============================================================================== FFX - Item Database ============================================================================== Created By: KADFC (Fabian Chang) Created On: August 23, 2006 at 9:23 PM Pacific Time Copyright KADFC 2006 2007 2008 Version 2.60 First Version Submitted On: August 26, 2006 at 3:11 PM Current Version Submitted On: January 21, 2008 at 5:30 PM Can only be posted on Gamefaqs.com (But can be linked by any other site, as long as they give credit.) Version 1.00 The original stuff: - O'aka's Prices - Item Database - Missable Items List - End Game Tedious List Version 1.40 - Addons to many items, customization wise (mistakes) - Checklist - Customization Translation - Fixed many typos Version 1.60 - Bribe Rate addon to Item Database - Aeon Ability Translation - Fixed a ton of errors - Item Menu on Auto Sort Version 2.00 - Finish Aeon Ability Translation - Fixed a few errors - Recreated End Game Tedious List - Mix Quickness - Quick Find Tags - Sphere List by Area - Item Selling Guide - Reformatted all sections - Key Item Analysis Version 2.05 - Corrected a few errors and addons suggested by Gangstal Version 2.10 - A few corrections - Extention for the mechanics of Steal (Gangstal) Version 2.50 - The word Chest... - Gamefaqs Copy/Paste Section Version 2.60 - Added 8x Lighting Marbles in Guadosalam/Farplane - Fortune Sphere in Gagazet (Credits goes to the FFX Gamefaqs Board) -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# TABLE OF CONTENT -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# A. INTRODUCTION B. O'aka's Prices @OP C. Item Database (A-B-C-.etc...) @IB D. C H E C K L I S T @CL E. Sphere List by Area @SL F. Item Menu on Auto Sort @AUTO Item Selling Guide @SELL Key Item Analysis @KIA G. Missable Items List @MI H. End Game Tedious List @ET I. Customization Translation @CT J. Aeon Ability Translation @AT K. Mix Quickness @MQ L. Gamefaqs Copy/Paste @P L. Credit (Ctrl + F + Tag) -A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A INTRODUCTION -A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A This listing was created because I found it too tedious to constantly switch from one FAQ to another just to get my answer. The current Item List posted right now has flaws and haven't been updated, so that's why I created this. Basically, this FAQ/Listing is using Split's guide, extracting it's data so that it can be more useful and user friendly. Split's guide isn't enough, so I did have to use other FAQs as well. Unlike the one created by AZn2th3N, most of the listings in this FAQ can't be directly posted to help board members out. However, if you decide to do so, please use my special section purposely made for that reason. It has enough '.' for the spacing on gamefaq's message board. It's the L section, which is right before the credit section. This List will contain Spoilers. All names will be listed that are relevant to the item. This FAQ *will* include Spoilers. Optional bosses from the International/PAL version (Dark Anima, etc...) will be included in this, but the bribe rates will be based on the NA version. Buy, Steal, Drop, and Found will be based on the storyline - chronologically Airship (FC) = Airship Fully Controlled; near the end of the game. I will use FC to state that you need the Airship CotSF = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. Between Calm Lands and Gagazet. AKA Sunken Cave/Yojimbo's Interesting Facts: 1. There are 112 items that can be obtained, not including Key Items. 2. I, J, K, N, O, Q, V, Y, Z = No item has this as their first letter. 3. There are 129 monsters that you can bribe. 4. Attribute Sphere (is the only item) can only be obtained through bribing. 5. There's only 1 place to buy Remedy and Clear Sphere. 6. Attribute Sphere is the hardest item to get 99 of. 7. Selling items is 1/4th of the buying price. 8. If you maxed and your inventory (99 of every item) and sold it all, you would get back 6,174,333 Gil. -B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B O'AKA'S PRICES @OP -B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B O'aka is a merchant in the game. There are 3 points in the game in which case his prices change depending on how much gil you donated to him. There are 4 points in the game in which case you can donate to him : 1. S.S. Liki 2. S.S. Winno 3. Luca 4. Mi'ihen Old Road Results will vary depending how much you donated or didn't donate at all. It's wise to donate at least 101 gil. These changes will be applied to items, as well as weapons sold. .-----------------------------------------. | Donated Gil | O'aka's Price Change | .-----------------.-----------------------. | 0 - 100 | Original Price x 200% | | 101 - 1,000 | Original Price x 150% | | 1,001 - 10,000 | Original Price x 120% | | 10,001 + ...... | Original Price x 70% | |-----------------------------------------| Example: Normally, a Potion sold by O'aka would be sold for 50 gil. If you donated 0 or 10 gil, it would cost 100 gil. (50 x 2.0) If you donated 101 or 666 gil, it would cost 75 gil. (50 x 1.5) If you donated 1,001 or 6,969 gil, it would sold for 60 gil. (50 x 1.2) If you donated 10,001 or 33,333 gil (or more), it would sell for 35 gil (50 x 0.7) ( 35 - 60 - 75 - 100 ) The 3 points in the game in which his prices alternate due to this are: 1. Mushroom Rock - Entrance: Next to Clasko 2. Mushroom Rock - Head Quarters: Near Save Sphere 3. Mushroom Rock - Aftermath. Note: If you know that you aren't going to buy anything from him during these 3 points, don't donate anything to him. Later on in the game, you'll encounter O'aka in Macalania Woods (just near Lake Macalania aka Snow Field). When you first talk to him, don't buy anything. He'll ask you about his prices, tell him "It's too pricy." Then he'll lower all his prices by 25% -C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C ITEM DATABASE @IB -C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C I know there are many different ways to spell certain items, since this is what I'm getting when looking at other FAQs. So I decided to use the game's way of listing items (to a certain extent). The Level Key Spheres are spelled fully. So is Magic Defense. In any case... here's a list of how I spell them. To use Quick Find, have "+" then a space, and then the items name. The items are listed alphabetically. 1. Ability Distiller 57. Mana Distiller 2. Ability Sphere 58. Magic Sphere 3. Accuracy Sphere 59. Magic Defense Sphere 4. Agility Sphere 60. Mana Sphere 5. Al Bhed Potion 61. Mana Spring 6. Amulet 62. Mana Tablet 7. Antarctic Wind 63. Mana Tonic 8. Antidote 64. Map 9. Arctic Wind 65. Master Sphere 10. Attribute Sphere 66. Megalixir 11. Black Magic Sphere 67. Mega Phoenix 12. Blessed Gem 68. Mega-Potion 13. Bomb Core 69. MP Sphere 14. Bomb Fragment 70. Musk 15. Candle of Life 71. Pendulum 16. Chocobo Feather 72. Petrify Grenade 17. Chocobo Wing 73. Phoenix Down 18. Clear Sphere 74. Poison Fang 19. Dark Matter 75. Potion 20. Defense Sphere 76. Power Distiller 21. Designer Wallet 77. Power Sphere 22. Door to Tomorrow 78. Purifying Salt 23. Dragon Scale 79. Remedy 24. Dream Powder 80. Rename Card 25. Echo Screen 81. Return Sphere 26. Electro Marble 82. Shadow Gem 27. Elixir 83. Shining Gem 28. Ether 84. Shining Thorn 29. Evasion Sphere 85. Silence Grenade 30. Eye Drops 86. Silver Hourglass 31. Farplane Shadow 87. Skill Sphere 32. Farplane Wind 88. Sleeping Powder 33. Fire Gem 89. Smoke Bomb 34. Fish Scale 90. Soft 35. Fortune Sphere 91. Soul Spring 36. Frag Grenade 92. Special Sphere 37. Friend Sphere 93. Speed Distiller 38. Gambler's Spirit 94. Speed Sphere 39. Gold Hourglass 95. Stamina Spring 40. Grenade 96. Stamina Tablet 41. Healing Spring 97. Stamina Tonic 42. Healing Water 98. Star Curtain 43. Hi-Potion 99. Strength Sphere 44. Holy Water 100. Supreme Gem 45. HP Sphere 101. Teleport Sphere 46. Hypello Potion 102. Tetra Elemental 47. Ice Gem 103. Three Stars 48. Level 1 Key Sphere 104. Turbo Ether 49. Level 2 Key Sphere 105. Twin Stars 50. Level 3 Key Sphere 106. Underdog's Secret 51. Level 4 Key Sphere 107. Warp Sphere 52. Light Curtain 108. Water Gem 53. Lightning Gem 109. White Magic Sphere 54. Lightning Marble 110. Wings to Discovery 55. Luck Sphere 111. Winning Formula 56. Lunar Curtain 112. X-Potion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITEM DATA BASE FORMAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + (Name of Item) 1. (Lists the number of things that this item can do in the game. However, Mix options is not listed since there are too many combinations one can list. Besides, another FAQ explains it better.) 2. Customization: (if any) - # (Item) 3. Aeon Ability: (if any) - # (Item) *. Any other notes/properties Buy: (Where the item can be bought. Generally, it lists the name relevant to where it is bought. Followed by how much it sells for. Note: There are a few exceptions.) Sell: (How much it can be sold for) Steal: (Whom this item can be stolen from) C = Common Steal, R = Rare Steal (Name of enemy that has it) - C,R = (Location of Enemy) *Note: The chance of a successful Steal is halved after each successful Steal, starting at 1: Probability: P(Steal) = (1/2)^n (n being the number of successful Steals on that target). The unaltered chance of a Common Steal is 3/4 of the successful chance. The chance of a Rare Steal is 1/4 of the successful chance. # of Successful Steal | Common | Rare ----------------------.--------.--------. 0 | 3/4 | 1/4 | 1 | 3/8 | 1/8 | 2 | 3/16 | 1/16 | 3 | 3/32 | 1/32 | 4 | 3/64 | 1/64 | 5 | 3/128 | 1/128 | 6 | 3/256 | 1/256 | 7 | 3/512 | 1/512 | 8 | 3/1024 | 1/1024 | When equipped with Pickpocket, both C and R chances are half that of a successful Steal. # of Successful Steal | Common | Rare ----------------------.--------.--------. 0 | 1/2 | 1/2 | 1 | 1/4 | 1/4 | 2 | 1/8 | 1/8 | 3 | 1/16 | 1/16 | 4 | 1/32 | 1/32 | 5 | 1/64 | 1/64 | 6 | 1/128 | 1/128 | 7 | 1/256 | 1/256 | 8 | 1/512 | 1/512 | When equipped with Master Thief, every successful Steal is Rare # of Successful Steal | Common | Rare ----------------------.--------.--------. 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1/2 | 2 | 0 | 1/4 | 3 | 0 | 1/8 | 4 | 0 | 1/16 | 5 | 0 | 1/32 | 6 | 0 | 1/64 | 7 | 0 | 1/128 | 8 | 0 | 1/256 | Another way to say it: Chances of successfully Stealing are determined independently for each enemy. The first time you Steal it's guaranteed to succeed, after that the chances are halved after each successful Steal. Example: Tidus Steals from Fiend1, 100% chance. Wakka Steals from Fiend1, 50% chance. Assume he fails. Tidus Steals from Fiend1, 50% chance. Wakka Steals from Fiend2, 100% chance. If a Steal is successful: You have a 75% chance of a Common Steal and a 25% chance of a Rare Steal. Pickpocket changes the above odds to 50% each, and Master Thief changes them to 0% and 100% respectively (guaranteeing successful Steals to be Rare). Drop: (Whom drops this item) D = Drop, O = Overkill Drop, R = Rare Drop, E = Overkill Rare Drop (Name of enemy that has it) - D,O;R,E = (Location of Enemy) *Note: Common Drop = 7/8 or 87.5% or 7 out of 8 times Rare Drop = 1/8 or 12.5% or 1 out of 8 times Bribe: (Whom this item can be bribed (ability) from) # = Average number of items from each bribe $ = Number of Gil needed for each bribe R = $/#; cost of one from this bribe (Bribable enemy) - # ($ Gil) = Location of enemy (R) *Note: This only applies for the NA Version. To get the International/PAL numbers divide # and $ by 2. Also note that the $ is based on x20 the monster's MAX HP, which only gives a success rate of 75% To get 100% success rate, it needs to be monster's Max HP x25. So in other words, take my numbers and multiply it by 1.25 or 125% Found: (Where the items can be found. Usually it's in Chests. I'm starting to wonder if I should just state this here and not repeat 'Chest' throughout the list. Too late now.) Other: (These are the other ways to obtain this item. There's a wide range of them so I've listed all that I could find. Hopefully, that's all of the methods possible.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Ability Distiller 1. Forces enemy to drop Ability Spheres. 2. Use it on Kottos/Fafnir to make them drop 20 Ability Spheres. Overkill them to get 40 Abiility Spheres. 3. Same abilities as Distill Ability (Weapon) & Extract Ability (Ability) Buy: Rin's Item Shop = Airship (110 Gil) Chest's Shop = Via Purifico (100 Gil) O'aka on Highbridge (100 Gil) Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (100 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop (100 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop (100 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet (100 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet (100 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) (100 Gil) Besaid Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Luca Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Luca Square Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Djose Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (FC) (150 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) (100 Gil) Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania (100 Gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania (100 Gil) Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Ability Sphere 1. Activates Ability nodes on Sphere Grid 2. Customization: Sensor: 2 Ability Sphere Distill Ability: 2 Ability Sphere 3. Aeon Ability: Extract Ability: 20 Ability Sphere Scan: 10 Ability Sphere Buy: N/A Steal: N/A Drop: Klikk - 1,2;2,4 = Baaj Temple Piranha - ;1,2 = Submerged Ruins Echuilles - 2,4;2,4 = S.S. Liki Geneaux's Tentacle - 1,2;1,2 = Kilika Dual Horn - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad, Home Basilisk - 1,2;2,4 = Djose Larva - 1,2;1,2 = Thunder Plains Xiphos - 1,2;2,4 = Macalania Chimera - 1,2;2,4 = Macalania, Home Anima - 1,2;1,2 = Macalania Temple Sand Worm - 2,4; = Bikanel Island Guado Guardian - 1,2;1,2 = Home Warrior Monk - 1,2;1,2 = Bevelle, Via Purifico, Highbridge Maze Larva - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico Chimera Brain - 1,2;2,4 = Calm Lands Epaaj - 1,2;2,4 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Valaha - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Grendel - 1,2;2,4 = Gagazet Fallen Monk - 1,2;1,2 = Zanarkand Ruins Sell: 1 Gil Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 4 = Djose Temple - Behind Shop Other: Prize - 5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place Kottos/Fafnir may drop 20/40 Ability Spheres when Ability Distiller is used on them, but it's only a Common Drop (7/8). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Accuracy Sphere 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into ACC +4 Buy: N/A Steal: N/A Sell: 1 Gil Drop: Hornet - 1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of Each: Killer Bee, Bite Bug, Wasp, Nebiros Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Kilika Temple (FC) Chest - 1 = Macalania Temple (FC) Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Agility Sphere 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into AGL +4 Buy: N/A Steal: N/A Sell: 1 Gil Drop: Fenrir - 1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of Each: Dingo, Mi'ihen Fang, Garm, Snow Wolf, Sand Wolf, Skoll, Bandersnatch Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Kilika Temple (FC) Chest - 1 = Djose Temple (FC) Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Al Bhed Potion 1. Restores 1000 HP to Party & Removes Poison / Silence / Petrify 2. Deals 1000 damage to Zombies Buy: Rin's Item Shop = Airship FC (1000 Gil) Sell: 250 Gil Steal: Mech Gunner - 1,2 = Bikanel Island Mech Hunter - 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Mech Defender - 2,3 = Gagazet Drop: Alcyone - 1,2;1,2 = Bikanel Island Mushussu - 1,2;1,2 = Bikanel Island Sand Wolf - 1,2;1,2 = Bikanel Island Sandragora - 2,4;2,4 = Bikanel Island Zuu - 2,4;2,4 = Bikanel Island Bribe: Mech Gunner - 40 ( 56,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island (1,400) Mech Hunter - 60 (110,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island (1,833) Mech Defender - 99 (174,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island (1,757) Found: Chest - 8 = Sanubia Desert Chest - 8 = Sanubia Desert Chest - 8 = Sanubia Desert Chest - 4 = Home - Main Corridor Chest - 6 = Home Other: Gift - 4 = Airship by Al Bheds - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Amulet 1. Mix Item 2. Customization: Pickpocket: 30 Amulet Buy: N/A Sell: 3,450 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Stratoavis - 2,4;2,4 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Besaid Island Bribe: Tonberry - 2 (270,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (135,000) Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Antarctic Wind 1. Hits one target with 600 ice elemental damage 2. Customization: Icestrike: 4 Antarctic Wind Ice Ward: 4 Antarctic Wind 3. Aeon Ability: Blizzard: 1 Antarctic Wind NulFrost: 2 Antarctic Wind Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Snow Flan - 2,2 = Djose Highroad White Element - 1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Antidote 1. Removes Poison from one target 2. Customization: Poisontouch: 99 Antidote Poison Ward: 40 Antidote Buy: Besaid Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka on S.S. Winno ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Luca ( 50 Gil) Luca Item Shop - After Auron - ( 50 Gil) Luca Square - After Auron - ( 50 Gil) Rin's Highroad Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka on the Oldroad ( 50 Gil) O'aka Mushroom Rock (Clasko) (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* Djose Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka at South Moonflow ( 50 Gil) Man at South Moonflow (100 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow ( 75 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (100 Gil) O'aka at North Moonflow ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Guadosalam ( 50 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop ( 75 Gil) Thunder Plains ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Woods ( 75 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Lake ( 75 Gil) Macalania Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Temple ( 75 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Escape ( 75 Gil) Rin's Item Shop = Airship ( 55 Gil) Chest's Shop = Via Purifico ( 50 Gil) O'aka on Highbridge ( 50 Gil) Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands ( 50 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet ( 50 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet ( 50 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) ( 50 Gil) Besaid Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Luca Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Luca Square Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Djose Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Man at South Moonflow (FC) ( 60 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow (FC) ( 50 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)( 57 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (FC) ( 75 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) ( 50 gil) Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania ( 50 gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: Killer Bee - 1; = Kilika Ragora - 1; = Kilika Bite Bug - 1; = Djose Highroad Grat - 4; = Gagazet Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 2 = Besaid - Beach Chest - 2 = Besaid - Valley Chest - 4 = Moonflow - North Bank Other: Gift - 4 = Kilika Woods Prize - 5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place Prize - 4 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 2nd Place Gift - 2 = Highroad - South End Gift - 4 = Highroad - Central - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Arctic Wind 1. Hits one target with 1000 ice elemental damage 2. Customization: SOS NulFrost: 1 Arctic Wind Iceproof: 8 Arctic Wind 3. Aeon Ability: Blizzara: 2 Arctic Wind Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Chimera - 1, = Macalania Ice Flan - 1,2 = Macalania Lake Chimera - 3, = Home Drop: N/A Bribe: White Element - 7 ( 7,800 Gil) = Highroad (1,114) Snow Flan - 10 (12,000 Gil) = Djose (1,200) Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Attribute Sphere 1. Activates Attribute node already activated by ally Attribute = Str +4, Eva +1, Luck +4, etc... Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: Maelspike - 1 (200,000 Gil) = Gagazet (200,000) Found: N/A Other: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Black Magic Sphere 1. Activates Black Magic node already activated by ally Black Magic = Fira, Ultima, Osmose, etc... Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Seymour - 1,2; , = Macalania Temple Evrae - 1,2;1,2 = Airship Evrae Atlana - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico Bribe: Black Element - 2 (152,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins (76,000) Found: Chest - 1 = Via Purifico Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Blessed Gem 1. Hits one target with 7500 holy elemental damage 2. Customization: Defense +20%: 4 Blessed Gem Mag Defense +20%: 4 Blessed Gem 3. Aeon Ability: Holy: 60 Blessed Gem Buy: N/A Sell: 125 Gil Steal: Barbatos - ,1 = Inside Sin Coeurlregina - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of Each fiend from Mushroom Road One-Eye - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of Each: Floating Eye, Buer, Evil Eye, Ahriman, Floating Death Drop: Cactuar King - 3,6; , = Monster Arena - Capture at least one of each fiend from Thunder plains Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Minigame - Bikanel: One of the Chests when playing with Robeya - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Bomb Core 1. Hits one target with 1000 fire elemental damage 2. Customization: SOS NulBlaze: 1 Bomb Core Fireproof: 8 Bomb Core 3. Aeon Ability: Fira: 2 Bomb Core Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Bomb - 2,3 = Home Drop: N/A Bribe: Bomb - 16 (17,000 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad (1,062) Red Element - 8 ( 9,000 Gil) = Mushroom Rock (1,125) Found: N/A Other: Chest (??? stoled by Rikku) - 1 = Moonflow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Bomb Fragment 1. Hits one target with 600 fire elemental damage 2. Customization: Firestrike: 4 Bomb Fragment Fire Ward: 4 Bomb Fragment 3. Aeon Ability: Fire: 1 Bomb Fragment NulBlaze: 2 Bomb Fragment Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Bomb - 2,3 = Mi'ihen Highroad Red Element - 1,2 = Mushroom Rock Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Candle of Life 1. Inflicts Doom on one target 2. Customization: Zombiestrike: 30 Candle of Life Zombieproof: 10 Candle of Life Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Fallen Monk (both) - 2, = Zandarkand Ruins Don Tonberry - 2, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Pteryx - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of Each: Condor, Simurgh, Alcyone Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Coerlregina - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mushroom Road - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Chocobo Feather 1. Gives one target Haste status 2. Customization: Initiative: 6 Chocobo Feather SOS Haste: 20 Chocobo Feather 3. Aeon Ability: Haste: 10 Chocobo Feather Buy: N/A Sell: 40 Gil Steal: Qactuar - 1,1 = Thunder Plains Cactuar - 1, = Bikanel Island Fenrir - 2, = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of Each: Dingo, Mi'ihen Fang, Garm, Snow Wolf, Sand Wolf, Skoll, Bandersnatch Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 10 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Ixion (1-timer) Prize - 99 = Unlock Fenrir - Capture 3 of Each: Dingo, Mi'ihen Fang, Garm, Snow Wolf, Sand Wolf, Skoll, Bandersnatch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Chocobo Wing 1. Gives target party Haste status 2. Customization: Auto-Haste: 80 Chocobo Wing 3. Aeon Ability: Hastega: 16 Chocobo Wing Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Cactuar - ,1 = Bikanel Island Cactuar King - 2, = Monster Arena - Capture at least one of each fiend from Thunder plains Fenrir - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Dingo, Mi'ihen Fang, Garm, Snow Wolf, Sand Wolf, Skoll, Bandersnatch Ornitholestes - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Dinonix, Ipiria, Raptor, Melusine, Iguion, Yowie, Zaurus Drop: N/A Bribe: Machea - 60 (360,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins (6,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Cactuar King - Capture 1 of each fiend from Thunder Plains - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Clear Sphere 1. Removes nodes from Sphere Grid. Except for Ability, White Magic, Black Magic, and Skill nodes. Buy: Monster Arena Item Shop (10,000 Gil) - To enable this option, Unlock Ultima Buster - Capture 5 of each fiend Sell: 2,500 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Dark Matter 1. Hits target party with 13000 non-elemental damage 2. Customization: Break Damage Limit: 60 Dark Matter Ribbon: 99 Dark Matter 3. Aeon Ability: Full Break: 2 Dark Matter Buy: N/A Sell: 7,500 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Stravtavis - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Besaid Marlboro Manace - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Kilika Kottos - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mi'ihen Highroad Coerlregina - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mushroom Rock Jormungand - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Djose Highroad Cactuar King - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Thunder Plains Espada - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Macalania Abyss Worm - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Bikanel Island Chimerageist - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Calm Lands Don Tonberry - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Catoblepas - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Gagazet Abaddon - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Inside Sin Vorban - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Omega Ruins Fenrir - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Dingo, Mi'ihen Fang, Garm, Snow Wolf, Sand Wolf, Skoll, Bandersnatch Ornitholestes - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Dinonix, Ipiria, Raptor, Melusine, Iguion, Yowie, Zaurus Pteryx - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Condor, Simurgh, Alcyone Hornet - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Killer Bee, Bite Bug, Wasp, Nebiros Vidatu - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Gandarewa, Aerouge, Imp One Eye - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Floating Eye, Buer, Evil Eye, Ahriman, Floating Death Jumbo Flan - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Water Flan, Thunder Flan, Snow Flan, Ice Flan, Flame Flan, Dark Flan Nega Elemental - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Yellow Element, White Element, Red Element, Gold Element, Blue Element, Dark Element, Black Element Tanket - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Ralso, Bunyip, Murussu, Mafdet, Shred, Halma Fafnir - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Vouivre, Lamashtu, Kusariqqu, Mushussu, Nidhogg Sleep Sprout - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Funguar, Thorn, Exoray Bomb King - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros Juggernaut - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Dual Horn, Valaha, Grendel Ironclad - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 10 of each: Iron Giant, Gemini A, Gemini B Earth Eater - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Unlock 2 Area Creations Greater Sphere - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Unlock 2 Species Creations Catastrophe - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Unlock 6 Area Creations Th'uban - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Unlock 6 Species Creations Neslug - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Unlock All Area Creations Ultima Buster - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each Fiend Shinryu - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 2 of each: Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike Nemesis - , ;1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 10 of each fiend and Defeat All Monster Creations Dark Anima - 1,2; , = Gagazet Dark Bahamut - 1,2; , = Zandarkand Ruins Dark Cindy - 1,2; , = Mushroom Rock Dark Ifrit - 1,2; , = Sanubia Desert Dark Ixion - 1,2; , = Thunder Plains Dark Mindy - 1,2; , = Mushroom Rock Dark Sandy - 1,2; , = Mushroom Rock Dark Shiva - 1,2; , = Macalania Temple Dark Valefor - 1,2; , = Besaid Village Dark Yojimbo - 1,2; , = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Penance (Arms) - 1,1; , = Penance Bribe: Land Worm - 2 (1,600,000 Gil) = I. Sin - Point of No Return (800,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place Prize - 99 = Unlock Ultima Buster - Capture 5 of each Fiend - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Defense Sphere 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into DEF +4 Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Tanket - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Ralso, Bunyip, Murussu, Mafdet, Shred, Halma Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Inside Sin Chest - 1 = Kilika Temple (AC) Chest - 1 = Remiem Temple Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Designer Wallet 1. Mix Item 2. Customization: Gillionaire: 30 Designer Wallet Buy: N/A Sell: 200 Gil Steal: Cactuar King - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Thunder Plains Don Tonberry - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: Catastrophe - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Unlock 6 Area Creations Bribe: Defender Z - 5 (846,000 Gil) = Zandarkand Ruins (169,200) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 - Unlock Vorban - Capture 1 of each fiend from Omega Ruins - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Door to Tomorrow 1. Mix Item 2. Customization: Overdrive -> AP: 10 Door to Tomorrow Buy: N/A Sell: 2,000 Gil Steal: Ultima Weapon - 10,20 = Omega Ruins Drop: Bomb King - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros Bribe: Mech Scouter - 1 (55,000 Gil) = Calm Lands (55,000) Mech Leader - 2 (74,000 Gil) = Gagazet (37,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 - Unlock Catastrophe - Unlock 6 Area Creations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Dragon Scale 1. Hits one target with 1000 water elemental damage 2. Customization: SOS NulTide: 1 Dragon Scale Waterproof: 8 Dragon Scale 3. Aeon Ability: Watera: 2 Dragon Scale Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Water Flan - ,2 = Besaid Island Aqua Flan - ,2 = Via Purifico Maze Larva - ,2 = Via Purifico Sahagin - ,2 = Via Purifico Sahagin - ,1 = Via Purifico Octopus - 2, = Via Purifico Phlegyas - 2, = Via Purifico Remora - 1,2 = Via Purifico Drop: N/A Bribe: Splasher (x1) - 4 ( 4,000 Gil) = Gagazet (1,000) Splasher (x2) - 8 ( 8,000 Gil) = Gagazet (1,000) Splasher (x3) - 12 (12,000 Gil) = Gagazet (1,000) Found: Random Chest - 1 = Moonflow North Bank (By Steal) Other: Prize - 2 - Defeat Belgemine at Moonflow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Dream Powder 1. One hit for 1000 (2000) + Sleep status against all in target party 2. Lasts for 8 turns 3. Customization: Sleepstrike: 16 Dream Powder SleepProof: 8 Dream Powder Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Skoll - 1,2 = Calm Lands Bandersnatch - 2,3 = Gagazet Drop: N/A Bribe: Skoll - 12 (20,000 Gil) = Calm Lands (1,666) Bandersnatch - 20 (36,000 Gil) = Gagazet (1,800) Found: N/A Other: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Echo Screen 1. Removes Silence from one target 2. Customization: Silencetouch: 60 Echo Screen Silence Ward: 30 Echo Screen Buy: O'aka at Luca ( 50 Gil) Luca Item Shop - After Auron - ( 50 Gil) Rin's Highroad Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka on the Oldroad ( 50 Gil) O'aka Mushroom Rock (Clasko) (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* Djose Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka at South Moonflow ( 50 Gil) Man at South Moonflow (100 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow ( 75 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (100 Gil) O'aka at North Moonflow ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Guadosalam ( 50 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop ( 75 Gil) Thunder Plains ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Woods ( 75 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Lake ( 75 Gil) Macalania Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Temple ( 75 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Escape ( 75 Gil) Rin's Item Shop = Airship ( 55 Gil) Chest's Shop = Via Purifico ( 50 Gil) O'aka on Highbridge ( 50 Gil) Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands ( 50 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet ( 50 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet ( 50 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) ( 50 Gil) Besaid Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Luca Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Luca Square Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Djose Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Man at South Moonflow (FC) ( 60 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow (FC) ( 50 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)( 57 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (FC) ( 75 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) ( 50 gil) Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania ( 50 gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: Floating Eye - 1, = Mi'ihen Highroad Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place Prize - 4 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 2nd Place - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Electro Marble 1. Hits one target for 600 lightning elemental damage 2. Customization: Lightningstrike: 4 Electro Marble Lightning Ward: 4 Electro Marble 3. Aeon Ability: Thunder: 2 Electro Marble NulShock: 1 Electro Marble Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Yellow Element - 1, = Kilika Woods Gandarewa - 1,2 = Mushroom Rock Thunder Flan - 1,2 = Mushroom Rock Aerouge - 1, = Thunder Plains Gold Element - 1,2 = Thunder Plains Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Elixir 1. Restores all HP/MP to one target, but limited to 9999 HP and 999 MP when used in battle 2. Restores MAX HP/MP to one target when used in the Menu 3. Deals 9999 damage and lowers their MP by 999 when used on Zombies 4. Customization: HP +20%: 5 Elixir MP +20%: 5 Elixir 5. Aeon Ability: Life: 8 Elixir Buy: N/A Sell: 1,250 Gil Steal: Seymour - ,1 = Macalania Temple Seymour Flux - 1,1 = Gagazet Braska's Final A. - ,1 = Point of No Return Dark Anima - ,1 = Gagazet Dark Bahamut - ,1 = Zandarkand Ruins Dark Cindy - ,1 = Mushroom Rock Dark Ifrit - ,1 = Sanubia Desert Dark Ixion - ,1 = Thunder Plains Dark Mindy - ,1 = Mushroom Rock Dark Sandy - ,1 = Mushroom Rock Dark Shiva - ,1 = Macalania Temple Dark Valefor - ,1 = Besaid Village Dark Yojimbo - ,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Penance (Arms) - 1,1 = Penance Penance - 1, = Airship Drop: Oblitzerator - 1,2;2,4 = Luca Crawler - 1,2;2,4 = Lake Macalania Bribe: YKT-63 - 8 ( 84,000 Gil) = Bevelle (10,500) YKT-11 - 12 (124,000 Gil) = Zanarkand Ruins (10,333) Found: Chest - 1 = Guadosalam Chest - 1 = Sanubia Desert Chest - 1 = Via Purifico Chest - 1 = Besaid Temple (FC) Chest - 1 = Inside Sin Other: Gift - 1 = Kilika (Talk after killing Lord Ochu) Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place Prize - 1 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 1st Place Prize - 1 = Thunder Plains - Let 80 bolts hit you Prize - 2 = Macalania (North) - Butterfly game after Spherimorph Gift - 1 = Macalania: Hall Prize - 1 = Home - Second on First Row Prize - 1 = Calm Lands - Wobbly Chocobo - First Win Prize - 1 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race, 1 Chest & No Pole Prize - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn Prize - 1 = Bikanel Island - Obtain 3 to 5 of the cactuar's sphere - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Ether 1. Restores 100 MP to one target 2. Lowers MP by 100 when used on Zombies 3. Customization: MP +5%: 1 Ether Buy: N/A Sell: 250 Gil Steal: Funguar - ,1 = Mushroom Rock Spherimorph - 1, = Macalania Woods Guado Guardian - ,1 = Macalania Temple YAT-99 - ,1 = Bevelle YKT-63 - ,1 = Bevelle Thorn - ,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Behemoth - 1, = Gagazet YAT-97 - ,2 = Zanarkand Ruins YKT-11 - ,2 = Zanarkand Ruins Spectral Keeper - 1, = Zanarkand Ruins Exoray - ,1 = Inside Sin Sin (Overdrive) - 1, = Airship Drop: N/A Bribe: Guado Guardian - 10 (40,000 Gil) = Macalania (4,000) YAT-99 - 10 (54,000 Gil) = Bevelle (5,400) YAT-97 - 16 (74,000 Gil) = Zanarkand Ruins (4,625) Found: Chest - 1 = Submerged Ruins - Ruins: Stairs Chest - 1 = Kilika: Tavern, after seeing the house collaspe Chest - 1 = Djose Temple Chest - 1 = Moonflow: North Wharf Chest - 1 = Thunder Plains: North Chest - 2 = Sanubia Desert: East Other: Gift - 1 = Besaid Beach Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals Prize - 1 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - Most Goals Gift - 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad: Central Gift - 1 = Mushroom Rock - Entrance Gift - 1 = Djose Highroad Prize - 1 = Thunder Plains - Let 30 bolts hit you Prize - 1 = Macalania (North) Butterfly game before Spherimorph Gift - 1 = Macalania: Hall Prize - 1 = Sanubia Desert: Central - Steal from Chests Prize - 1 = Calm Lands - Hyper Dodger Chocobo - Beat/tie after the first win - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Evasion Sphere 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into EVA +4 Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Pteryx - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Condor, Simurgh, Alcyone Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Besaid Temple (FC) Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Eye Drops 1. Removes Darkness from one target 2. Customization: Darktouch: 60 Eye Drops Dark Ward: 40 Eye Drops Buy: O'aka at Luca ( 50 Gil) Luca Item Shop - After Auron - ( 50 Gil) Rin's Highroad Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka on the Oldroad ( 50 Gil) O'aka Mushroom Rock (Clasko) (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* Djose Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka at South Moonflow ( 50 Gil) Man at South Moonflow (100 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow ( 75 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (100 Gil) O'aka at North Moonflow ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Guadosalam ( 50 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop ( 75 Gil) Thunder Plains ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Woods ( 75 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Lake ( 75 Gil) Macalania Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Temple ( 75 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Escape ( 75 Gil) Rin's Item Shop = Airship ( 55 Gil) Chest's Shop = Via Purifico ( 50 Gil) O'aka on Highbridge ( 50 Gil) Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands ( 50 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet ( 50 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet ( 50 