After you beat retinite, one of your characters will tell you to inform Fiona about your success in defeating the monsters in the cave. FIONA’S VILLA (600 AD) ---------------------- Now, get Robo if you don’t have him in your party. Go talk to Fiona and she will tell you that she wishes to live longer to see the seedlings grow. Robo will then volunteers to help Fiona. Allow him to help. When you return to the World Map, you’ll see Robo plowing the fields. You can’t wait for Robo for centuries so board the Epoch and go to 1000 AD. FIONA’S SHRINE (1000 AD) ------------------------ You’ll now see the House of Fiona turning into a Shrine. Enter it. You’ll see nuns inside. One of them sells powerful helmets. I suggest you go buy one if you have the money. After buying if necessary, head to the north and you’ll see the remains of Robo. Examine it. You will then be taken to an automatic camp scene. CAMP SCENE ---------- In this scene, your characters will talk about Lavos and the Time Gates. After the talking, one of your characters will suggest going to sleep. The screen will fade. When it shows up again, you’ll gain control of Lucca only. Go to the right and you’ll see a Red Gate. You’ll arrive at a very familiar place. LUCCA’S HOUSE ------------- Item/s: Green Dream Taban Suit Taban Helm After arriving at Lucca’s House, you can view the note on the floor. Now, head down the ladder. Below, enter the door to the north. You’ll see a note on the table. It contains the password for a machine Lucca’s Dad built. The password is Taban’s wife, Lara. Now exit this room and enter the other door, which is to the south. You’ll encounter a shocking sight. Lucca’s Mom got her skirt stuck on the conveyor belt. So, you have to enter the password. Go to the shining dot on the machine. Examine it and you will be asked the password. Press “A” button again so that the words “Enter Password” disappears (you can’t enter the password yet if that message window containing “Enter Password” is still open). Press ‘L’, ‘A’, ‘R’, ‘A’ buttons in order and the machine will stop. After that rescue scene, enter the red gate once more. You’ll meet Robo. Talk to him and you’ll be given an awesome Accessory, the Green Dream. It will revive the character to whom it is equipped if he/she ever dies. But it can only be used once. It’ll disappear after its first use. You’ll be automatically taken to the world map. Take a visit to Lucca’s House. Talk to Taban and he’ll give the ultimate defense armor and helmet of Lucca. The Taban Suit and Taban Helm. That ends the First Side Quest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIDE QUEST #2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- “A fugitive in the Middle Ages, Ozzie, maintains an evil hideout.” For this side quest, you have to go to Ozzie’s Fort in 600 AD. To make it easier to go there, because it is in a remote island, board the Epoch and go to Medina Village of 1000 AD. Fly to Medina Square. The Epoch should be right above Medina Square. Then, use the Epoch to head back to 600 AD. When you arrive at 600 AD, you’ll be right on top of Ozzie’s Fort. Disembark the Epoch and enter the Fort. Be sure to prepare your characters, you’ll know what I mean later. OZZIE’S FORT (600 AD) --------------------- Item/s: Full Ether Gloom Cape Dash Ring Gloom Helm Sight Cap 2 Magic Tabs Doom Sickle Upon entering, you’ll see Great Ozzie. Note that if you have Magus, there will be extra dialogue between them. Magus was their Master after all. Now head north, Ozzie will be there again and so is Flea as Flea Plus. You have to fight him.. err.. her.. whatever. Use the opposite strategy for Flea. For your convenience here it is. Boss: FLEA PLUS ############################################################################# HP: 3500 EXP: 2000 TP: 20 G: 2000 Charmed Item: none If you remember, when you fought Flea back at Magus’ Castle, you have to use physical attacks right? Well, now use your most powerful Magic Attacks. Use Crono’s Luminaire, if you have it, 3 times to beat Flea in a short period of time. ############################################################################# After you deal 3500 HP damage Flea will escape. Follow Flea to the north. In this room, you’ll see Ozzie. He’ll summon 2 monsters which, unfortunately, too bad for him because they fell on the conveyor belts that will bring them to their doom. Now, head north. Here, you’ll find Ozzie again and the come backing Super Slash. Boss: SUPER SLASH ############################################################################# HP: 2500 EXP: 2000 TP: 20 G: 2000 Charmed Item: none He’s so easy. Just use any Tech you want. I did a Fire Zone by Crono, Lucca, Robo, and he’s dead in one turn. ############################################################################# After