned <@goughb> bananas are beta blockers <@snacky> shit, I forgot about that goughb