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) ( 50 Gil) Besaid Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Luca Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Luca Square Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Djose Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Man at South Moonflow (FC) ( 60 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow (FC) ( 50 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)( 57 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (FC) ( 75 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) ( 50 gil) Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania ( 50 gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place Prize - 4 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 2nd Place Gift - 3 = Mi'ihen Highroad: Central ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Farplane Shadow 1. Hits one target with Death (KO) 2. Customization: Deathtouch: 30 Farplane Shadow Death Ward: 15 Farplane Shadow 3. Aeon Ability: Death: 30 Farplane Shadow Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Ghost - ,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Tonberry - ,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Wraith - 1, = Inside Sin Master Coeurl - 2,4 = Omega Ruins Espada - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Macalania Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Farplane Wind 1. Hits target party with Death (KO) 2. Customization: Deathstrike: 60 Farplane Wind Deathproof: 60 Farplane Wind Buy: N/A Sell: 100 Gil Steal: Wraith - ,1 = Inside Sin Varuna - 1, = Omega Ruins Coeurlregina - 2, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mushroom Rock Espada - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Macalania Sleep Sprout - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Funguar, Thorn, Exoray Drop: Don Tonberry - 3,6; , = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Bribe: Epaaj - 25 (174,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (6,960) Ahriman - 6 ( 56,000 Gil) = Gagazet (9,333) Wraith - 60 (444,440 Gil) = Inside Sin (7,407) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 = Unlock Chimerageist - Capture 1 of each fiend from Calm Lands - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Fire Gem 1. Five Random hits of 600 fire elemental damage at target party 2. Customization: Fire Eater: 20 Fire Gem 3. Aeon Ability: Firaga: 4 Fire Gem Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Flame Flan - 1,2 = Calm Lands Grenade - 2,3 = Gagazet Puroboros - 3,4 = Omega Ruins Bomb King - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros Drop: N/A Bribe: Bomb B - 14 ( 44,000 Gil) = Home (3,142) Flame Flan - 10 ( 30,000 Gil) = Calm Lands (3,000) Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Fish Scale 1. Hits one target with 600 water elemental damage 2. Customization: Waterstrike: 4 Fish Scale Water Ward: 4 Fish Scale 3. Aeon Ability: Water: 1 Fish Scale NulTide: 2 Fish Scale Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Water Flan - 1, = Besaid Blue Element - 2,3 = Macalania Woods Aqua Flan - 2, = Via Purifico Maze Larva - 2, = Via Purifico Sahagin - 2, = Via Purifico Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Fortune Sphere 1. Activates Luck nodes on Sphere Grid 4. Aeon's Soul: Luck +1: [Aeon's LUCK/2], capped at 99 Note: [] = Round Down Buy: N/A Sell: 5 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Earth Eater - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Unlock 2 Area Creations Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad: Oldroad, South Chest - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Chest - 1 = Zanarkand Ruins: Overpass Other: Prize - 1 = Gagazet: After finishing the 3 Color Trial - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Frag Grenade 1. One hit for 800 (1600) + Armor Break against all in target party Buy: N/A Sell: 125 Gil Steal: Mech Leader - ,2 = Gagazet Splasher - ,1 = Gagazet Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn As an alternative, use Rikku's Mix with 2 common spheres - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Friend Sphere 1. Teleport to any ally's location on the Sphere Grid 2. Customization: Counterattack: 1 Friend Sphere Buy: N/A Sell: 150 Gil Steal: Neslug - ,1 = Monster Arena - Unlock All Area Creations Dark Sandy - 1, = Mushroom Rock Drop: Biran Ronso - , ;1,2 = Gagazet Yenke Ronso - , ;1,2 = Gagazet Master Coeurl - , ;1,2 = Omega Ruins Spirit - , ;1,2 = Omega Ruins Vorban - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Omega Ruins Bribe: Coeurl - 2 (120,000 Gil) = Calm Lands (60,000) Found: Chest - 1 = Zanarkand Ruins - Dome: Interior Chest - 1 = Omega Ruins: Must kill Ultima first. Other: Prize - 1 = Home: Answer the 9 Word in Al Bhed Puzzle Prize - 1 = Bikanel Island - Obtain 9 to 10 of the cactuar's sphere Prize - 2 = Omega Ruins - Open 6 Chests Gift - 1 = 1. Before Crawler, tell Clasko to become a Chocobo Breeder 2. Airship FC, return to S.S. Liki, talk to Clasko ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Gambler's Spirit 1. Mix Item 2. Customization: SOS Overdrive: 20 Gambler's Spirit Buy: N/A Sell: 4,000 Gil Steal: Omega Weapon - 30,30 = Omega Ruins Earth Eater - 1, = Monster Arena - Unlock 2 Area Creations Greater Sphere - 1, = Monster Arena - Unlock 2 Species Creations Catastrophe - 1, = Monster Arena - Unlock 6 Area Creations Th'uban - 1, = Monster Arena - Unlock 6 Species Creations Neslug - 1, = Monster Arena - Unlock All Area Creations Ultima Buster - 1, = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each Fiend Shinryu - 1, = Monster Arena - Capture 2 of each: Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike Drop: Ornitholestes - 2,4; , = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Dinonix, Ipiria, Raptor, Melusine, Iguion, Yowie, Zaurus Bribe: Floating Death - 10 (134,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins (13,400) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Th'uban - Unlock 6 Species Creations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Gold Hourglass 1. Hits target party with 1000 damage + Slow Status 2. Customization: Slowstrike: 30 Gold Hourglass Slowproof: 20 Gold Hourglass 3. Aeon Ability: Slowga: 8 Gold Hourglass Delay Buster: 30 Gold Hourglass Buy: N/A Sell: 37 Gil Steal: Nidhogg - ,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Fafnir - 2, = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Vouivre, Lamashtu, Kusariqqu, Mushussu, Nidhogg Drop: N/A Bribe: Mushussu - 5 (13,600 Gil) = Bikanel Island (2,720) Nidhogg - 12 (40,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (3,333) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Tanket - Capture 3 of each: Ralso, Bunyip, Murussu, Mafdet, Shred, Halma - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Grenade 1. One hit for 350 (700) against all in target party Buy: Rin's Highroad Item Shop - ( 30 Gil) Thunder Plains Item Shop - (300 Gil) Macalania Item Shop - (300 Gil) Rin's Item Shop = Airship - (330 Gil) Calm Lands' Item Shop - (300 Gil) Rin on Airship (FC) - (300 Gil) Rin's Highroad (FC) - (300 Gil) Thunder Plains (FC) - (300 Gil) Macalania Item Shop (FC) - (300 Gil) Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Klikk - 1,2 = Submerged Ruins Piranha - 1,2 = Submerged Ruins Tros - 1,3 = Salvage Ship Mech Guard - 2,3 = Bikanel Island Mech Scouter - 3,4 = Calm Lands Mech Scouter - 3,3 = Calm Lands *Fire'd* Mech Leader - 2, = Gagazet Splasher - 1, = Gagazet Drop: N/A Bribe: Mech Guard - 50 (25,600 Gil) = Bikanel Island (512) Found: N/A Other: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ H ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Healing Spring 1. Gives one target Regen status 2. Lasts for 10 turns 3. Customization: SOS Regen: 12 Healing Spring Auto-Regen: 80 Healing Spring 4. Aeon Ability: Regen: 60 Healing Spring Buy: N/A Sell: 150 Gil Steal: Evrae Atlana - ,1 = Via Purifico Achelous - ,1 = Gagazet Behemoth King - 1, = Inside Sin Catoblepas - 3, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Gagazet Vorban - 2, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Omega Ruins Drop: Kottos - 20,40; , = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mi'ihen Highroad Bribe: Octopus - 20 ( 90,000 Gil) = Via Purifico (4,500) Phlegyas - 6 ( 33,600 Gil) = Via Purifico (5,600) Achelous - 16 (102,000 Gil) = Gagazet (6,375) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Sleep Sprout - Capture 5 of each: Funguar, Thorn, Exoray - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Healing Water 1. Restores all HP to party, but limited to 9999 2. Customization: Alchemy: 4 Healing Water 3. Aeon Ability: Pray: 5 Healing Water Buy: N/A Sell: 125 Gil Steal: Adamantoise - 1, = Inside Sin Drop: N/A Bribe: Anacondaur - 16 (116,000 Gil) = Calm Lands (7,250) Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Hi-Potion 1. Restores 1000 HP to one target 2. Deals 1000 damage to Zombies 3. Aeon Ability: Cure: 99 Hi-Potion Buy: O'aka at Macalania Woods (750 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Lake (750 Gil) Macalania Item Shop (500 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Temple (750 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Escape (750 Gil) Rin's Item Shop = Airship (550 Gil) Chest's Shop = Via Purifico (500 Gil) O'aka on Highbridge (500 Gil) Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (500 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop (500 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop (500 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet (500 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet (500 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) (500 Gil) Besaid Item Shop (FC) (500 gil) Luca Item Shop (FC) (500 gil) Luca Square Item Shop (FC) (500 gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) (500 gil) Djose Item Shop (FC) (500 gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (FC) (750 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) (500 gil) Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania (500 gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania (500 gil) Sell: 125 Gil Steal: Dual Horn - ,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad Bunyip - 1, = Djose Highroad Garm - 1, = Djose Highroad Buer - 1, = Thunder Plains Kusariqqu - 1, = Thunder Plains Murussu - 1, = Macalania Woods Xiphos - 1, = Macalania Woods Wasp - 1, = Macalania Woods Evil Eye - 1, = Macalania Woods Mafdet - 1, = Lake Macalania Mushussu - 1, = Bikanel Island Dual Horn - 1, = Home Guado Guardian - 1, = Home Warrior Monk - 2, = Bevelle (both) Negator - 1,2 = Lake Macalania Guado Guardian - 1, = Macalania Temple Wendigo - 1, = Lake Macalania Bat Eye - 1, = Via Purifico Swamp Mafdet - 1, = Via Purifico Epaaj - 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Nidhogg - 1, = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Tonberry - 1, = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Valaha - 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Grendel - 1, = Gagazet Black Element - 1, = Omega Ruins Machea - 2, = Omega Ruins Drop: Worker - 1,2; , = Luca Mech Guard - 1,2;1,2 = Bikanel Island Mech Gunner - 2,4;2,4 = Bikanel Island YKT-63 - 1,2; , = Bevelle Mech Scouter - 1,2; , = Calm Lands (both) Mech Leader - 1,2; , = Gagazet YKT-11 - 2,4; , = Zanarkand Ruins Negator - , ;1,2 = Lake Macalania Bribe: Dual Horn - 60 (37,500 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad (625) Found: Chest - 1 = Submerged Ruins - Before Geosgaeno Chest - 1 = Submerged Ruins - Ruins: Stairs Chest - 1 = Besaid: Valley (lake/water) Chest - 1 = Besaid Village Chest - 1 = S.S. Winno Chest - 2 = Luca: Basement B Chest - 1 = Highroad: South End? Chest - 1 = Highroad: Central? Chest - 2 = Highroad: North End Chest - 1 = Besaid Temple (FC) Chest - 1 = Mushroom Rock: Aftermath Chest - 1 = Djose Highroad Chest - 2 = Guadosalam Chest - 2 = Thunder Plains: South Chest - 4 = Sanubia Desert: East Chest - 4 = Sanubia Desert: Central Chest - 8 = Sanubia Desert: West Corpse - 2 = Home Other: Gift - 1 = Besaid Beach Gift - 1 = Kilika Woods Prize - 1 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - First Place Gift - 1 = Mushroom Rock Gift - 2 = Mushroom Rock: Valley Gift - 2 = Djose Highroad Gift - 2 = Macalania (Temple): Hall Prize - 1 = Home - Third for First Row - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Holy Water 1. Removes Zombie and Curse from one target 2. Customization: Zombietouch: 70 Holy Water Zombie Ward: 30 Holy Water 3. Aeon Ability: Zombie Attack: 99 Holy Water Buy: Calm Land's Item Shop (300 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop (300 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet (300 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet (300 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) (300 Gil) Sell: 75 Gil Steal: YAT-97 - 3, = Zanarkand Ruins YKT-11 - 3, = Zanarkand Ruins Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + HP Sphere 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into HP +300 Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Lord Ochu - , ;1,2 = Kilika Woods Left Fin (Sin's) - 1,2;1,2 = Sin Ironclad - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 10 of each: Iron Giant, Gemini A, Gemini B Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Luca - Dock No. 5 Chest - 1 = Gagazet: Mountain Trails Chest - 1 = Inside Sin - Sin: City of Dying Dreams (after Omnis) Other: Prize - 1 = Bevelle Temple's Destruction Sphere Prize - 3 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 100 bolts in a row - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Hypello Potion 1. Mix Item 2. Customization: Berserk Ward: 8 Hypello Potion BerserkProof: 32 Hypello Potion Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Raldo - ,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad Bunyip - ,1 = Djose Highroad Murussu - ,1 = Macalania Woods Madfet - ,1 = Lake Macalania Swamp Madfet - ,1 = Via Purifico Shred - 1,2 = Calm Lands Halma - 3, = Omega Ruins Drop: N/A Bribe: Raldo - 10 ( 4,800 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad (480) Bunyip - 16 ( 8,000 Gil) = Djose Highroad (500) Murussu - 24 (11,600 Gil) = Macalania Woods (483) Mafdet - 28 (14,200 Gil) = Lake Macalania (507) Swamp Madfet - 34 (17,000 Gil) = Via Purifico (500) Shred - 50 (39,000 Gil) = Calm Lands (780) Found: N/A Other: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Ice Gem 1. Five random hits of 600 ice elemental damage at target party 2. Customization: Ice Eater: 20 Ice Gem 3. Aeon Ability: Blizzaga: 4 Ice Gem Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Chimera Brain - 1, = Calm Lands Drop: N/A Bribe: Ice Flan - 9 (27,000 Gil) = Lake Macalania (3,000) Found: N/A Other: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Level 1 Key Sphere 1. Removes a Level 1 Lock on the Sphere Grid Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Earth Eater - ,1 = Monster Arena - Unlock 2 Area Creations Drop: Chocobo Eater - 1/2 = Mi'ihen Highroad (Kill, Push Off) Gui - 3,6;3,6 = Mushroom Rock Master Coeurl - 1,2; , = Omega Ruins Puroboros - , ; 1,2 = Omega Ruins Sand Worm - , ; 1,2 = Bikanel Island Bribe: Imp - 4 (17,600 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (4,400) Found: Chest - 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad: Central? Chest - 3 = Moonflow: South Bank Road Chest - 3 = Moonflow: South Bank Road Chest - 1 = Lake Macalania: Crevasse Other: Gift - 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad - Agency: Front Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place Prize - 1 = Calm Lands - Dodger Chocobo - First Win Prize - 1 = Gagazet - Wakka's Minigame - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Level 2 Key Sphere 1. Removes a Level 2 Lock on the Sphere Grid 2. Customization: Piercing: 1x Level 2 Key Sphere 2. Aeon Ability: Armor Break: 2x Level 2 Key Sphere Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Catastrophe - ,1 = Monster Arena - Unlock 6 Area Creations Drop: Spherimorph - 1,2;1,2 = Macalania Woods Seymour Natus - 2,4;2,4 = Highbridge Defender X - 1,2;2,4 = Calm Lands Tonberry - , ;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Defender Z - 1,2; , = Zanarkand Ruins Varuna - , ;1,2 = Omega Ruins Bribe: Behemoth - 30 (460,000 Gil) = Gagazet (15,333) Found: Chest - 1 = Lake Macalania - Lake Bottom, near Kimarhi Chest - 1 = Sanubia Desert: Central Chest - 1 = Home: Living Quarters Chest - 1 = Calm Lands Chest - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Other: Prize - 1 = Calm Lands - Hyper Dodger Chocobo: First Win - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Level 3 Key Sphere 1. Removes a Level 3 Lock on the Sphere Grid Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Biran Ronso - 1,2 = Gagazet Yenke Ronso - 1,2 = Gagazet Ultima Buster - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each Fiend Drop: Defender Z - , ;1,2 = Zanarkand Ruins Yunalesca - 1,2;1,2 = Zanarkand Ruins Right Fin (Sin's) - 1,2;1,2 = Sin Sin (Overdrive) - 1,2;1,2 = Sin Behemoth King - , ;1,2 = Inside Sin Demonolith - , ;1,2 = Inside Sin Seymour Omnis - 1,2;1,2 = Inside Sin Machea - , ;1,2 = Omega Ruins Ultima Weapon - 3,6;3,6 = Omega Ruins Bribe: Demonolith - 40 (900,000 Gil) = Inside Sin (22,500) Found: Chest - 1 = Zanarkand Ruins - Dome: Interior Chest - 1 = Inside Sin - Sin: Sea of Sorrow Other: Prize - 1 = Calm Lands - Catcher Chocobo - First Win Prize - 2 = Omega Ruins - Open 4 Chests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Level 4 Key Sphere 1. Removes a Level 4 Lock on the Sphere Grid Buy: N/A Sell: 100 Gil Steal: Nemesis - 1, = Monster Arena - Capture 10 of each fiend and Defeat All Monster Creations Drop: Spectral Keeper - 1,2;1,2 = Zanarkand Ruins Seymour Flux - 1,2;1,2 = Inside Sin Land Worm - , ;1,2 = Inside Sin (Point of No Return) Omega Weapon - 3,6;3,6 = Omega Ruins Bribe: Chimera Brain - 2 (196,000 Gil) = Calm Lands (98,000) Found: Chest - 1 = Home: Living Quarters Chest - 1 = Gagazet: Mountain Trail Chest - 1 = Inside Sin - Sin: City of Dying Dreams Other: Prize - 1 = Omega Ruins - Open the first Chest Prize - 1 = Omega Ruins - Open 7 Chests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Light Curtain 1. Gives one target Protect status 2. Customization: SOS Protect: 8 Light Curtain Auto-Protect: 70 Light Curtain 3. Aeon Ability: Protect: 6 Light Curtain Buy: N/A Sell: 45 Gil Steal: Iron Giant - 1,1 = Thunder Plains Gemini (both) - 1,2 = Inside Sin Tanket - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Ralso, Bunyip, Murussu, Mafdet, Shred, Halma Ironclad - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 10 of each: Iron Giant, Gemini A, Gemini B Drop: Fafnir - 20,40; , = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Vouivre, Lamashtu, Kusariqqu, Mushussu, Nidhogg Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn Prize - 99 = Unlock Juggernaut - Capture 5 of each: Dual Horn, Valaha, Grendel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Lightning Gem 1. Five random hits of 600 lightning elemental damage to target party 2. Customization: Lightning Eater: 20 Lightning Gem 3. Aeon Ability: Thundaga: 4 Lightning Gem Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Chimera Brain - ,2 = Calm Lands Imp - 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Vidatu - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Gandarewa, Aerouge, Imp Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: Hidden Chest - 8 - Guadosalam (Path to the Farplane) Other: Prize - 4 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Valefor a 2nd time - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Lightning Marble 1. Hits one target with 1000 lightning elemental damage 2. Customization: SOS NulShock: 1 Lightning Marble LightningProof: 8 Lightning Marble 3. Aeon Ability: Thundara: 2 Lightning Marble Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Yellow