beating Slash, head north. You’ll see a Blade controlled by Ozzie. Don’t get the chest yet. Afterwards, an Imp will come in and because of his stupidity, he fell for the trap. After Ozzie escapes, you’re free to get the Full Ether from the chest. You can also get Magus’ most powerful weapon, armor and helm in a secret room here, the Doom Sickle, Gloom Cape and Gloom Helm respectively. Here’s the diagram: (try to enter the area where the arrow is) Thanks to ~The Silent One~ ( for this info. ------------------------- | | | | | *| | -------------- | | ^ | | ^ | | ---------- There is also a Magic Tab where the asterisk (*) is. Thanks to Roberto Tisu for the info. After getting the equipments, check the Magic Tab to the right then exit this room and head north once more. Now, you’ll face all three, Ozzie, Slash and Flea, and they are hard to beat. Boss: GREAT OZZIE, FLEA PLUS, SUPER SLASH ############################################################################# HPs Great Ozzie: 5000 Flea Plus: 3750 Super Slash: 3750 EXP: 7500 TP: 80 G: 4000 Charmed Items: OzziePants (Ozzie), Flea Vest (Flea), Slasher 2 (Slash) They are hard to beat if they are complete, so beat Slash first because he is the one causing the most damage among the three. Also take note that they will counter attack with triple techs, namely Bat Impulse and Delta Force and I’m sure you don’t want that to happen. So, first, beat Slash using any attack, either physical or magical. Then, beat Flea. Then finally, beat Ozzie and don’t give him a chance. ############################################################################# After beating the Trio, get the chests for a Dash Ring and a Sight Cap. Now, head north. You’ll meet Ozzie at the end. He will be inside a protective barrier and you can never do any damage to it (with the exception of cheating). (You can Charm Ozzie once again for another OzziePants). So, attack the switch behind him. He will outsmart you by placing a trap below you. If you attack the switch you’ll fall down to the place where you fought the trio. So, head back to Ozzie. After the fight begins, a cat will come in and throws the switch to the trap that is below Ozzie. He will fall down and will never be seen again, ever. Now, head back out to the world map. Now, with Ozzie defeated, head to 1000 AD right away. When you arrive, go to the Forest Ruins again. The place with a blue pyramid. FOREST RUINS (1000 AD) ---------------------- Inside, head to the top and the pendant will glow. A Nu will appear and will give you one of the treasures of the Guru of Reason. The left chest contains a Safe Helm and the right chest contains a Swallow, which is a weapon for Crono. The Safe Helm is preferable as it will reduce the physical damage to you by 1/3. The Swallow is a strong weapon for Crono but there are other weapons that are stronger so you really do not need the weapon, go for the Helm. (Thanks to ~The Silent One~ for the info). Now, head back out to the world map. MEDINA VILLAGE (1000 AD) ------------------------ If you visit the houses in Medina Village, you’ll notice that the Mystics here are so peaceful. Because you beat Ozzie back in 600 AD, all the Mystics have changed for the good. If you visit the Market here, where you found the shop with outrageous prices, everything will have a 20% discount now! Humans and Mystics finally live together in peace. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIDE QUEST #3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- “There’s a task to be done in the future, where machinery originated.” For this side quest, you have to go to the future, 2300 AD, and visit a new place called Geno Dome. To reach Geno dome, here’s a strategy. Go to Porre Village in 1000 AD. Now, head all the way to the right until you see a new village, which is Choras. Now, travel to 2300 AD. You shall find the Geno Dome there. It looks like the Factory when you view it from the world map. Get Robo in your party and put him in the lead of your party then enter. GENO DOME (2300 AD) ------------------- Item/s: 2 Full Tonics MegaElixir Vigil Hat 50000G 15000G Terra Arm Speed Tab 2 Full Ethers Crisis Arm Elixir Power Tab Magic Tab 2x Lapis Hyper Ether Inside, have Robo examine the panel. The computer will welcome Robo, but not in a nice way. The door that leads to the exit will be sealed and there’s no turning back now. So, head to the room to the north. In this room, you’ll find a large conveyor belt. You’ll fight a sequence of enemies here. First are 2 Debuggests. Use Crono’s Lightning Magic to make short work of them. The next would be 2 Proto 4s. Followed by 4 Debuggests. Followed by 2 debuggests and 2 Proto 4s. Finally, 4 Debuggests and 2 Proto 4s! Whew, that was