1:30 < xiphmont_> Vorbis still stands up nicely. Theora, OTOH, is a a bit embarrassing. 01:30 * dalias tries to be polite about theora.. 01:31 < xiphmont_> rather, it's a bit embarrassing until you look at the code, then it's alot embarrassing. 01:32 < xiphmont_> and that's 70% 'really fucking stupid encoder, really On2, be ashamed' and 40% 'format design flaws'. It's so bad it adds up to 110%. 01:32 < xiphmont_> I plan to help Theora limp along not too embarrassingly until it can be replaced for real-- possibly 2-4 years. 01:33 < xiphmont_> Theora is actually fixable tho. The amount of low-hanging fruit is staggering. 01:33 < xiphmont_> I mean, an entropy backend that results in *more* bits being written than went in? It's just... wow.