Element - ,1 = Kilika Aerouge - ,1 = Thunder Plains Chimera - ,1 = Macalania Woods Chimera - ,3 = Home Drop: N/A Bribe: Yellow Element - 6 ( 6,000 Gil) = Kilika (1,000) Thunder Flan - 8 ( 9,000 Gil) = Mushroom Rock (1,125) Gandarewa - 4 ( 2,960 Gil) = Mushroom Rock ( 740) Aerouge - 4 ( 4,000 Gil) = Thunder Plains (1,000) Gold Element - 20 (24,000 Gil) = Thunder Plains (1,200) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 4 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Ixion a 2nd time - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Luck Sphere 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into LUCK +4 2. Aeon Ability: Luck: 2 Luck Sphere Jinx: 2 Luck Sphere Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Greater Sphere - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Unlock 2 Species Creations Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Kilika Woods Chest - 1 = Zanarkand Ruins - Dome: Corridor Chest - 1 = Kilika Temple (FC) Chest - 1 = Djose Temple (FC) Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place Prize - 1 = Macalania Temple's Destruction Sphere - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Lunar Curtain 1. Gives one target Shell status 2. Customization: SOS Shell: 8 Lunar Curtain Auto-Shell: 80 Lunar Curtain 3. Aeon Ability: Shell: 4 Lunar Curtain Buy: N/A Sell: 45 Gil Steal: Larva - 1,2 = Thunder Plains Crawler - 1,2 = Lake Macalania Defender X - 4,4 = Calm Lands Defender - 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Defender Z - 2,2 = Zanarkand Ruins One Eye - 3, = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Floating Eye, Buer, Evil Eye, Ahriman, Floating Death Jumbo Flan - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Water Flan, Thunder Flan, Snow Flan, Ice Flan, Flame Flan, Dark Flan Tanket - ,4 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Ralso, Bunyip, Murussu, Mafdet, Shred, Halma Juggernaut - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Dual Horn, Valaha, Grendel Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Abaddon - Capture 1 of each fiend from Inside Sin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Magic Sphere 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into MAG +4 Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Jumbo Flan - 1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Water Flan, Thunder Flan, Snow Flan, Ice Flan, Flame Flan, Dark Flan Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Luca - Dock No. 5 Chest - 1 = Macalania Temple (FC) Other: Prize - 1 = Djose Temple's Destruction Sphere - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Magic Defense Sphere 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into MDEF +4 Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: One Eye - 1,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Floating Eye, Buer, Evil Eye, Ahriman, Floating Death Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Moonflow: South Bank Road Chest - 1 = Djose Temple (FC) Chest - 1 = Macalania Temple (FC) Other: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Mana Distiller 1. Forces enemy to drop Mana Spheres. 2. Use it on Kottos/Fafnir to make them drop 20 Mana Spheres. Overkill them to get 40 Mana Spheres. 3. Same abilities as Distill Mana (Weapon) & Extract Mana (Ability) Buy: Rin's Item Shop = Airship (110 Gil) Chest's Shop = Via Purifico (100 Gil) O'aka on Highbridge (100 Gil) Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (100 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop (100 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop (100 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet (100 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet (100 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) (100 Gil) Besaid Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Luca Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Luca Square Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Djose Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (FC) (150 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) (100 Gil) Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania (100 Gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania (100 Gil) Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Mana Sphere 1. Activates Magic, Magic Defense, and MP nodes on Sphere Grid 2. Customization: Magic +3%: 3 Mana Sphere Mag Defense +3%: 3 Mana Sphere Distill Mana: 2 Mana Sphere 3. Aeon Ability: Focus: 20 Mana Sphere Extract Mana: 10 Mana Sphere 4. Aeon's Soul: Magic +1: [Aeon's MAG/2], capped at 99 Mag Defense +1: [Aeon's MDEF/2], capped at 99 MP +10: [SQRT(Aeon's MP/2.25) +10] Note: [] = Round Down Buy: N/A Sell: 1 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Piranha (x2) - 1,2; , = Submerged Ruins Water Flan - 1,2;1,2 = Besaid Sin - 1,2;1,2 = S.S. Liki Sinscale - 1,2;1,2 = Under S.S. Liki Ragora - 1,2;1,2 = Kilika Yellow Element - 1,2;1,2 = Kilika White Element - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad Funguar - 1,2;1,2 = Mushroom Rock Gandarewa - 1,2;1,2 = Mushroom Rock Red Element - 1,2;1,2 = Mushroom Rock Thunder Flan - 1,2;1,2 = Mushroom Rock Snow Flan - 1,2;1,2 = Djose Highroad Ochu - , ;2,4 = Moonflow Aerogue - 1,2;1,2 = Thunder Plains Gold Element - 1,2;1,2 = Thunder Plains Blue Element - 1,2;1,2 = Macalania Woods Ice Flan - 1,2;1,2 = Lake Macalania Sandragora - 1,2; , = Bikanel Island Aqua Flan - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico Octopus - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico Remora - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico Coeurl - 1,2;2,4 = Calm Lands/CotSF Flame Flan - 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands Malboro - 2,4;2,4 = Calm Lands/CotSF Nebiros - 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands Dark Element - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Ghost - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Imp - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Thorn - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Dark Flan - 1,2;2,4 = Gagazet Grat - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet Maelspike - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet Mandragora - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet Demonolith - 1,2; , = Inside Sin Exoray - 1,2;1,2 = Inside Sin Great Malboro - 1,2;1,2 = Inside Sin Wraith - 1,2;2,4 = Inside Sin Black Element - 1,2; , = Omega Ruins Floating Death - 2,4;3,6 = Omega Ruins Machea - 1,2; , = Omega Ruins Puroboros - 1,2; , = Omega Ruins Spirit - 1,2; , = Omega Ruins Varuna - 1,2; , = Omega Ruins Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 2 = Kilika Woods Other: Prize - 5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place Prize - 5 = Defeat Belgemine's Shiva beyond twice Prize - 8 = Defeat Belgemine's Bahamut beyond twice Prize - 10 = Defeat Belgemine's Anima beyond twice Kottos/Fafnir may drop 20/40 Mana Spheres when Mana Distiller is used on them, but it's only a Common Drop (7/8). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Mana Spring 1. Absorbs up to 1000 MP from one enemy 2. Customization: Magic +5%: 2 Mana Spring Mag Defense +5%: 2 Mana Spring 3. Aeon Ability: Magic Break: 4 Mana Spring Osmose: 10 Mana Spring Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Coeurl - 1,1 = Calm Lands Master Tonberry - 1, = Omega Ruins Malboro Menace - ,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Kilika Chimerageist - 2, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Calm Lands Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Vidatu - Capture 4 of each: Gandarewa, Aerouge, Imp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Mana Tablet 1. For one turn or KO'd, target character's MP is doubled 2. It can't stack and Break MP is needed beyond 999 MP 3. Customization: MP Stroll: 2 Mana Tablet Buy: N/A Sell: 500 Gil Steal: Behemoth - ,1 = Gagazet Jumbo Flan - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Water Flan, Thunder Flan, Snow Flan, Ice Flan, Flame Flan, Dark Flan Dark Shiva - 2, = Macalania Temple Drop: Abaddon - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Inside Sin Bribe: Chimera - 10 (105,000 Gil) = Macalania Woods (10,500) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 = Unlock Ironclad - Capture 10 of each: Iron Giant, Gemini A, Gemini B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Mana Tonic 1. Party's MAX MP is doubled for one turn or KO'd 2. It can't stack and Break MP Limit is needed beyond 999 2. Customization: MP +30%: 1 Mana Tonic Buy: N/A Sell: 400 Gil Steal: Great Malboro - ,1 = Inside Sin Vidatu - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Gandarewa, Aerouge, Imp Drop: Malboro Menace - 2,4; , = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Kilika Bribe: Gemini (Sword) - 10 (720,000 Gil) = Inside Sin (72,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 = Unlock Hornet - Capture 4 of each: Killer Bee, Bite Bug, Wasp, Nebiros - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Map 1. Displays World Map Buy: Rin's Highroad Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Thunder Plains ( 50 Gil) Macalania Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Rin's Item Shop = Airship ( 55 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) ( 50 gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Automatic - 1 = Next day in Besaid - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Master Sphere Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Dark Anima - , ;1,2 = Gagazet Dark Bahamut - , ;1,2 = Zandarkand Ruins Dark Cindy - , ;1,2 = Mushroom Rock Dark Ifrit - , ;1,2 = Sanubia Desert Dark Ixion - , ;1,2 = Thunder Plains Dark Mindy - , ;1,2 = Mushroom Rock Dark Sandy - , ;1,2 = Mushroom Rock Dark Shiva - , ;1,2 = Macalania Temple Dark Valefor - , ;1,2 = Besaid Village Dark Yojimbo - , ;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Penance (Arms) - , ;1,1 = Penance Penance - 3,6;3,6 = Penance Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 10 = Unlocking Nemesis - Capture 10 of each fiend and Defeat All Monster Creations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Megalixir 1. Restores all HP/MP to target party, but limited to 9999 HP & 999 MP 2. Deals 9999 damage and lowers their MP by 999 when used on Zombies targets 3. Restores MAX HP/MP to one character when used in the Menu 4. Customization: Double AP: 20 Megalixir 5. Aeon Ability: Full-Life: 1 Megalixir Buy: N/A Sell: 5,000 Gil Steal: Penance - ,1 = Penance Drop: N/A Bribe: Xiphos - 2 ( 54,000 Gil) = Macalania Woods (27,000) Varuna - 20 (1,120,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins (56,000) Found: Chest - 3 = Sanubia Desert: West Chest - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Chest - 1 = Inside Sin - Sin: City of Dying Dreams Chest - 1 = Baaj Temple Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place Prize - 2 = Macalania (Central) - Butterfly game after Spherimorph Prize - 1 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race, 2 Chests & No Pole Prize - 4 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 150 bolts in a row Prize - 1 = Bikanel Island - Obtain 6 or 7 of the cactuar's sphere Prize - 30 = Unlock Shinryu - Capture 2 of each: Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Mega Phoenix 1. Revies KO'd allies with Max HP restored, but limited to 9999 HP 2. KOs when used on Zombies 3. Customization: Auto-Phoenix: 20 Mega Phoenix Buy: N/A Sell: 1,000 Gil Steal: Dark Ifrit - 2, = Bikanel Island Drop: Extractor - 1,2;1,2 = Moonflow YAT-99 - 1,2;1,2 = Bevelle Mech Hunter - , ;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Mech Defender - , ;1,2 = Gagazet YAT-97 - , ;1,2 = Zanarkand Ruins Bribe: Alcyone - 2 ( 8,600 Gil) = Bikanel Island (4,300) Ghost - 38 (199,980 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (5,262) Found: Chest - 1 = Djose Temple Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place Prize - 99 = Unlock Pteryx - Capture 4 of each: Condor, Simurgh, Alcyone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Mega-Potion 1. Restores 2000 HP to target party 2. Deals 2000 damage Zombie targets 3. Aeon Ability: Curaga: 60 Mega-Potion Buy: N/A Sell: 375 Gil Steal: Random Chest - ?1? = Moonflow North Bank Xiphos - ,1 = Macalania Woods Dual Horn - ,1 = Home Grendel - ,1 = Gagazet Mech Leader - ,1 = Gagazet YKT-11 - ,1 = Zanarkand Ruins Left Fin (Sin's) - 1, = Sin Drop: YKT-63 - , ;1,2 = Bevelle Mech Scouter - , ;1,2 = Calm Lands (both) Bribe: Dual Horn - 25 ( 75,900 Gil) = Home (3,036) Grendel - 60 (190,000 Gil) = Gagazet (3,166) Found: Chest - 1 = Mushroom Rock: Ridge Chest - 1 = Moonflow: North Bank Road Chest - 1 = Guadosalam Chest - 1 = Lake Macalania: Crevasse Chest - 2 = Sanubia Desert: Central Chest - 3 = Sanubia Desert: West Chest - 1 = Via Purifico - Just near Kimarhi Chest - 2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Chest - 2 = Gagazet: Mountain Trails Other: Gift - 2 = Mi'ihen Highroad - Rin Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals Gift - 1 = Mushroom Rock: Precipice Gift - 1 = Djose Highroad Prize - 2 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 10 bolts in a row Prize - 1 = Home - First option in second row Prize - 1 = Calm Lands - Dodge Chocobo: Tie or beat your time Prize - 60 = Defeating Belgemine's Shiva (1-timer) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + MP Sphere 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into MP +40 Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Lord Ochu - 1,2; , = Kilika Sin's Core - 1,2;1,2 = Sin Vidatu - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Gandarewa, Aerouge, Imp Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 2 = Thunder Plains: South Chest - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Other: Prize - 2 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 20 bolts in a row Prize - 1 = Macalania (Central) - Butterfly game before Spherimorph - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Musk 1. Mix Item 2. Customization: Confuse Ward: 16 Musk ConfuseProof: 48 Musk Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Floating Eye - , 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad Buer - , 1 = Thunder Plains Evil Eye - , 1 = Lake Macalania Sandragora - ,10 = Bikanel Island Evil Eye - 1, 2 = Home Ahriman - 2, 3 = Gagazet Floating Death - 4, 5 = Omega Ruins Drop: N/A Bribe: Floating Eye - 1 (2,800 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad (2,800) Buer - 2 (4,600 Gil) = Thunder Plains (2,300) Evil Eye - 4 (6,200 Gil) = Lake Macalania (1,550) Evil Eye - 4 (8,600 Gil) = Home (2,150) Found: N/A Other: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Pendulum 1. Mix Item 2. Customization: Master Thief: 30 Pendulum Buy: N/A Sell: 1,250 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Neslug - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Unlock All Area Creations Bribe: Master Tonberry - 4 ( 960,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins (240,000) Ultima Weapon - 99 (1,400,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins ( 14,141) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 30 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race, Win with 4 Chests & No Pole - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Petrify Grenade 1. Inflicts Petrify at target party 2. Customization: Stonetouch: 10 Petrify Grenade Stonestrike: 60 Petrify Grenade StoneProof: 20 Petrify Grenade Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Dinonix - ,1 = Kilika Ipiria - ,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad Raptor - ,1 = Mushroom Rock Basilisk - 1,1 = Djose Highroad Melusine - ,1 = Thunder Plains Iguion - ,1 = Macalania Woods Cave Iguion - ,1 = Via Purifico Anacondaur - 1,2 = Calm Lands Yowie - ,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Demonolith - 2,2 = Inside Sin Zaurus - 2,3 = Omega Ruins Jourmungand - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Djose Highroad Drop: N/A Bribe: Dinonix - 2 ( 2,800 Gil) = Kilika (1,400) Ipiria - 3 ( 3,600 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad (1,200) Raptor - 2 ( 4,000 Gil) = Mushroom Rock (2,000) Basilisk - 24 (40,500 Gil) = Djose Highroad (1,687) Melusine - 4 ( 5,300 Gil) = Thunder Plains (1,325) Iguion - 5 ( 7,400 Gil) = Macalania Woods (1,480) Cave Iguion - 6 (11,000 Gil) = Via Purifico (1,833) Yowie - 12 (18,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (1,500) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Jormungand - Capture 1 of each fiend from Djose Highroad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Phoenix Down 1. Revives one KO'd ally with 50% MAX HP restored, but limited to 9999 Buy: Besaid Item Shop (100 Gil) O'aka on S.S. Winno (100 Gil) O'aka at Luca (100 Gil) Luca Item Shop - After Auron - (100 Gil) Luca Square - After Auron - (100 Gil) Rin's Highroad Item Shop (100 Gil) O'aka on the Oldroad (100 Gil) O'aka Mushroom Rock (Clasko) (70 - 120 - 150 - 200 Gil)* O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ (70 - 120 - 150 - 200 Gil)* O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath (70 - 120 - 150 - 200 Gil)* Djose Item Shop (100 Gil) O'aka at South Moonflow (100 Gil) Man at South Moonflow (200 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow (150 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (200 Gil) O'aka at North Moonflow (100 Gil) O'aka at Guadosalam (100 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (150 Gil) Thunder Plains (100 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Woods (150 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Lake (150 Gil) Macalania Item Shop (100 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Temple (150 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Escape (150 Gil) Rin's Item Shop = Airship (110 Gil) Chest's Shop = Via Purifico (100 Gil) O'aka on Highbridge (100 Gil) Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (100 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop (100 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop (100 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet (100 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet (100 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) (100 Gil) Besaid Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Luca Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Luca Square Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Djose Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Man at South Moonflow (FC) (120 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow (FC) (100 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)(115 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (FC) (150 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) (100 Gil) Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania (100 Gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania (100 Gil) Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Condor - 1, = Besaid Ghost - 2, = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: YAT-99 - 1,2; , = Bevelle Mech Hunter - 1,2; , = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Mech Defender - 1,2; , = Gagazet YAT-97 - 2,4; , = Zanarkand Ruins Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Besaid Village (infront of shop) Chest - 2 = Luca - Dock No. 2 Chest - 2 = Moonflow: South Wharf Chest - 2 = Thunder Plains: South Chest - 3 = Macalania Woods: Central Chest - 3 = Macalania: Hall Other: Gift - 3 = Besaid: Dock Gift - 3 = Kilika - Encounter Lord Ochu from the left and escape Prize - 2 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place Prize - 2 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 3rd Place Gift - 2 = Mushroom Rock - Entrance Gift - 2 = Djose Highroad? Prize - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Poison Fang 1. Hits one target with 2000 damage + Poison status 2. Customization: Poisonstrike: 24 Poison Fang PoisonProof: 12 Poison Fang 3. Aeon Ability: Bio: 8 Poison Fang Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Killer Bee - ,1 = Kilika Bite Bug - ,1 = Djose Highroad Wasp - ,1 = Macalania Woods Nebiros - 1,2 = Calm Lands Hornet - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Killer Bee, Bite Bug, Wasp, Nebiros Sleep Sprout - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Funguar, Thorn, Exoray Drop: N/A Bribe: Killer Bee - 2 ( 2,200 Gil) = Kilika (1,100) Bite Bug - 2 ( 4,000 Gil) = Djose Highroad (2,000) Wasp - 3 ( 7,200 Gil) = Macalania Woods (2,400) Nebiros - 6 (14,000 Gil) = Calm Lands (2,333) Found: Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Malboro Menance - Capture 1 of each fiend from Kilika - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Potion 1. Restores 200 HP to one target 2. Deals 200 damage to Zombies Buy: Besaid Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka on S.S. Winno ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Luca ( 50 Gil) Luca Item Shop - After Auron - ( 50 Gil) Luca Square - After Auron - ( 50 Gil) Rin's Highroad Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka on the Oldroad ( 50 Gil) O'aka Mushroom Rock (Clasko) (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* Djose Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka at South Moonflow ( 50 Gil) Man at South Moonflow (100 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow ( 75 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (100 Gil) O'aka at North Moonflow ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Guadosalam ( 50 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop ( 75 Gil) Thunder Plains ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Woods ( 75 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Lake ( 75 Gil) Macalania Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Temple ( 75 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Escape ( 75 Gil) Rin's Item Shop = Airship ( 55 Gil) Chest's Shop = Via Purifico ( 50 Gil) O'aka on Highbridge ( 50 Gil) Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands ( 50 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet ( 50 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet ( 50 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) ( 50 Gil) Besaid Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Luca Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Luca Square Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Djose Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Man at South Moonflow (FC) ( 60 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow (FC) ( 50 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)( 57 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (FC) ( 75 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) ( 50 gil) Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania ( 50 gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: Dingo - 1, = Besaid Kimarhi - 1,1 = Besaid Sin - 1,1 = S.S. Liki Echuilles - 1,1 = S.S. Liki Sincale - 1,1 = S.S. Liki (both) Lord Ochu - 1,1 = Kilika Geneaux - 1,1 = Kilika ^'s Tentacle - 1,1 = Kilika Worker - 1,2 = Luca Oblitzerator - 1,1 = Luca Garuda - 1,1 = Luca Stadium Sahagin Chief - 1,1 = Luca Stadium Vouivre - 1,1 = Luca Stadium Dual Horn - 1, = Mi'ihen Highroad Mi'ihen Fang - 1, = Mi'ihen Highroad Raldo - 1, = Mi'ihen Highroad Vouivre - 1, = Mi'ihen Highroad Chocobo Eater - 1,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad Lamashtu - 1, = Mushroom Rock Gui - 1,1 = Mushroom Rock ^- Head - 1,1 = Mushroom Rock ^- Arm - 1,1 = Mushroom Rock Extractor - 1,1 = Moonflow Magic Urn - 1,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: Negator - 1,2; , = Lake Macalania Bribe: Sincale - 5 (2,000 Gil) = S.S. Liki (400) Found: Chest - 2 = Besaid Temple (FC) Chest - 2 - Submerged Ruins Chest - 2 = Besaid Village Case/Bag - (0 - 20) = S.S. Liki - Offer potions until you have 20 in your inventory Chest - 3 = Kilika - House before the Woods Other: Gift - 2 = Zandarkand Civilian Gift - 3 = Salvage Ship (Unlimited freebies) Gift - 2 = Besaid Beach Gift - 3 = Besaid Beach Prize - 2 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 3rd Place Gift - 10 = Mushroom Rock: Valley Gift - 10 = Djose Highroad Prize - 1 = Home: Living Quarters - First on Third Row Prize - 1 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race - Winning with No Improvement OR Winning when all (5) other prizes have been obtained Prize - 1 = Bikanel Island - Obtain 1 to 2 of the cactuar's sphere - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Power Distiller 1. Forces enemy to drop Power Spheres. 2. Use it on Kottos/Fafnir to make them drop 20 Power Spheres. Overkill them to get 40 Power Spheres. 3. Same as Distill Power (Weapon) & Extract Power (Ability) Buy: Rin's Item Shop = Airship (110 Gil) Chest's Shop = Via Purifico (100 Gil) O'aka on Highbridge (100 Gil) Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (100 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop (100 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop (100 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet (100 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet (100 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) (100 Gil) Besaid Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Luca Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Luca Square Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Djose Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (FC) (150 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) (100 Gil) Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania (100 Gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania (100 Gil) Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Power Sphere 1. Activates Strength, Defense, and HP nodes on Sphere Grid 2. Customization: Strength +3%: 3 Power Sphere Defense +3%: 3 Power Sphere Distill Power: 2 Power Sphere 3. Aeon Ability: Cheer: 5 Power Sphere Extract Power: 20 Power Sphere 4. Aeon's Soul: Strength +1: [Aeon's STR/2], capped at 99 Defense +1: [Aeon's DEF/2], capped at 99 HP +100: [SQRT(Aeon's HP/16) + 16] Note: [] = Round Down Buy: N/A Sell: 1 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Piranha (x1) - 1,2; , = Submerged Ruins Tros - 2,4;2,4 = Salvage Ship Dingo - 1,2;1,2 = Besaid Garuda - 1,2;1,2 = Besaid Sinscale - 1,2;1,2 = S.S. Liki Dinonix - 1,2;1,2 = Kilika Geneaux - 2,4;3,6 = Kilika Garuda - 1,2;1,2 = Luca Stadium Sahagin Chief - 1,2;1,2 = Luca Stadium Vouivre - 1,2;1,2 = Luca Stadium Bomb - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad Ipiria - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad Mi'ihen Fang - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad Raldo - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad Vouivre - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad Garuda - 1,2;2,4 = Mushroom Rock Lamashtu - 1,2;1,2 = Mushroom Rock Raptor - , ;1,2 = Mushroom Rock Bunyip - 1,2;1,2 = Djose Highroad Garm - 1,2;1,2 = Djose Highroad Ochu - 1,2; , = Moonflow Iron Giant - 2,4;3,6 = Thunder Plains Kusariqqu - 1,2;1,2 = Thunder Plains Melusine - , ;1,2 = Thunder Plains Iguion - , ;1,2 = Macalania Woods Murussu - 1,2;1,2 = Macalania Woods Madfet - 1,2;1,2 = Lake Macalania Snow Wolf - 1,2;1,2 = Lake Macalania Wendigo - 1,2;2,4 = Lake Macalania Mushussu - 1,2; , = Bikanel Island Sand Wolf - 1,2; , = Bikanel Island Zu - 1,2; , = Bikanel Island Treasure Chest - 1,2;1,2 = Bikanel Island Bomb - 1,2;1,2 = Home Cave Iguion - , ;1,2 = Via Purifico Sahagin - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico Swamp Mafdet - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico Phlegyas - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico Anacondaur - 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands Ogre - 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands Skoll - 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands Defender - 2,4;2,4 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Nidhogg - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Tonberry - 1,2; , - Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Yowie - , ;1,2 - Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Achelous - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet Bandersnatch - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet Bashura - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet Behemoth - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet Grenade - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet Splasher - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet Adamantoise - 2,4;4,8 = Inside Sin Barbatos - 1,2; , = Inside Sin Behemoth King - 1,2; , = Inside Sin Geminin (Both) - 1,2;2,4 = Inside Sin Land Worm - 1,2; = Inside Sin (Point of No Return) Halma - 1,2;2,4 = Omega Ruins Master Tonberry - 1,2; , = Omega Ruins Geosgaeno - 2,4;2,4 = Baaj Temple Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place Prize - 30 = Calm Lands - Win against Belgemine Prize - 4 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Valefor beyond twice Prize - 8 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Ixion beyond twice Prize - 10 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Yojimbo beyond twice Prize - 12 = Remiem - Defeat Belgemine's Magus Sisters beyond twice Kottos/Fafnir may drop 20/40 Power Spheres when Power Distiller is used on them, but it's only a Common Drop (7/8). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Purifying Salt 1. Hits one with 1100 damage + Dispel effect 2. Customization: No Encounter: 30 Purifying Salt 3. Aeon Ability: Dispel: 3 Purifying Salt Buy: N/A Sell: 70 Gil Steal: Warrior Monk - ,1 = Bevelle (both) Fallen Monk - ,1 = Zanarkand Ruins (both) Abaddon - 3, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Inside Sin Hornet - ,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Killer Bee, Bite Bug, Wasp, Nebiros Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Fafnir - Capture 4 of each: Vouivre, Lamashtu, Kusariqqu, Mushussu, Nidhogg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ R ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Remedy 1. Removes Poison / Petrify / Darkness / Silence / Confuse / Berserk / Slow Zombie from one target 2. Customization: Auto-Med 20 Remedy Buy: Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) (1500 Gil) Sell: 375 Gil Steal: Ragora - ,1 = Kilika Ochu - 1,2 = Moonflow Sandragora - 2, = Bikanel Island YAT-99 - 1, = Bevelle YKT-63 - 1, = Bevelle Malboro - 1,1 = Calm Lands/CotSF Grat - ,1 = Gagazet Mandragora - 2,3 = Gagazet Great Malboro - 1, = Inside Sin Malboro Menace - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Kilika Drop: N/A Bribe: Lord Ochu - 80 ( 92,980 Gil) = Kilika (1,162) Ragora - 8 ( 15,600 Gil) = Kilika (1,950) Ochu - 70 ( 36,000 Gil) = Moonflow ( 514) Sandragora - 99 (255,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island (2,575) Grat - 40 ( 80,000 Gil) = Gagazet (2,000) Found: Chest - 1 = S.S. Liki - Cabin Chest - 1 = Kilika Woods? Chest - 1 = Djose Temple Chest - 1 = Thunder Plains: North Chest - 1 = Macalania Woods: North Chest - 2 = Macalania: Hall Chest - 4 = Sanubia Desert: Oasis Other: Gift - 1 = Besaid: Dock Gift - 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad? Prize - 2 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place Prize - 2 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals Prize - 1 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - First Place Gift - 1 = Mushroom Rock (Entrance) Gift - 1 = Mushroom Rock: Valley Prize - 1 = Home: Second option on third row - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Rename Card 1. Rename an Aeon Buy: N/A Sell: 5 Gil Steal: Ornitholestes - 1, = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Dinonix, Ipiria, Raptor, Melusine, Iguion, Yowie, Zaurus Drop: Espada - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Macalania Bribe: Zaurus - 10 (157,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals Prize - 2 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - Most Goals - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Return Sphere 1. Return to any previously activated node on the Sphere Grid 2. Customization: First Strike: 1 Return Sphere Buy: N/A Sell: 125 Gil Steal: Greater Sphere - ,1 = Monster Arena - Unlock 2 Species Creations Dark Cindy - 1, = Mushroom Rock Drop: Biran Ronso - 1,2; , = Gagazet Yenke Ronso - 1,2; , = Gagazet Sanctuary Keeper - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet Genais - 1,2;1,2 = Sin Barbatos - , ;1,2 = Inside Sin Black Element - , ;1,2 = Omega Ruins Chimerageist - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Calm Lands Bribe: Dark Element - 4 ( 36,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ( 9,000) Mandragora - 24 (620,000 Gil) = Gagazet (25,833) Found: Chest - 1 = Gagazet: Mountain Cave Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals Prize - 2 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - Most Goals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Shadow Gem 1. Hits target party with a gravity-based damage, reduces HP by 1/2 2. If target is immune to gravity, no damage is done 3. Aeon Ability: Demi: 8 Shadow Gem Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Sand Worm - 2, = Bikanel Island Halma - ,2 = Omega Ruins Abyss Worm - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Bikanel Island Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: Minigame - Bikanel: One of the Chests when playing with Robeya Other: Prize - 8 = Remiem - Defeat Belgemine's Yojimbo (1-timer) Prize - 99 = Unlock Abyss Worm - Capture 1 of each fiend from Bikanel Island - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Shining Gem 1. Hits one target with 6000 non-elemental damage 2. Customization: Magic Counter: 16 Shining Gem 3. Aeon Ability: Flare: 60 Shining Gem Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Black Element - ,4 = Omega Ruins Right Fin - ,1 = Sin (Sin's) Genasis - ,1 = Sin Omnis - 1, = Inside Sin Varuna - ,1 = Omega Ruins Abaddon - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Inside Sin Bomb King - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros Juggernaut - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Dual Horn, Valaha, Grendel Drop: Coeurlregina - 3,6; , = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mushroom Rock Bribe: Grenade - 12 (150,000 Gil) = Gagazet (12,500) Puroburos - 36 (400,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins (11,111) Found: Minigame - Bikanel: One of the Chests when playing with Robeya Other: Prize - 40 = Remiem - Defeat Belgemine's Magus Sisters (1-timer) Prize - 60 = Unlock Espada - Capture 1 of each fiend from Macalania - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Shining Thorn 1. Mix Item 2. Aeon Ability: Mental Break: 4 Shining Thorn Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Dark Element - 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: N/A Bribe: Larva - 10 (29,960 Gil) = Thunder Plains (2,996) Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Silence Grenade 1. One hit for 750 (1500) + Silence status against all in target party 2. Lasts for 8 turns 3. Customization: Silencestrike: 20 Silence Grenade SilenceProof: 10 Silence Grenade 4. Aeon Ability: Silence Attack: 3 Silence Grenade Silence Buster: 10 Silence Grenade Buy: N/A Sell: 37 Gil Steal: Funguar - 1, = Mushroom Rock Anima - 3, = Macalania Temple Bat Eye - ,2 = Via Purifico Thorn - 2, = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Exoray - 3, = Inside Sin Drop: N/A Bribe: Bat Eye - 12 (7,600 Gil) = Via Purifico (633) Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Silver Hourglass 1. Inflicts Slow against target party 2. Customization: Slowtouch: 16 Silver Hourglass Slow Ward: 10 Silver Hourglass 3. Aeon Ability: Slow: 4 Silver Hourglass Delay Attack: 20 Silver Hourglass Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Vouivre - ,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad Lamashtu - ,1 = Mushroom Rock Kusariqqu - ,1 = Thunder Plains Mushussu - ,1 = Bikanel Island Drop: N/A Bribe: Vouivre - 10 (5,100 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad (510) Lamashtu - 10 (5,500 Gil) = Mushroom Rock (550) Kusariqqu - 20 (8,900 Gil) = Thunder Plains (445) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn Prize - 40 = Unlock Don Tonberry - Capture 1 of each fiend from Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Skill Sphere 1. Activates Skill node already activated by ally Skill = Quick Hit, Triple Foul, Mug, etc... 2. Customization: Strength +10%: 1 Skill Sphere 2. Aeon Ability: Triple Foul: 4 Skill Sphere Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: Zu - 2 (360,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island (180,000) Found: Chest - 1 = Home: Living Quarters Chest - 1 = Via Purifico Other: Crystal - 1 = Inside Sin: Point of No Return - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Sleeping Powder 1. One hit for 750 (1500) + Sleep status against all in target party 2. Lasts 8 turns 3. Customization: Sleeptouch: 10 Sleeping Powder Sleep Ward: 6 Sleeping Powder 4. Aeon Ability: Sleep Attack: 3 Sleeping Powder Sleep Buster: 10 Sleeping Powder Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Dingo - ,1 = Besaid Mi'ihen Fang - ,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad Garm - ,1 = Djose Highroad Snow Wolf - 1,2 = Lake Macalania Sand Wolf - 2,2 = Bikanel Island Drop: N/A Bribe: Dingo - 4 (2,500 Gil) = Besaid (625) Mi'ihen Fang - 6 (3,200 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad (533) Garm - 8 (4,800 Gil) = Djose Highroad (600) Snow Wolf - 12 (8,000 Gil) = Lake Macalania (666) Sand Wolf - 12 (9,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island (750) Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Smoke Bomb 1. One hit for 750 (1500) + Darkness status against all in target party 2. Lasts for 8 turns 3. Customization: Darkstrike: 20 Smoke Bomb Darkproof: 10 Smoke Bomb 4. Aeon Ability: Dark Attack: 6 Smoke Bomb Dark Buster: 12 Smoke Bomb Buy: N/A Sell: 37 Gil Steal: Condor - ,1 = Besaid Garuda - 1,2 = Besaid Garuda - 1,2 = Mushroom Rock Simurgh - 1,2 = Djose Highroad Alcyone - 1,2 = Bikanel Island Zu - 3,4 = Bikanel Island Stratoavis - 3, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Besaid Pteryx - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Condor, Simurgh, Alcyone Drop: N/A Bribe: Condor - 4 ( 1,900 Gil) = Besaid (475) Garuda - 99 (80,000 Gil) = Besaid (808) Simurgh - 6 ( 4,000 Gil) = Djose Highroad (666) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 6 - Lose to Belgemine's Ixion at Moonflow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Soft 1. Removes Petrify from one target 2. Customization: Stone Ward: 30 Soft Buy: O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* Djose Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka at South Moonflow ( 50 Gil) Man at South Moonflow (100 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow ( 75 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (100 Gil) O'aka at North Moonflow ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Guadosalam ( 50 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop ( 75 Gil) Thunder Plains ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Woods ( 75 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Lake ( 75 Gil) Macalania Item Shop ( 50 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Temple ( 75 Gil) O'aka at Macalania Escape ( 75 Gil) Rin's Item Shop = Airship ( 55 Gil) Chest's Shop = Via Purifico ( 50 Gil) O'aka on Highbridge ( 50 Gil) Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands ( 50 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop ( 50 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet ( 50 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet ( 50 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) ( 50 Gil) Besaid Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Luca Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Luca Square Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Djose Item Shop (FC) ( 50 gil) Man at South Moonflow (FC) ( 60 Gil) Woman at South Moonflow (FC) ( 50 Gil) Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)( 57 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (FC) ( 75 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) ( 50 gil) Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania ( 50 gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: Dinonix - 1, = Kilika Ipiria - 1, = Mi'ihen Highroad Raptor - 1, = Mushroom Rock Muslusine - 1, = Thunder Plains Iguion - 1, = Macalania Woods Cave Iguion - 1, = Via Purifico Yowie - 1, = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 4 = Mushroom Rock: Avaliable after Djose Temple Other: Prize - 4 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 2nd Place Gift - 3 = Mi'ihen Highroad: South "Don't kick the blitzball" Prize - 1 = Home - Living Quarters, pick second option on second row - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Soul Spring 1. Absorbs 1500 HP & 1500 MP from one enemy 2. Customization: HP +10%: 3 Soul Spring MP +10%: 3 Soul Spring 3. Aeon Ability: Lancet: 20 Soul Spring Buy: N/A Sell: 100 Gil Steal: Bashura - 1,2 = Gagazet Kottos - ,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mi'ihen Highroad Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn Prize - 99 = Unlock Kottos - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mi'ihen Highroad - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Special Sphere 1. Activates Special node already activated by ally Special = Steal, Bribe, Aim, etc... 2. Customization: Defense +10%: 1 Special Sphere Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Seymour - , ;1,2 = Macalania Temple Bribe: Adamantoise - 6 (1,088,000 Gil) = Inside Sin/Omega Ruins (181,333) Found: Chest - 1 = Inside Sin - Sin: Sea of Sorrow Other: Prize - 1 = Home: Quarters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Speed Distiller 1. Forces enemy to drop Speed Spheres. 