tough. Now, head north and enter the door. Just above the door, you’ll see a large terminal and a switch. Let’s call it Terminal 1 for the sake of the walkthrough. If you press the switch the terminal will open. So, press it. Robo can enter inside right? Now, you have to charge Robo to active the terminal so head left. You’ll see 2 debuggests. Beat them. Then, go up. You’ll see a Proto Robot that won’t allow you to go near the chest and the Poyozo doll. So, head right and go up once you see a path going north. Don’t go through the white door, we’ll go there later. Defeat the 3 Proto 4s you’ll find here. Then get the chest for a Full Tonic. Now, examine the computer to the right. It will give you information about the Doors and how to open them, how to change the direction of the conveyor belt on the right, the robot that guards the figurine or the Poyozo Doll and how to get rid of it, and finally it will tell you also about the importance of the 2 Poyozo Dolls found in this place. To the left of the computer is the terminal where you can charge Robo. Let’s call it the Charge Terminal for the sake of the walkthrough. Now, it will open after you beat the Proto 4s so, enter it and you will see Robo surrounded by sparks. Right after charging, head to Terminal 1 you saw earlier and put Robo inside. The door on the left will open up so that you can enter. Inside you find a chest with a Full Tonic and another chest for a whopping 50000G! After getting these, return to the Charge Terminal. Don’t charge Robo, instead, head left and enter the white door. You’ll see another terminal here. Let’s call it Terminal 2. It is closed right? So head north and beat the 4 Laser Guards. At the end, you’ll see 3 switches. There is a combination of the switches that will open up Terminal two. The code is, from left to right, the color of the switch should be Red, then Green, then Red. You will now be able to use Terminal 2. Now, head back to the Charge Terminal and charge up Robo. After charging Robo up, quickly run to Terminal 2. You’ll be able to enter the door to left of the terminal. So, go there and get that Poyozo Doll. There is also a Speed Tab here. Examine the green circle and you’ll get it. Now to get the other Doll, head back to Terminal 1 and go right. You’ll see a Debuggest but you don’t have to fight it, just go around it. Now, you can see a door, which leads to an elevator, a path to the north and a shining dot, which is the Dust Chute. The Dust Chute will lead back to the first room in Geno Dome. You can leave Geno Dome but you have to repeat everything again once you return back. So, head to the path to the north. Enter the white door there and get the Elixir and the Lapis. After getting them, you’ll have to fight 3 Proto 4s. Now head back and enter the room to the left of the Dust Chute. Use the elevator to go up. Above, you will finally find a Save Point. Restore your characters’ HP/MP then save. Now go back down again. I saved first to replenish my party’s HP/MP. Head to the north path and when you see the white door again, don’t enter it, instead, run up the conveyor belt. When you see a laser blocking your way to the right, head to the left and you’ll see Terminal 3. Push the switch to open it up. But, if charge up Robo, you won’t be able to activate Terminal 3 because Robo’s charge will disappear before you even reach the terminal because the conveyor belt is running down. So, to reverse the conveyor belt, use the elevator in the room to the left of the chute. When you reach the save point, head south. Beat the 2 Laser Guards then take the chest in the corner for a Lapis. Now, head west and you’ll see a door with lasers. Turn the switch to remove the lasers and get the chest inside for a MegaElixir, there is also a Tab (I don’t know what yet) in the lower right of this room. After getting the item, you can get a Magic Tab beside the door then ,leave this room and continue heading left. When you see a ladder, go down from it. After climbing down, keep on walking until you see a chest, which contains 15000G. After getting the chest, head north and enter the white door. You’ll reach a place with conveyor belts carrying humans! Your party wants to save them but even Robo can’t do anything. In this room, head all the way to the right and you’ll notice a door below. Head south and you’ll reach a place with a chest containing a Full Ether. Now, head back to the Save Point. Use it if necessary. Now, head to the white door. Right after you enter a red room, take the shining Power Tab in the right corner. Continue heading north to the next room. You’ll meet 2 Proto 4s and 2 Laser Guards. After beating them, head through the door to the north. You’ll arrive an elevator, which will take you to the right of the large