2. Use it on Kottos/Fafnir to make them drop 20 Speed Spheres. Overkill them to get 40 Speed Spheres. 3. Same abilities as Distill Speed (Weapon) & Extract Speed (Ability) Buy: Rin's Item Shop = Airship (110 Gil) Chest's Shop = Via Purifico (100 Gil) O'aka on Highbridge (100 Gil) Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (100 Gil) Calm Land's Item Shop (100 Gil) Monster Arena Item Shop (100 Gil) Ronso Item Shop = Gagazet (100 Gil) Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet (100 Gil) Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC) (100 Gil) Besaid Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Luca Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Luca Square Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Mi'ihen Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Djose Item Shop (FC) (100 Gil) Guadosalam Item Shop (FC) (150 gil) Thunder Plains (FC) (100 Gil) Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania (100 Gil) Rin I.Shop (FC) = Macalania (100 Gil) Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Speed Sphere 1. Activates Agility, Accuracy, and Evasion nodes on Sphere Grid 2. Customization: Distill Speed: 2 Speed Sphere 3. Aeon Ability: Aim: 5 Speed Sphere Reflex: 10 Speed Sphere Extract Speed 20 Speed Sphere 4. Aeon's Soul: Agility +1: [Aeon's AGL/2], capped at 99 Evasion +1: [Aeon's EVA/2], capped at 99 Accuracy +1: [Aeon's ACC/2], capped at 99 Note: [] = Round Down Buy: N/A Sell: 1 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Piranha (x3) - 1,2; , = Submerged Ruins Condor - 1,2;1,2 = Besaid Dinonix - 1,2;1,2 = Kilika Killer - 1,2;1,2 = Kilika Floating Eye - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad Ipiria - 1,2; , = Mi'ihen Highroad Raptor - 1,2; , = Mushroom Rock Bite Bug - 1,2;1,2 = Djose Highroad Simurgh - 1,2;1,2 = Djose Highroad Buer - 1,2;1,2 = Thunder Plains Melusine - 1,2; , = Thunder Plains Qactuar - 1,2;2,4 = Thunder Plains Iguion - 1,2; , = Macalania Woods Wasp - 1,2;1,2 = Macalania Woods Evil Eye - 1,2;1,2 = Lake Macalania Alcyone - 1,2; , = Bikanel Island Cactuar - 2,4;3,6 = Bikanel Island Evil Eye - 1,2;1,2 = Home Bat Eye - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico Cave Iguion - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico Shred - 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands Yowie - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Ahriman - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet Zaurus - 1,2;2,4 = Omega Ruins Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place Prize - 30 = Calm Lands - Lose to Belgemine's Shiva Kottos/Fafnir may drop 20/40 Ability Spheres when Power Distiller is used on them, but it's only a Common Drop (7/8). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Stamina Spring 1. Absorbs up to 400 Hp from on enemy 2. Customization: Strength +5%: 2 Stamina Spring Defense +5%: 2 Stamina Spring 3. Aeon Ability: Power Break: 8 Stamina Spring Drain: 60 Stamina Spring Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Sand Worm - ,2 = Bikanel Island Ogre - 1,2 = Calm Lands Sin's Core - 3,4 = Sin Land Worm - 1,1 = Inside Sin - Point of No Return Spirit - 1,2 = Omega Ruins Stratoavis - ,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Besaid Kottos - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mi'ihen Highroad Chimerageist - ,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Calm Lands Fafnir - ,2 = Monster Arena - Capture 4 of each: Vouivre, Lamashtu, Kusariqqu, Mushussu, Nidhogg Drop: N/A Bribe: Ogre - 50 (188,000 Gil) = Calm Lands (3,760) Bashura - 80 (340,000 Gil) = Gagazet (4,250) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 = Remiem - Defeat Belgemine's Anima (1-timer) Prize - 99 = Unlock Ornitholestes - Capture 3 of each: Dinonix, Ipiria, Raptor, Melusine, Iguion, Yowie, Zaurus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Stamina Tablet 1. For one battle or KO'd, target character's MAX HP is doubled 2. It can't stack and Break HP Limit is needed beyond 9999 3. Customization: Auto-Potion: 4 Stamina Tablet HP Stroll: 4 Stamina Tablet Buy: N/A Sell: 200 Gil Steal: Yunalesca - 1, = Zanarkand Ruins Adamontoise - ,1 = Inside Sin Abyss Worm - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Bikanel Island Vorban - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Omega Ruins Ironclad - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 10 of each: Iron Giant, Gemini A, Gemini B Dark Ixion - 2, = Thunder Plains Drop: N/A Bribe: Defender - 20 (240,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (12,000) Found: Random Chest - 1 = Moonflow: South Bank Other: Prize - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn Prize - 60 = Unlock One Eye - Capture 4 of each: Floating Eye, Buer, Evil Eye, Ahriman, Floating Death - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Stamina Tonic 1. Party's MAX HP is doubled for one battle or KO'd 2. It can't stack and Break HP Limit is needed beyond 9999 3. Customization: HP +30%: 1 Stamina Tonic Buy: N/A Sell: 400 Gil Steal: Machea - ,1 = Omega Ruins Catoblepas - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Gagazet Dark Yojimbo - 2, = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: Abyss Worm - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Bikanel Island Bribe: Iron Giant - 2 ( 72,000 Gil) = Thunder Plains (36,000) Gemini (Club) - 10 (720,000 Gil) = Inside Sin (72,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlocking Stratoavis - Capture 1 of each fiend from Besaid - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Star Curtain 1. Gives one target Reflect status 2. Customization: SOS Reflect: 8 Star Curtain Auto-Reflect: 40 Star Curtain 3. Aeon Ability: Reflect: 3 Star Curtain Buy: N/A Sell: 45 Gil Steal: Dark Flan - 1,2 = Gagazet Genais - 1, = Sin Barbatos - 1, = Inside Sin Nega Elemental - 4, = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Yellow Element, White Element, Red Element, Gold Element, Blue Element, Dark Element, Black Element Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 6 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Shiva beyond the 1st Prize - 99 = Unlock Nega Elemental - Capture 3 of each: Yellow Element, White Element, Red Element, Gold Element, Blue Element, Dark Element, Black Element - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Strength Sphere 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into STR +4 Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Juggernaut - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Dual Horn, Valaha, Grendel Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Win the first Blitzball Tournament (against Luca Goers) Prize - 3 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 50 bolts in a row Gift - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (Chamber - FC) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Supreme Gem 1. Hits target party with 9999 non-elemental damage 2. Customization: Strength +20%: 4 Supreme Gem Magic +20%: 4 Supreme Gem 3. Aeon Ability: Ultima: 99 Supreme Gem Buy: N/A Sell: 250 Gil Steal: Left Fin - ,1 = Sin Sin - ,1 = Overdrive Sin Seymour Omnis - ,1 = Inside Sin Drop: Jormungand - 2,4; , = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Djose Highroad Bribe: Halma - 20 (260,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins (13,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 - Unlock Greater Sphere - Unlock 2 Species Creations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Teleport Sphere 1. Teleport to any activated node on the Sphere Grid 2. Customization: Evade & Counter: 1 Teleport Sphere Buy: N/A Sell: 200 Gil Steal: Th'uban - ,1 = Monster Arena - Unlock 6 Species Creations Dark Mindy - 1, = Mushroom Rock Drop: Master Tonberry - , ;1,2 = Omega Ruins Sleep Sprout - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each: Funguar, Thorn, Exoray Bribe: Barbatos - 20 (1,900,000 Gil) = Inside Sin (95,000) Found: Chest - 2 = Sanubia Desert: West Chest - 1 = Omega Ruins Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place Prize - 1 = Macalania Woods - Butterfly game after getting Airship - Complete one of the games (out of 2) Prize - 2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - When trying to hire Yojimbo, if you triple his asking price Prize - 2 = Omega Ruins - Open 11 Chests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Tetra Elemental 1. Restores all HP and NUL-ALL to one character, but limited to 9999 2. Customization: Curseproof: 12 Tetra Elemental Buy: N/A Sell: 200 Gil Steal: Seymour Natus - 2,3 = Bevelle/Highbridge Master Tonberry - ,1 = Omega Ruins Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Three Stars 1. Party's MP cost is 0 for the battle or KO'd 2. Customization: One MP cost: 20 Three Stars Break MP Limit: 30 Three Stars 3. Aeon Ability: Doublecast: 5 Three Stars Buy: N/A Sell: 2,500 Gil Steal: Jormungand - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Djose Highroad Shinryu - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 2 of each: Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike Dark Anima - 2, = Gagazet Drop: Catoblepas - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 1 of each fiend from Gagazet Bribe: Behemoth King - 14 (1,350,000 Gil) = Inside Sin (96,428) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place Prize - 60 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race, Win with 5 Chests & No Pole Prize - 60 = Unlock Earth Eater - Unlock 2 Area Creations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Turbo Ether 1. Restores 500 MP to one target 2. Lowers MP by 500 when used on Zombies 3. Customization: Magic Booster: 30 Turbo Ether Buy: N/A Sell: 750 Gil Steal: Spherimorph - ,1 = Macalania Woods Seymour - 1, = Macalania Temple Sanctuary Keeper - 1,2 = Gagazet Spectral Keeper - ,1 = Zanarkand Ruins Braska's F. Aeon - 1, = Inside Sin - Point of No Return Drop: N/A Bribe: Funguar - 2 ( 10,800 Gil) = Mushroom Rock (5,400) Thorn - 16 ( 81,600 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (5,100) Exoray - 30 (148,000 Gil) = Inside Sin (4,933) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Calm Lands - Catcher Chocobo: Tie or beat your time Prize - 60 = Unlock Bomb King - Capture 5 of each: Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Twin Stars 1. Target character's MP cost is 0 for one battle or KO'd 2. Customization: Half MP Cost: 2 Twin Stars Buy: N/A Sell: 200 Gil Steal: Behemoth King - ,2 = Inside Sin Nega Elemental - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Yellow Element, White Element, Red Element, Gold Element, Blue Element, Dark Element, Black Element Dark Bahamut - 2, = Zanarkand Ruins Drop: Nega Elemental - 2,4; , = Monster Arena - Capture 3 of each: Yellow Element, White Element, Red Element, Gold Element, Blue Element, Dark Element, Black Element Bribe: Spirit - 10 (200,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins (20,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 = Unlock Jumbo Flan - Capture 3 of each: Water Flan, Thunder Flan, Snow Flan, Ice Flan, Flame Flan, Dark Flan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ U ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Underdog's Secret 1. Mix Item 2. Customization: Double Overdrive: 30 Underdog's Secret Buy: N/A Sell: 5,000 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Th'uban - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Unlock 6 Species Creations Bribe: Chimera - 16 (180,000 Gil) = Home (11,250) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place Prize - 99 = Airship - Obtain all 26 Al Bhed Primers and talk to Rin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ W ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + Warp Sphere 1. Teleport to any node on the Sphere Grid Buy: N/A Sell: 250 Gil Steal: Nemesis - ,1 = Monster Arena - Capture 10 of each fiend and Defeat All Monster Creations Drop: Nemesis - 1,2; , = Monster Arean - Capture 10 of each fiend and Defeat All Monster Creations Bribe: Master Coerl - 2 (260,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins (130,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Omega Ruins - Open all 12 Chests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Water Gem 1. Five random hits of 600 water elemental damage to target party 2. Customization: Water Eater: 2 Water Gem 3. Aeon Ability: Waterga: 4 Water Gem Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Evrae - 1,2 = Airship Octopus - ,2 = Via Purifico Phlegyas - ,1 = Via Purifico Evrae Altana - 2, = Via Purifico Achelous - 2, = Gagazet Maelspike - 2,3 = Gagazet Geosgaeno - 1,2 = Baaj Temple Drop: N/A Bribe: Piranha (1/2/3) - 1 ( 500/1000/1500 Gil) = Submerged Ruins Water Flan - 2 ( 6,300 Gil) = Besaid (3,150) Blue Element - 10 (30,000 Gil) = Macalania Woods (3,000) Sahagin (land) - 8 (27,600 Gil) = Via Purifico (3,450) Sahagin (water) - 8 ( 7,600 Gil) = Via Purifico ( 950) Aqua Flan - 16 (40,500 Gil) = Via Purifico (2,531) Maze Larvae - 14 (44,440 Gil) = Via Purifico (3,174) Remora - 20 (60,000 Gil) = Via Purifico (3,000) Found: N/A Other: N/A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + White Magic Sphere 1. Activates White Magic node already activated by ally White Magic = Holy, Haste, Dispel, etc... 2. Customization: Mag Defense +10%: 1 White Magic Sphere Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: Dark Flan - 2 (256,000 Gil) = Gagazet (128,000) Found: Chest - 1 = Via Purifico - Near Lulu Chest - 1 = Besaid Temple (FC) Other: Crystal - 1 = Inside Sin - Point of No Return - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Wings to Discovery 1. Mix Item 2. Customization: Triple AP: 50 Wings to Discovery Break HP Limit: 30 Wings to Discovery Buy: N/A Sell: 7,500 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Shinryu - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 2 of each: Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike Bribe: Marlboro - 4 ( 540,000 Gil) = Calm Lands (135,000) Great Marlboro - 8 (1,280,000 Gil) = Inside Sin/Omega Ruins (160,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 30 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race, Win with 3 Chests & No Pole - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + Winning Formula 1. Mix Item 2. Customization: Triple Overdrive: 30 Winning Formula Buy: N/A Sell: 10,000 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Ultima Buster - 1,2; , = Monster Arena - Capture 5 of each Fiend Bribe: Sand Worm - 16 (900,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island (56,250) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Neslug - Unlock All Area Creations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + X-Potion 1. Restores all of target's HP, but limited to 9999 when used in battle 2. Restores MAX HP to one character if used in the Menu. 3. Deals 9999 damage to Zombies 4. Customization: HP +5%: 1 X-Potion 5. Aeon Ability: Cura: 30 X-Potion Buy: N/A Steal: Wendigo - ,1 = Lake Macalania Guado Guardian - ,1 = Lake Macalania Random Chest - 1,1 = Bikanel Island Guado Guardian - ,2 = Home Right Fin - 1, = Sin Dark Valefor - 2, = Besaid Drop: Worker - , ;1,2 = Luca Bribe: Guado Guardian - 30 ( 52,000 Gil) = Home (1,733) Valaha - 60 (174,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (2,900) Found: Chest - 1 = Submerged Ruins: Hall Chest - 1 = Mushroom Rock: Precipice? Chest - 1 = Moonflow: South Bank Road Chest - 1 = Thunder Plains: North Chest - 2 = Macalania: Hall Chest - 2 = Sanubia Desert: Central Chest - 2 = Sanubia Desert: West Chest - 2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals Prize - 1 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - First Place Prize - 2 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 5 bolts in a row Prize - 1 = Calm Lands - Woobly Chocobo: Tie or beat your time Prize - 30 = Remiem - Defeat Belgemine's Ifrit (1-timer) -D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D C H E C K L I S T @CL -D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D For this checklist, I'm going to include enemy, the items that can be drop/stolen from them. For items that can be obtained, description of how to get them will be limited. It will be divived into 2 columns. Read it from top to bottom before switching to the right column. * = Boss S = Steal CM = Need Celestial Mirror D = Drop ============================================================================= Location: Zanarkand ============================================================================= Enemies: Sinscale Ammes* Items: 2x Potion Weapons: Longsword - Tidus Key Items: None ============================================================================= Location: Submerged Ruins ============================================================================= Enemies: Sahagin Geosgaeno* S:1x/2x Water Gem Klikk* S:1x/2x Grenade D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Items: 200 Gil X-Potion 2x Potion Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Potion Weapons: None Key Items: Flint Withered Bouquet ============================================================================= Location: Salvage Ship ============================================================================= Enemies: Piranha x1 S:1x Grenade/2x Grenade D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Piranha x2 S:1x Grenade/2x Grenade D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Piranha x3 S:1x Grenade/2x Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Tros* S:1x/3x Grenade D:2x/4x; 2x/4x Power Sphere Items: 3x Potion (Unlimited) Weapons: None Key Items: Al Bhed Primer I ============================================================================= Location: Besaid Island ============================================================================= Enemies: Piranha x1 S:1x Grenade/2x Grenade D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Piranha x2 S:1x Grenade/2x Grenade D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Piranha x3 S:1x Grenade/2x Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Dingo S:1x Potion/1x Sleeping Powder D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Water Flan S:1x Fish Scale/2x Dragon Scale D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Condor S:1x Phoenix Down/1x Smoke Bomb D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere ????* = Kimarhi S:1x-1x Potion D:2x/4x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Garuda S:1x Smoke Bomb/2x Smoke Bomb D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Items: 200 Gil 2x Potion 2x Potion Hi-Potion 3x Potion 400 Gil Hi-Potion Map 2x Antidote Remedy Phoenix Down 400 Gil Hi-Potion Ether 2x Antidote 3x Phoenix Down Phoenix Down Weapons: Rod of Wisdom - Yuna (Destruction) Seeker's Ring - Yuna Brotherhood - Tidus Key Items: Moon Crest Al Bhed Primer II Energy Blast ! (Item Shop keeper, talk to her. Find the dog. For Valefor) (Avaliable once you leave with Yuna) ============================================================================= Location: S.S. Liki ============================================================================= Enemies: Sinscale S:1x Potion/1x Potion D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Sin* S:1x-1x Potion D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Sinscale S:1x Potion/1x Potion (Underwater) D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Echuilles* S:1x Potion/1x Potion D:2x/4x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Items: Remedy 20 Potions (Can fillup your inventory til you have 20 Potions) Weapons: None Key Items: Al Bhed Primer III ============================================================================= Location: Kilika ============================================================================= Enemies: Ragora S:1x Antidote/1x Remedy D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Dinonix S:1x Soft/1x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Yellow Element S:1x Electro Marble/1x Lightning Marble D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Killer Bee S:1x Antidote/1x Poison Fang D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sp Lord Ochu* S:1x/1x Potion D:1x/2x MP Sphere; 1x/2x HP Sphere Geneaux* S:1x/1x Potion D:2x/4x Power Sphere; 3x/6x Power Sphere ^Tentacle S:1x/1x Potion D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Items: 3x Potion 2x Mana Sphere Ether 4x Antidote Remedy 3x Phoenix Down Hi-Potion Elixir Luck Sphere Weapons: Scout - Wakka Red Armlet (Destruction/Kimarhi) NulBlaze Shield - Tidus Key Items: Al Bhed Primer IV ============================================================================= Location: S.S. Winno ============================================================================= Enemies: None Items: Hi-Potion Weapons: None Key Items: Al Bhed Primer V ============================================================================= Location: Luca ============================================================================= Enemies: Worker S:1x Potion/1x Potion D:1x/2x Hi-Potion; 1x/2x X-Potion Oblitzerator* S:1x Potion/1x Potion D:1x/2x Elixir; 2x/4x Elixir Sahagin Chief S:1x Potion/1x Potion D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Vouivre S:1x Potion/1x Potion D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Garuda S:1x Potion/1x Potion D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Items: 2x Hi-Potion Strength Sphere 600 Gil HP Sphere 2x Phoenix Down Magic Sphere 1000 Gil Weapons: Tidal Spear - Kimarhi World Champion (CM) - Wakka Key Items: Al Bhed Primer VI Al Bhed Primer VII Jupiter Crest (Aurochs' Locker Room - Return to obtain it later on) ============================================================================= Location: Mi'ihen Highroad ============================================================================= Enemies: Mi'ihen Fang S:1x Potion/1x Sleeping Powder D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Bomb S:2x Bomb Fragment/3x Bomb Fragment D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Dual Horn S:1x Potion/1x Hi-Potion D:1x/2x Abiliy Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere White Element S:1x Antarctic Wind/2x Antarctic Wind D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Floating Eye S:1x Echo Screen/1x Musk D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Raldo S:1x Potion/1x Hypello Potion D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Thunder Flan S:1x Electro Marble/2x Electro Marble D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Ipiria S:1x Soft/1x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Vouivre S:1x Potion/1x Silver Hourglass D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Chocobo Eater* S:1x Potion/1x Potion D:1x Level 1 Key Sphere: Don't push him off D:2x Level 1 Key Sphere: Push him off Items: Hi-Potion Hi-Potion 2x Antidote 3x Eye Drop Remedy Ether 3x Soft Level 1 Key Sphere Level 1 Key Sphere 2x Mega-Potion 4x Antidote 2x Hi-Potion 2000 Gil Fortune Sphere 600 Gil Weapons: Hunter's Spear (Kimarhi) Ice Brand (Auron) Echo Ring (Win against Belgemine) - Yuna Seeker's Ring (Lose against Belgemine) - Yuna Red Ring - Yuna Heat Lance - Kimarhi Thunder Blade - Auron Scout - Wakka Scout (donate 100 Gil) - Wakka Ice Lance (donate 1000 Gil) - Kimarhi Moon Ring (donate 10000 Gil) - Yuna Key Items: Al Bhed Primer VIII Mars Crest Al Bhed Primer IX ============================================================================= Location: Mushroom Rock ============================================================================= Enemies: Bomb S:2x Bomb Fragment/3x Bomb Fragment D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Dual Horn S:1x Potion/1x Hi-Potion D:1x/2x Abiliy Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Ipiria S:1x Soft/1x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Vouivre S:1x Potion/1x Silver Hourglass D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Thunder Flan S:1x Electro Marble/2x Electro Marble D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Floating Eye S:1x Echo Screen/1x Musk D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Raptor S:1x Soft/1x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Red Element S:1x Bomb Fragment/2x Bomb Fragment D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Gandarewa S:1x Electro Marble/2x Electro Marble D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Garuda S:1x Smoke Bomb/2x Smoke Bomb D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 2x/4x Power Sphere Lamashtu S:1x Potion/1x Silver Hourglass D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Funguar S:1x Silence Grenade/1x Ether D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Gui* (1st) S:1x Potion/1x Potion D:Nothing ^ Arm S:1x Potion/1x Potion ^ Head S:1x Potion/1x Potion Gui* (1st) S:1x Potion/1x Potion D:3x/6x Level 1 Key Sphere; 3x/6x Level 1 Key Sphere ^ Arm S:1x Potion/1x Potion ^ Head S:1x Potion/1x Potion Items: Remedy Remedy Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Potion X-Potion 2x Phoenix Down 400 Gil Hi-Potion Mega-Potion 10x Potion Mega-Potion 1000 Gil Hi-Potion Soft - Available only after completing Djose Temple - Return to Mushroom Rock: Aftermath Go to the next screen using the broken machine to get this Chest Weapons: Tough Bangle - Lulu Serene Armlet - Kimarhi Serene Bracer - Auron Masamune (Need Rusty Sword) - Auron Key Items: Al Bhed Primer X ============================================================================= Location: Djose Highroad ============================================================================= Enemies: Bite Bug S:1x Antidote/1x Poison Fang D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Basilisk S:1x Petrify Grenade/1x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Garm S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Sleeping Powder D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sp Bunyip S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Hypello Potion D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Simurgh S:1x Smoke Bomb/2x Smoke Bomb D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Snow Flan S:2x Antarctic Wind/2x Antarctic Wind D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Raptor S:1x Soft/1x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Gandarewa S:1x Electro Marble/2x Electro Marble D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Lamashtu S:1x Potion/1x Silver Hourglass D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Funguar S:1x Silence Grenade/1x Ether D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Items: 2x Phoenix Down Ether Ether Remedy Hi-Potion Mega Phoenix Mega-Potion Magic Sphere 4x Ability Sphere 2x Hi-Potion 4000 Gil 10x Potion Weapons: Soft Ring -Yuna Bright Bangle - Lulu Variable Steel - Tidus Switch Hitter - Wakka Halberd - Kimarhi Key Items: Al Bhed Primer XI ============================================================================= Location: Moonflow ============================================================================= Enemies: Garm S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Sleeping Powder D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Bunyip S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Hypello Potion D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Snow Flan S:2x Antarctic Wind/2x Antarctic Wind D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Ochu S:1x Remedy/2x Remedy D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 2x/4x Mana Sphere Bite Bug S:1x Antidote/1x Poison Fang D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Gandarewa S:1x Electro Marble/2x Electro Marble D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Funguar S:1x Silence Grenade/1x Ether D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Treasure Chest(s) S: 1x Mega-Potion or 1x Dragon Scale Extractor* S:1x Potion/1x Potion D:1x/2x Mega Phoenix; 2x/4x Mega Phoenix Items: 3x Level 1 Key Sphere Ether X-Potion 4x Antidote 3x Level 1 Key Sphere Mega-Potion Magic Defense Sphere 2x Dragon Scale (Win against Belgemine) 6x Smoke Bomb (Lose against Belgemine) 2x Phoenix Down 5000 Gil Weapons: None Key Items: Summoner's Soul Volume XII ============================================================================= Location: Guadosalam ============================================================================= Enemies: None Items: Mega-Potion 2x Hi-Potion Elixir 8x Lightning Marble 3000 Gil Weapons: None Key Items: Al Bhed Primer XIII Venus Crest - In the Farplane - Avaliable after you've seen the Thunder Plains ============================================================================= Location: Thunder Plains ============================================================================= Enemies: Gold Element S:1x Electro Marble/2x Electro Marble D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Larva S:1x Lunar Curtain/2x Lunar Curtain D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Qactuar S:1x Chocobo Feather/1x Chocobo Feather D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 2x/4x Speed Sphere Melusine S:1x Soft/1x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Kusariqqu S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Silver Hourglass D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Aerouge S:1x Electro Marble/1x Lightning Marble D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Buer S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Musk D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Iron Giant S:1x Light Curtain/1x Light Curtain D:2x/4x Power Sphere; 3x/6x Power Sphere Items: 2x Phoenix Down 2000 Gil 5000 Gil X-Potion 2x Hi-Potion Remedy Ether Weapons: Water Ball - Wakka Yellow Shield - Tidus Spirit Lance (CM) - Kimarhi Key Items: Al Bhed Primer XIV Venus Sigil Lightning Dodger: 2x X-Potion - 5 Bolts 2x Mega-Potion - 10 Bolts 2x MP Sphere - 20 Bolts 3x Strength Sphere - 50 Bolts 3x HP Sphere - 100 Bolts 4x Megalixir - 150 Bolts Venus Sigil - 200 Bolts Lightning Taker: 1x Ether - 30 Bolts 1x Elixir - 80 Bolts ============================================================================= Location: Macalania Woods (Forest) ============================================================================= Enemies: Xiphos S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Mega-Potion D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Wasp S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Poison Fang D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Iguion S:1x Soft/1x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Murussu S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Hypello Potion D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Blue Element S:2x Fish Scale/3x Fish Scale D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Chimera S:1x Arctic Wind/1x Lightning Marble D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Spherimorph* S:1x Ether; 1x Turbo Ether D:1x/2x Level 2 Key Sphere; 1x/2x Level 2 Key Sphere Items: 2000 Gil 3x Phoenix Down Remedy Ether (Butterfly game before defeating Spherimorph) MP Sphere (Butterfly game before defeating Spherimorph) 2x Elixir (Butterfly game after defeating Spherimorph) 2x Megalixir (Butterfly game after defeating Spherimorph) Teleport Sphere FC (Butterfly game's first rewards) Weapons: Sleepy Cait Sith - Lulu Key Items: Al Bhed Primer XV Jecht's Sphere Saturn Sigil (Airship FC and win both Butterfly games) ============================================================================= Location: Lake Macalania/Macalania Temple ============================================================================= Enemies: Snow Wolf S:1x Sleeping Powder/2x Sleeping Powder D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Ice Flan S:1x Arctic Wind/2x Arctic Wind D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Mafdet S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Hypello Potion D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Evil Eye S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Musk D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Crawler* S:1x Lunar Curtain; 2x Lunar Curtain D:1x/2x Elixir; 2x/4x Elixir Negator* S:1x Hi-Potion/2x Hi-Potion D:1x/2x Potion/ 1x/2x Hi-Potion Seymour* S:1x Turbo Ether/1x Elixir D:1x/2x Black Magic Sphere; 1x/2x Special Sphere Guado Guardian* S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Ether D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Anima* S:3x Silence Grenade/1x Farplane Shadow D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Wendigo* S:1x Hi-Potion/1x X-Potion D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 2x/4x Power Sphere Guado Guardian* S:1x Hi-Potion/1x X-Potion D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Items: 4000 Gil 2x Remedy 400 Gil 2x Hi-Potion 5000 Gil Luck Sphere 2x X-Potion Mega Potion Ether Level 1 Key Sphere Elixir Level 2 Key Sphere 3x Phoenix Down Weapons: Shell Targe - Rikku Avenger - Tidus Key Items: Al Bhed Primer XVI ============================================================================= Location: Sanubia (Bikanel) Desert ============================================================================= Enemies: Zu S:3x Smoke Bomb/4x Smoke Bomb D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 2x/4x Al Bhed Potion Mech Guard S:2x Grenade/3x Grenade D:1x/2x Hi-Potion; 1x/2x Hi-Potion Mech Gunner S:1x Al Bhed Potion/2x Al Bhed Potion D:2x/4x Hi-Potion; 2x/4x Hi-Potion Cactuar S:1x Chocobo Feather/1x Chocobo Wing D:2x/4x Speed Sphere; 3x/6x Speed Sphere Alcyone S:1x Smoke Bomb/2x Smoke Bom D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Al Bhed Potion Sand Wolf S:2x Sleeping Powder/2x Sleeping Powder D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Al Bhed Potion Sand Worm S:2x Shadow Gem/2x Stamina Spring D:2x/4x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Level 1 Key Sphere Mushussu S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Silver Hourglass D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Al Bhed Potion Treasure Chest(s) S:1x X-Potion or 1x Ether D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Sandragora S:2x Remedy/10x Musk D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 4x Al Bhed Potion Items: 4x Remedy Elixir 8x Al Bhed Potion Level 2 Key Sphere 8x Al Bhed Potion 10000 Gil 2x Ether 2x Teleport Sphere 4x Hi-Potion 3x Megalixir 4x Hi-Potion 8x Hi-Potion 8x Al Bhed Potion 3x Mega-Potion 2x Mega-Potion 2x X-Potion 2x X-Potion Weapons: None Key Items: Al Bhed Primer I Al Bhed Primer III Al Bhed Primer V Al Bhed Primer XIV Al Bhed Primer XVII Al Bhed Primer XVIII Mercury Crest Mercury Sigil - Complete Cactuar Sidequest, hidden valley Cactuar Prize: 1x Potion - 1 - 2 Sphere 1x Elixir - 3 - 5 Sphere 1x Megalixir - 6 - 7 Sphere Friend Sphere - 8 - 9 Sphere ============================================================================= Location: Home ============================================================================= Enemies: Bomb S:2x Bomb Core/3x Bomb Core D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Dual Horn S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Mega-Potion D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Chimera S:3x Arctic Wind/3x Lightning Marble D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Evil Eye S:1x Musk/2x Musk D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Guado Guardian S:1x Hi-Potion/2x X-Potion D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Items: 2x Hi-Potion 6x Al Bhed Potion 4x Al Bhed Potion Special Sphere Elixir Skill Sphere OR Hi-Potion Level 4 Key Sphere OR Mega-Potion Level 2 Key Sphere OR Soft 10000 Gil OR Potion OR Remedy Friend Sphere Weapons: None Key Items: Al Bhed Primer XIX Al Bhed Primer XX Al Bhed Primer XXI ============================================================================= Location: Airship ============================================================================= Enemies: Bomb S:2x Bomb Core/3x Bomb Core D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Dual Horn S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Mega-Potion D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Evil Eye S:1x Musk/2x Musk D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Evrae* S:1x Water Gem/2x Water Gem D:1x/2x Black Magic Sphere; 1x/2x Black Magic Sphere Items: 4x Al Bhed Potion Weapons: None Key Items: None ============================================================================= Location: Bevelle ============================================================================= Enemies: YAT-99 S:1x Remedy/1x Ether D:1x/2x Phoenix Down; 1x/2x Mega Phoenix YKT-63 S:1x Remedy/1x Ether D:1x/2x Hi-Potion; 1x/2x Mega-Potion Warrior Monk S:2x Hi-Potion/1x Purifying Salt D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Items: HP Sphere Weapons: Knight Lance - Kimarhi Key Items: Al Bhed Primer XXII ============================================================================= Location: Via Purifico / Highbridge ============================================================================= Enemies: Aqua Flan S:2x Fish Scale/2x Dragon Scale D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Cave Iguion S:1x Soft/1x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Sahagin S:2x Fish Scale/2x Dragon Scale D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Bat Eye S:1x Hi-Potion/2x Silence Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Maze Larva S:2x Fish Scale/2x Dragon Scal D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Swamp Mafdet S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Hypello Potion D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Grothia* (Ifrit) Pterya* (Valefor) Spathi* (Bahamut) - - - - - - - - - - Octopus S:2x