conveyor belt near Terminal 3. In this place, you’ll see 2 green arrow to your left. One is pointing to the right, and the other points to the left. Walk to it and you’ll reach the other side of the conveyor belt. Now, you’ll notice a switch here. To activate it, walk/run south until your party stops then head right. You can now activate this switch, which is fortunately the switch to reverse the large conveyor belt. You can now charge up Robo and activate Terminal 3. Now, go left then north and then right to be back on the other side of the conveyor belt. Do not enter the white door to the elevator, instead, head south, beat the enemies and activate the switch to turn of the laser blocking the conveyor belt. This way, you don’t have to go through the elevators again to reach the charge terminal. Now, run down the conveyor belt and charge Robo at the charge terminal. Run as fast as you can to reach Terminal 3 to open the door to left gaining access to the second guard robot. But before guiding the Robot to the one, which is guarding the Poyozo Doll, get the 2 chests for a Hyper Ether and a Full Ether. Now, guide the Robot to the first robot that you saw earlier who guards a chest and the second Poyozo Doll. To do this just walk and let the robot follow you. It’s the same thing when you guided the cat to the girl back at Leene’s Square at the beginning of the game. When you successfully brought the 2 robots to face each other, they will short circuit and you can now get a Vigil Hat from the chest and the Poyozo doll. Having both of the 2 Poyozo dolls, you can now get to the Mother Brain. To go there, head back to the Save Point. Head south and go left. Robo will be shocked at what he will see. His friend, Atropos insists that you kill your friend but Robo is a good robot and won’t hurt good people. So, Robo will have to deal with Atropos Alone. Boss: ATROPOS ############################################################################# HP: 6000 EXP: - TP: - G: - Item: Ribbon Charmed Item: none With only Robo to fight her, you’ll only have a few attacks in your arsenal. The best way to beat Atropos is to have Robo use his most powerful Techs. If Robo runs low in HP, use healing items then continue attacking. She is not that hard and you can beat her on the first try. ############################################################################# After Robo beats Atropos, her ribbon will increase Robo’s speed by 3 and Magic Defense by 10! It’s time to pay a visit to that Mother Brain. Head to the left. You’ll see the ladder again, except now, don’t go down and continue moving left. Then head north and fight 6 Laser Guards. Head north once again and beat another batch of 6 Laser Guards. Now, put the Poyozo Dolls on the Green circles by examining them. The door in the middle will now open up. Go through it. You’ll meet the Mother Brain. It will still try to persuade Robo to come back but Robo’s artificial emotions won’t allow him. So, you have to deal with the Mother Brain once and for all. Boss: MOTHER BRAIN and 3 DISPLAYS ###############################################################: 40 G: 3000 Charmed Item: 3 Elixirs (Each Panel), Blue Mail (Mother Brain) Once the fight has started, quickly destroy the 3 displays behind the mother brain as it will give 1000+ HP to the Mother Brain. They are not hard at all. Just use a Level 2 Magic and the 3 displays will vanish. Then, as with other bosses, use your characters’ most powerful Techs to beat the Mother Brain in no time at all. ire protection, you can concentrate in finding the flame what will damage the Son of Sun instead of healing and keeping up the HPs of your characters. ############################################################################# After that battle, head all the way to the north and examine the Son of Sun. It will reveal the Moon Stone that you have to recharge to Guardia Castle 1000 AD, talk to Melchior and he will forge the Sun Stone into the Prism Specs and also most Powerful weapon Crono can use, the Rainbow. Otherwise, finish the Rainbow Shell Quest first. It’s now the end of this side quest! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIDE QUEST #5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- “There’s the ghost of a lofty knight, slain by Magus in the Middle Ages, who haunts the present.” For this side quest, you need to go to the Town of Choras in 600 AD, which is directly East of Porre. CHORAS VILLAGE (600 AD) ----------------------- Item: Toma’s Pop In this town you can now buy the Mid-ether from the market. After buying, if necessary, go to the Café, which is below the Inn. Talk to Toma here, he’s at the bar. Remember that you eavesdropped on him and the mayor of Porre way back? When you talk to him, you’ll get Toma’s Pop. He’ll tell you to pour it in his gravestone when you come back. After getting the item, talk to the man drinking in one of the tables. He’ll tell you that his tools were stolen. He needs the tools to repair the holes at the northern ruins, which is the goal of this side-quest. Now head back out to the world map. To get his tools, go to Choras in 1000 AD. CHORAS VILLAGE (1000 AD) ------------------------ Item: Tools In here, go to the Inn and talk to the man drinking there. He’ll tell you that you can get his tools from his wife. So go to the residence and talk to his wife. She will give you his tools. Now that you’ve got the tools head to 600 AD. CHORAS VILLAGE (600 AD) ----------------------- When you arrive at 600 AD, go to the Café and talk to the man again. He will accept the ools and head off to his residence. Head out to the world map again and go to the residence. Talk to the man and he’ll call his workers and heads off to the ruins. Leave the residene and head to the Northern Ruins at the North east of Choras. NORTHERN RUINS (600 AD) ----------------------- Upon entering, the man and his workers will tell you that they cannot contnue working because of the monsters. So, you have to cleanse the area first. There are two doors here. Take the left one first. Beat the Sentries here. Beware that when you beat a sentry, it will use grudge against you or use the dreaded MP Buster that will steal ALL MPs of a character. After beating ALL of the enemies here, head back to the entrance but don’t leave yet. Enter the door to the right. Beat all the skeletons you see here. After cleaning the area, head back to the residence. They will agree to fix the ruins for 2000G pay them and return to the ruins. Before returning back, take Frog with you. Upon entering, take the door to the left. You can now reach the grave of Cyrus. When you reach the grave, Cyrus will appear then a short dialogue will commence. After that, the Mato the Masamune blade so they merge again and thus a new and more powerful Masamune Blade is made. After this, leave the Ruins again and talk to the repairmen again and pay 2000 G. Now, ead to the ruins and use the right door right after you enter. You now have access to the places blocked by the holes before. Examine the 3 Sealed Chests here and DO NOT take the contents. Beware also of the Defunct and the Base, they are the worst enemies here in the ruins. If you can’t beat the defunct, the base will fuse with the defunct creating a departed, which do a very big amount of damage. Need I say more? They have a very high defense too. After examining the sealed chests, head back out to the world map and use the Epoch to go to 1000 AD. HERO’S GRAVE (1000 AD) ---------------------- Item/s: HypMagic Tab Power Tab Moon Armor or Nova Armor Shiva Edge or Kali Blade Valkerye or Siren Elixir Go to the Ruins, which is now named the Hero’s Grave. On the left side youd back to 600 AD and take the equipments again. You can get the Nova Armor, Kali Blade, and Siren. You can also get the Elixir and the Hyper Ether from the chests located inside Hero you got everything you have finished this quest! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIDE QUEST #6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- “There’s an object in the middle ages that sparkles like a rainbow.” For this side-quest, head to Choras Village in 600 AD which is directly to the east of Porre. CHORAS VILLAGE (600 AD) ----------------------- Go to the Café and talk to Toma at the bar. Remember that you’ve eavesdropped on him and the mayor of Porre way back? After talking to him, he’ll give you his Pop. He wants you to pour it on his grave when he dies. So, head back out to the world map and use the epoch to go to Choras in 1000 AD. CHORAS VILLAGE (1000 AD) ------------------------ Item: Speed Tab Go to the northwest of the village and you’ll see the West cape. Enter it. At the end, you’ll see the Grave of Toma Levine. Examine it to pour his pop. Toma will appear and will tn to 600 AD and head to the northwest of where Toma’s grave is supposed to be and you’ll find the Giant’s Claw. Take note of the Speed Tab behind the grave of Toma. GIANT’S CLAW (600 AD) --------------------- Item/s: Sight Cap Lapis 3 Power Tabs Frenzy Band Full Ether Blue Rock Zodiac Cape Upon entering, you’ll see Toma’s note. After mining and reading it, head south to the door. You’ll reach a very familiar room. Your character will recognize that this was the Tyrano Lair where you fought with Azala back in 65,00,000 BC. After the dialogue, continue heading south to the door. In this next area, you’ll find a chest and a door to the left and a ladder below. Examine the chest first. A Gigasaur ad 2 Leapers will appear. To beat them, and any other dinosaurs, use Crono’s Lightning magic to decrease their defenses then you are allowed to attack. After beating them, examine the chest again for a Sight Cap. Now, go down the ladder. Head to th door on the far right. You’ll reach a room with 3 switches and a skull. First, switch the one on the top to reveal a Save Point. Then, push the left switch among the 2 on the botom to open the floors. Then, push the right one and some monsters will fall down. Now, this maybe crazy but you have to jump down the hole too. Below, you’ll meet 2 Fossil Apes. Beator. Don’t push the right switch as it will only invite enemies. When you reach the next area, you’ll notice a shining dot on the right. To get it, head right and go down the ladder yo see. Then, head right and get the Power Tab. Now, head all the way to left past the ladder and get the chest for a Full Ether. Now, head up the ladder and go left. Move along until a Fossil Ape and 2 Leapers attack you. Beat them, then get the chest for the Blue Rock. Now, head south to the door. On the other side, head right until you see 2 ladders. Go down the one belw. Now, head all the way to the left to get a partially hidden chest that contains a Zodiac Cape. Then, head right a bit and go down the Ramp. You’ll see another ladder here. But before you go down that ladder. Head all the way to the rightto get yet another chest that contains a Lapis. Now head left and go down the ladder. You may be wondering why you did not use the long ladder on top. It’s because it lead you back towhere you came from. Let’s continue, after going down the ladder, head left and enter the door. In here, beat the enemies you see. Head north. You’ll see 2 skulls here. Enter the one on the left, taking note of the shining dot on the right side, then head up the ladder. In this area, there 2 enemies on both sides. Just activate the 2 switches here and the monsters will fall. There are 2 doors to the south. Enter the left one first and get the Frenzy Band inside. Head out and you’ll have to fight the 2 monsters. There’s no way you can ru’ll fall down. You’ll arrive in another familiar place, which is the jail for the Ioka Villagers. When you reach the door, head to the left first to get the shining dot back where the 2 skulls were which contains a Power Tab. Return back to where the jail is and head all the way to the right and go down the ladder. Finally, a Save Point. I suggest you use it because your characters maybe weak right now after all that fighting. After using the save point, head left and activate the switch beside the door. Head all the way to the north and you’ll meet a very familiar being. It’s Tyrano. Try to get past it, but it will stop and fight you as Rust Tyrano. Boss: RUST TYRANO ############################################################################# HP: 25000 EXP: 3800 TP: 40 G: 200 Charmed Item: Red Mail In the beginning of the fight, Tyrano will start counting down from 5. At this moment, use the most powerful Single Techs of your characters. Do not use Dual or ple Techs as its damage is lesser than each of the single techs combined. He’s so hard to beat at levels 30 below. ############################################################################ After beating Rust Tyrano, you can finally head north and get the rainbow shell. Your party will try to carry it but it’s too heavy so one of you suggests that you seek help from Guardia Castle. When you regain control of your characers, just walk/run south and the screen will fade. You’ll be taken automatically to the throne room of Guardia Castle. After the Kings orders the Knight Captain to get the shell, talk to everyone in the throne room then leave the castle. Outside, board the Epoch and go to 1000 AD. GUARDIA KINGDOM (1000 AD) ------------------------- Upon disembarking the Epoch, add Marle to your party, then enter the castle. GUARDIA CASTLE (1000 AD) ------------------------ Item/s: 3 Hyper Ethers 2 Elixirs 2x Lapis Yakra Key 3 Prism Helms or 1 Pris Dress Red Vest or Red Mail (Sealed Chest) Inside, Marle will be greet by a kind-hearted Chancellor. He’ll tell you about her Father and her Mother. Then, he asks you to visit your fll see 2 doors. The one on the left has 2 stairs. Take the stair leading up. On the way, take the chest for a Hyper Ether. The second one will be locked so continue moving. At the end, talk to the guards and Marle will blast her way through to the courtroom. You’ll see the chancellor frame the King. Marle will be taken away because of interrupting the trial. One of you will suggest finding the Rainbow Shell. So, head back o the 2 doors and take the right one. You’ll see that the guard is down and was attacked by the monsters. Head right then up, beat those pathetic monsters. One simple attack can kil ‘em. On the second batch on enemies, get 3 among the 5 chests for a Hyper Ether, an Elixir, and a Lapis. You can’t get the two because they are blocked. Continue heading north. t the end you’ll see the Rainbow Shell. Get the 3 chests here for a Hyper Ether, an Elixir, and a Lapis. You can’t get the others as they are blocked and you can’t reach them. Examne the Rainbow Shell and you’ll get a letter from Queen Leene. Marle then takes the Prism Shard as proof of the existence of the Rainbow Shell in the Castle. Go back to the Court Roor. Marle has something in her mind. In the courtroom, the King is charged guilty of selling the treasure. But Marle suddenly bursts in from behind and blew the chancellors plot. The chancellor has no other choice but to fight as the descendant of Yakra. He is Yakra XIII. Boss: YAKRA XIII ############################################################################# HP: 19000 EXP: 3500 TP: - G: 2000 Item: MegaElixir Charmed Itm: White Mail He is quite hard. He will attack with Chaos that will confuse your characters if they have no protection against status ailments. And, when you damaged him by 10000 hewill begin attacking you with much stronger attacks. All you have to do is to have Marle be the healer because she has a complete set of Curative Magic, then have the other 2 characters ttack Yakra with their most powerful Tech. Beware also because after you beat him he’ll unleash his final attack that damages all your characters by 200+. So keep your HPs above 300 much as possible. ############################################################################# After you beat Yakra, you’ll see a very touching scene between Marle and her Father.e shining dot that appeared. After that, you’ll be taken to the throne room when Melchior suddenly comes in. He will tell you that he will make equipments from the Rainbow Shell. But before going to the Rainbow shell, head to the courtroom fist and examine the shining dot. You’ll get the Yakra Key. On the way, you’ll see the Chest you bypassed a while ago. Examine it and the Yakra Key will be used to free the real chancel Now, head to the Rainbow Shell. Talk to Melchior and he will let you choose between 1 Prism Dress, which has Maximum Defense, and 3 less-effective Prism Helms. As for me, I chose the ism Dress as it has the Maximum Magic Defense for a female character. That’s the end of this side-quest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIE QUEST #7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- “One of you is close to someone who needs help, find this person… fast.” Error here. Sorry abut what I posted the last time. I told you that this was connected to Side Quest #6. But in fact, it isn’t. Side Quest 7 actually refers to Zeal, Magus’ mother and the Black Omen. Hre’s the guide on the Black Omen. It was formerly the Ocean Palace, which rose from the ground. You can find it floating in the time periods, 12,000 BC, 600 AD, and 1000 AD. To enter the Black Omen just fly the Epoch towards it. When, the name Back Omen appears, press Action. Note: If you try to enter the Black Omen in 2300 AD, the door will be locked. It is because Queen Zeal is already with Lavos in 1999 and is no longer insier Seal 30000 G 4 Speed Tabs Magic Seal White Rock 2 Elixirs Vigil Hat ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tips: Whbody is weak against Magic, but, the lower body will drain any magic attack you use on it. So, use Magic attacks on the upper part. Also, the upper part will drain 1000+ HP from the lower part. If you attack the Lower Part, it will counter with a Life Shaver that drops your character’s HP to 1! Here’s a strategy. Have Crono, Ayla and Marle in your party. Have Marleste on everyone. During this time, have Ayla charm the upper and the lower body first and Crono should use his Luminaire. The lower body will drain the Luminaire but it will be a very sow, After Marle finishes casting Haste on everyone, use Marle and Ayla’s Cube Toss on the upper body and continue using Crono’s Luminaire. After the upper body is gone, the lower body will also die. ############################################################# After beating Terra Mutant, get the chests for a MegaElixir and the White Rock. I suggest you go back and use the save point. Head all the way to the north and yooss: LAVOS SPAWN ############################################################################# HP: 10000 EXP: 2450 TP: ? G: 2500 Charmed Item: Haste Helm (Head), Safe Helm (Shell) that the Spawns at Death Peak. He has much more powerful attacks that the 3 Lavos spawns at Death Peak combined! Just use Single Techs that affect one enemy on the head. Whatever you do, the shell. It will counter with a powerful attack against all your characters. Just attack the head and you’ll be safe. ############################################################### After you beat the spawn, continue heading north. You’ll arrive in a place where there are 5 Panels, after you beat them, a save point and a door will appear. Use the save point first. Head north and you’ll meet.. Boss: QUEEN ZEAL ################################################################ HP: 13000 EXP: - TP: - G: - Item: MegaElixir Charmed Item: MegaElixir Her first attack, the Hallation, will drop all your characts. So, use Magic attacks. It will increase the attack power of the Mammon machine but you can deal a decent amount of damage instead of using physical attacks until it will be useless aga####################################################################### After you beat the Mammon machine you’ll be taken to yet another battle. This time, it’s serious. Boss: ZEA########################################################## HP: 20000 EXP: - TP: - G: - Charmed Item: Prism Dress (Left Hand), Prism Helm (Right Hand), MegaElixir (Headough! If you use magic on the hands, it will counter attack with MP Buster, which will reduce your MP to 0, and the Life Shaver, which will reduce your HP to 1. So, make sure 2 of youre efficient at healing. To beat her easier, attack only the head with Single Techs that affect one enemy only. This way, the hands won’t be able to counter attack. She does Hallation########################################################################### Right after the fight, again, you’ll see Lavos himself. You have to fight him at once as this is the beginning of the End. For the strategy, refer to the Lavos stra Side Quest #1. That’s it for the 7 Side Quests. Final Boss: LAVOS ############################################################################# When you fight Lavos for the first time in the game he will copy the abilities of previous bosses you’ve met in the game. Also, you’ll be allowed to restore your party’s HP/MP after each boss he mimics. Here are the bosses he will mimic. Note that everything is copied, including the HP, attack, defense, and abilities of the boss. Dragon Tank w/ head and grinder Guardian w/ 2 bits Heckran Zombor -both upper and lower body Masa and Mune joined Nizbel Magus Tyrano w/ Azala Giga Gaia w/ both hands After beating his mimic of Giga Gaia, you’ll now have to fight Lavos himself. Just use your character’s most powerful Techs. I.e. Crono’s Luminaire, Ayla’s Triple Kick, etc. it has 10,000 HPs. After beating Lavos, its head will disappear and you will enter its shell. You’ll see a gate which lead back to the end of time and a save point. If you wish to fight Lavos, don’t hesitate to use a shelter. If you don’t want to fight him yet, use the gate to return back to the end of time to prepare your characters and explore the world! **Inside Lavos** Continue moving north and you’ll see the real Lavos. It has 2 hands that will deal the worst damage you’ve ever seen so use a Tech that will attack both hands at the same time. First form: Right Hand HP: 9000 Left Hand HP: 8000 Body: 20000 To beat him, try to destroy the right hand first as it will restore the HP of the body. Then head for the left arm. When the body is the only one left, use your party members’ most powerful attacks/techs. **True form** Right Bit: 35000 Left Bit: 2000 Body: 3000 All you have to do here is to use physical attacks/techs on the left bit. Then, attack the right bit to lower its defense. Once the defense is lowered, use a powerful attack/magic that will damage both Lavos and the bit. Once the left bit and Lavos dies, the right bit has the ability to revive them. So, the real thing to do here is to beat up the right bit. If you did kill the right bit first, both bits will die including Lavos himself and you have finished the game! New Strategy by: Jeffrey Chang ------------------------------ There was just one thing that kept bothering me, because I had to fight Lavos so many times, with lots of different combinations of characters, before I gave up, leveled to the mid-fifties, and beat him a few times in a row to see the different endings. The right arm of the first Lavos has an HP of about 12,000, not 9,000, and the body of the second Lavos has an HP of 10,000. And the first time I read the section about beating the second form, I kept trying to lower the right bit's defense by attacking it right after beating the left bit, but that didn't work very well, since all the attacks are done by the body. It works best if you just do multiple-enemy techs after you kill the left bit, so defense is continuously lowered while you kill the body. With an HP of 10,000, the body takes quite a while to destroy anyway, so you might as well start off doing damage to both.