Dragon Scale/2x Water Gem D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Phlegyas S:2x Dragon Scale/1x Water Gem D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Remora S:1x Dragon Scale/2x Dragon Scale D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Sahagin S:2x Fish Scale/1x Dragon Scale D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Evrae Altana* S:2x Water Gem/1x Healing Spring D:1x/2x Black Magic Sphere; 1x/2x Black Magic Sphere Warrior Monk S:2x Hi-Potion/1x Purifying Salt D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere YAT-99 S:1x Remedy/1x Ether D:1x/2x Phoenix Down; 1x/2x Mega Phoenix YKT-63 S:1x Remedy/1x Ether D:1x/2x Hi-Potion; 1x/2x Mega-Potion Seymour Natus* S:2x/3x Tetra Elemental D:2x/4x Level 2 Key Sphere; 2x/4x Level 2 Key Sphere Items: Elixir 10000 Gil White Magic Sphere Mega-Potion Black Magic Sphere Skill Sphere Weapons: Lucid Ring - Yuna Avenger - Tidus Rematch - Wakka Key Items: None ============================================================================= Location: Macalania Woods II (Forest) ============================================================================= Enemies: None Items: None Weapons: Lucid Ring - Yuna Key Items: None ============================================================================= Location: Calm Lands ============================================================================= Enemies: Malboro S:1x Remedy/1x Remedy D:2x/4x Mana Sphere; 2x/4x Mana Sphere Coeurl S:1x Mana Spring/1x Mana Spring D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 2x/4x Mana Sphere Nebiros S:1x Poison Fang/2x Poison Fang D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Skoll S:1x Dream Powder/2x Dream Powder D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Mech Scouter S:3x Grenade/4x Grenade D:1x/2x Hi-Potion; 1x/2x Mega-Potion Flame Flan S:1x Fire Gem/2x Fire Gem D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Anacondaur S:1x Petrify Grenade/2x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Chimera Brain S:1x Ice Gem/2x Lightning Gem D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Shred S:1x Hypello Potion/2x Hypello Potion D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Ogre S:1x Stamina Spring/2x Stamina Spring D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Defender X* S:4x Lunar Curtain/4x Lunar Curtain D:1x/2x Level 2 Key Sphere; 2x/4x Level 2 Key Sphere Epaaj S:1x Hi-Potion/2x Hi-Potion D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Items: 30x Power Sphere (Win against Belgemine) 30x Speed Sphere (Lose against Belgemine) Level 2 Key Sphere 10000 Gil 5000 Gil Weapons: Calablog (CM) - Tidus Nirvana (CM) - Yuna Key Items: Aeon's Soul Sun Sigil Al Bhed Primer XXIII Rusty Blade Chocobo Trainer: Woobly Chocobo: 1x Elixir + X-Potion(s) Dodger Chocobo: 1x Level 1 Key Sphere + Mega-Potion(s) Hyper Dodger Chocobo: 1x Level 2 Key Sphere + Ether(s) Catcher Chocobo: 1x Level 3 Key Sphere + Turbo Ether(s) 0.0.0 = Sung Sigil ============================================================================= Location: Remiem Temple ============================================================================= Enemies: Valefor - 4x Lightning Gem + 4x Power Sphere Summoner's Soul Ifrit - 30x X-Potion + 5x Mana Sphere - Aeon's Soul Ixion - 10x Chocobo Feather + 8x Power Sphere Shiva - 60x Mega-Potion + 6x Star Curtain Bahamut - Flower Scepter + 8x Mana Sphere Yojimbo - 8x Shadow Gem + 10x Power Sphere Anima - 60x Stamina Spring + 10x Mana Sphere Magus Sister - 40x Shining Gem + 12x Power Sphere Items: 1 Chest, No Pole = 1x Elixir 2 Chest, No Pole = 1x Megalixir 3 Chest, No Pole = 30x Wings to Discovery 4 Chest, No Pole = 30x Pendulum 5 Chest, No Pole = 60x Three Stars Comm. Prize = 1x Potion Equipment: None Key Items: Al Bhed Primer XXIV Cloudy Mirror (Macalania = Celestial Mirror) Flower Scepter Moon Sigil - Defeat Belgemine's Magus Sister and send Belgemine ============================================================================= Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (CotSF) ============================================================================= Enemies: (Sunken Cave) Tonberry S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Farplane Shadow D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Level 2 Key Sphere Ghost S:2x Phoenix Down/1x Farplane Shadow D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Yowie S:1x Soft/1x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Magic Urn Prize: Elixir, Phoenix Down, Soul Spring, Stamina Tablet, Silver Hourglass, Frag Grenade, or Light Curtain Defender S:1x Lunar Curtain/2x Lunar Curtain D:2x/4x Power Sphere; 2x/4x Power Sphere Thorn S:2x Silence Grenade/1x Ether D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Valaha S:1x Hi-Potion/2x Hi-Potion D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere Epaaj S:1x Hi-Potion/2x Hi-Potion D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Malboro S:1x Remedy/1x Remedy D:2x/4x Mana Sphere; 2x/4x Mana Sphere Coeurl S:1x Mana Spring/1x Mana Spring D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 2x/4x Mana Sphere Nidhogg S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Gold Hourglass D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Dark Element S:1x Shining Thorn/2x Shining Thorn D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Imp S:1x Lightning Gem/2x Lightning Gem D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Mech Hunter S:1x Al Bhed Potion/2x Al Bhed Potion D:1x/2x Phoenix Down; 1x/2x Mega Phoenix Yojimbo* S:Nothing D:Nothing Items: 1x Megalixir 2x Mega-Potion 1x Level 2 Key Sphere 1x MP Sphere 1x Fortune Sphere 2x X-Potion 2x Teleport Sphere: Triple the amount Yojimbo asks for Weapons: Flexible Arm - Rikku Key Items: Primer XXV ============================================================================= Location: Mt. Gagazet ============================================================================= Enemies: Biran Ronso* S:1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere D:1x/2x Return Sphere; 1x/2x Friend Sphere Yenke Ronso* S:1x/2x Level 3 Key Sp, D:1x/2x Return Sphere; 1x/2x Friend Sphere Mech Leader S:2x Grenade/2x Frag Grenade D:1x/2x Hi-Potion; 1x/2x Mega-Potion Mech Defender S:2x Al Bhed Potion/3x Al Bhed Potion D:1x/2x Phoenix Down; 1x/2x Mega Phoenix Grat S:4x Antidote/3x Remedy D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Grenade S:2x Fire Gem/3x Fire Gem D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Bashura S:1x Soul Spring/2x Soul Spring D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Imp S:1x Lightning Gem/2x Lightning Gem D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Bandersnatch S:2x Dream Powder/3x Dream Powder D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Nidhogg S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Gold Hourglass D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Seymour Flux* S:1x/1x Elixir D:1x/2x Level 4 Key Sphere; 1x/2x Level 4 Key Sphere - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Behemoth S:1x Ether/1x Mana Tablet D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Dark Flan S:1x Star Curtain/2x Star Curtain D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 2x/4x Mana Sphere Mandragora S:2x Remedy/3x Remedy D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Grendel S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Mega-Potion D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Ahriman S:2x Musk/3x Musk D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Splasher S:1x Grenade/1x Frag Grenade D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Maelspike S:2x Water Gem/3x Water Gem D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Achelous S:2x Water Gem/1x Healing Spring D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Sanctuary Keeper* S:1x/2x Turbo Ether D:1x/2x Return Sphere; 1x/2x Return Sphere Items: 20000 Gil Level 1 Key Sphere 2x Mega-Potion Fortune Sphere HP Sphere Return Sphere Level 4 Key Sphere Weapons: Defending Bracer - Auron Pep Talk - Wakka Recovery Ring - Yuna Key Items: Braska's Sphere Saturn Crest ============================================================================= Location: Zanarkand Ruins ============================================================================= Enemies: Behemoth S:1x Ether/1x Mana Tablet D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere Dark Flan S:1x Star Curtain/2x Star Curtain D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 2x/4x Mana Sphere Mandragora S:2x Remedy/3x Remedy D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Grendel S:1x Hi-Potion/1x Mega-Potion D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 2x/4x Ability Sphere Ahriman S:2x Musk/3x Musk D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Bashura S:1x Soul Spring/2x Soul Spring D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Power Sphere YAT-97 S:3x Holy Water/2x Ether D:2x/4x Phoenix Down; 1x/2x Mega Phoenix Fallen Monk S:2x Candle of Life; 1x Purifying Salt D:1x/2x Ability Sphere; 1x/2x Ability Sphere YKT-11 S:3x Holy Water/2x Ether D:2x/4x Hi-Potion; 1x/2x Mega-Potion Defender Z S:2x Lunar Curtain/2x Lunar Curtain D:1x/2x Level 2 Key Sphere; 1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere Spectral Keeper* S:1x Ether/1x Turbo Ether D:1x/2x Level 4 Key Sphere; 1x/2x Level 4 Key Sphere Yunalesca* S:1x Stamina Tablet/1x Farplane Wind D:1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere; 1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere Items: Fortune Sphere Level 3 Key Sphere 10000 Gil Luck Sphere Friend Sphere Weapons: Spiritual Targe - Rikku Magistral Rod - Airship FC - Yuna Key Items: Sun Crest ============================================================================= Location: Airship (Sin) ============================================================================= Enemies: Left Fin* S:1x Mega-Potion/1x Supreme Gem D:1x/2x HP Sphere; 1x/2x HP Sphere Right Fin* S:1x X-Potion/1x Shining Gem D:1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere; 1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere Genais* S:1x Star Curtain;1x Shining Gem D:1x/2x Return Sphere; 1x/2x Return Sphere Core* S:3x/4x Stamina Spring D:1x/2x MP Sphere; 1x/2x MP Sphere OVERDRIVE* S:1x Ether/1x Supreme Gem D:1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere; 1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere Equipment: Godhand - Input GODHAND in password section - Rikku Victorious - Input VICTORIOUS in password section - Rikku Murasame - Input MURASAME in password section - Auron Phantom Bangle - Lulu Dragoon Lance - Kimarhi Sonar - Rikku Ascalon - Tidus Coordinates: Baaj Temple: x - 11/16 y - 57/63 Battle Site: x - 39/43 y - 56/60 = Phantom Bangle Besaid Falls: x - 29/32 y - 73/76 = Dragoon Lance Mi'ihen Ruins: x - 33/36 y - 55/60 = Sonar Omega Ruins: x - 69/75 y - 33/38 Sanubia Sands: x - 12/16 y - 41/45 = Ascalon ============================================================================= Location: Omega Ruins ============================================================================= Enemies: Zaurus S:2x Petrify Grenade/3x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 2x/4x Speed Sphere Treasure Chest: Mega-Potion Spirit S:1x Stamina Spring/2x Stamina Spring D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Friend Sphere Halma S:3x Hypello Potion/2x Shadow Gem D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 2x/4x Power Sphere Varuna S:1x Farplane Wind/1x Shining Gem D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Level 2 Key Sphere Wraith S:1x Farplane Shadow/1x Farplane Wind D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 2x/4x Mana Sphere Machea S:2x Hi-Potion/1x Stamina Tonic D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere Defender Z S:2x Lunar Curtain/2x Lunar Curtain D:1x/2x Level 2 Key Sphere; 1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere Adamantoise S:1x Healing Water/1x Stamina Tablet D:2x/4x Power Sphere; 4x/8x Power Sphere Puroboros S:3x Fire Gem/4x Fire Gem D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Level 1 Key Sphere Demonolith S:2x Petrify Grenade/2x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere Floating Death S:4x Musk/5x Musk D:2x/4x Mana Sphere; 3x/6x Mana Sphere Master Coeurl S:2x Farplane Shadow/4x Farplane Shadow D:1x/2x Level 1 Key Sphere; 1x/2x Friend Sphere Great Malboro S:1x Remedy/1x Mana Tonic D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Master Tonberry S:1x Mana Spring/1x Tetra Elemental D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Teleport Sphere Black Element S:1x Hi-Potion/4x Shining Gem D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Return Sphere Ultima Weapon* S:10x Door to Tomorrow/20x Door to Tomorrow D:3x/6x Level 3 Key Sphere; 3x/6x Level 3 Key Sphere Omega Wewapon* S:30x Gambler's Spirit/30x Gambler's Spirit D:3x/6x Level 4 Key Sphere; 3x/6x Level 4 Key Sphere Items: 1x Teleport Sphere 1x Magic Sphere 1x Friend Sphere Weapons: None Key Items: Primer XXVI Treasure Hunt: 1. 1x Level 4 Key Sphere 2. Defending Bracer (2 slots) Silenceproof, Darkproof 3. Turnover (Magic Counter, Counterattack) 4. 2x Level 3 Key Sphere 5. Defending Armlet (Stoneproof, Poisonproof, 2 FS) 6. 2x Friend Sphere 7. 1x Level 4 Key Sphere 8. Phantom Ring (Ice Eater, Fire Eater, Lightning Eater, 1 FS) 9. Cactuar Wizard (Half MP Cost) 10. Warmonger (Double AP, Double Overdrive) 11. 2x Teleport Sphere 12. 99x Warp Sphere ============================================================================= Location: Baaj Temple ============================================================================= Enemies: Geosgaeno* S:1x Water Gem/2x Water Gem D:2x/4x Power Sphere; 2x/4x Power Sphere Items: -Besaid Bevelle- Mega Phoenix -Macalania Djose- Megalixir -Zanarkand Kilika- Equipment: Onion Knight (CM) - Lulu ============================================================================= Return to Temple - Chests ============================================================================= Besaid - Evasion Sphere White Magic Sphere 2x Potion Hi-Potion Elixir Kilika - Luck Sphere Accuracy Sphere Defense Sphere Agility Sphere Djose - Luck Sphere Magic Defense Sphere Agility Sphere Macalania- Magic Sphere Magic Defense Sphere Accuracy Sphere CotSF - Strength Sphere Remiem - Defense Sphere ============================================================================= Location: Inside Sin ============================================================================= Enemies: Gemini S:1x Light Curtain/2x Light Curtain D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 2x/4x Power Sphere Exoray S:3x Silence Grenade/1x Ether D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Ahriman S:2x Musk/3x Musk D:1x/2x Speed Sphere; 1x/2x Speed Sphere Adamantoise S:1x Healing Water/1x Stamina Tablet D:2x/4x Power Sphere; 4x/8x Power Sphere Behemoth King S:1x Healing Spring/2x Twin Stars D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere Seymour Omnis* S:1x Shining Gem/1x Supreme Gem D:1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere; 1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Demonolith S:2x Petrify Grenade/2x Petrify Grenade D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Level 3 Key Sphere Great Malboro S:1x Remedy/1x Mana Tonic D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 1x/2x Mana Sphere Barbatos S:1x Star Curtain/1x Blessed Gem D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Return Sphere Wraith S:1x Farplane Shadow/1x Farplane Wind D:1x/2x Mana Sphere; 2x/4x Mana Sphere Land Worm S:1x Stamina Spring/1x Stamina Spring (PoNR) D:1x/2x Power Sphere; 1x/2x Level 4 Key Sphere Items: Special Sphere Megalixir Elixir 20000 Gil Level 3 Key Sphere HP Sphere Level 4 Key Sphere Defense Sphere White Magic Sphere (Point of No Return) Skill Sphere (Point of No Return) Attribute Sphere (Point of No Return) Weapons: Phantom Ring - Yuna Wizard Lance - Kimarhi Four-on-One - Wakka Defending Bracer - Auron Laevatein - Tidus Stillblade (Point of No Return) - Auron Wicked Cait Sith (Point of No Return) - Lulu Infinity (Point of No Return) - Rikku Prism Ball (Point of No Return) - Wakka Mage's Staff (Point of No Return) - Yuna Hrunting (Point of No Return) - Tidus Knight Lance (Point of No Return) - Kimarhi Key Items: None -E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E Sphere List by Area @SL -E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E This table is just that. The location is on the left, the common sphere on the top. In between is the monster that drops it. Most of which is common drops, there are a few rare drops. No bosses are included or one-timers. Also note, that type of enemies that doesn't drop common spheres aren't on this as well. -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- | Power | Mana | Speed | Ability -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Salvage Ship | Piranha x1 | Piranha x2 | Piranha x3 | Piranha(R) -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Besaid | Dingo | Water Flan | Condor | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Liki | Sinscale | | Sinscale | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Kilika | Dinonix(R) | Ragora | Killer Bee | Woods | | Yellow Element | Dinonix | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Mi'ihen | Mi'ihen Fang | White Element | Floating Eye | Dual Horn Highroad | Bomb | Thunder Flan | Ipiria | | Raldo | | | | Vouivre | | | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Mushroom | Bomb | Thunder Flan | Ipiria | Dual Horn Rock | Vouivre | Red Element | Floating Eye | | Garuda | Gandarewa | Raptor | | Ipiria(R) | | | | Raptor(R) | | | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Djose | Garm | Funguar | Bite Bug | Basilisk | Bunyip | Snow Flan | Simurgh | | Lamashtu | Gandarewa | Raptor | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Moonflow | Garm | Snow Flan | Bite Bug | | Bunyip | Gandarewa | | | Ochu | Funguar | | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Thunder | Iron Giant | Gold Element | Qactuar | Larva Plains | Kusariqqu | Aerouge | Melusine | | Melusine(R) | | Buer | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Macalania | Murussu | Blue Element | Wasp | Xiphos Woods | | | Iguion | Chimera -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- L.Macalania | Snow Wolf | Ice Flan | Evil Eye | | Madfet | | | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Bikanel | Zu | | Cactuar | Sand Worm | Sand Wolf | | Alcyone | | Mushussu | | | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Home | Bomb | | Evil Eye | Dual Horn | | | | Chimera -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Airship | Bomb | | Evil Eye | Dual Horn -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Via Purifico | Sahagin | Aqua Flan | Cave Iguion | Maze Larva | Swarmp Mafdet | Octopus | Bat Eye | | Phlegyas | Remora | | | Sahagin | | | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Highbridge | | | | Warrior Monk -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Calm Lands | Skoll | Malboro | Shred | Chimera Brain | Anacondaur | Coeurl | | | Ogre | Nebiros | | | | Flame Flan | | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Remiem | Valefor | Ifrit | | | Ixion | Bahamut | | | Yojimbo | Anima | | | Magus Sister | | | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- CotSF | Tonberry | Ghost | Yowie | Valaha aka | Defender | Thorn | Malboro | Epaaj Sunken | Nidhogg | Coeurl | | Cave | Yowie(R) | Dark Element | | | | Imp | | | | Malboro | | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Gagazet | Grenade | Grat | Ahriman | Grendel | Bashura | Imp | | | Bandersnatch | Dark Flan | | | Nidhogg | Mandragora | | | Behemoth | Maelspike | | | Splasher | | | | Achelous | | | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Zanarkand | Behemoth | Dark Flan | Ahriman | Grendel | Bashura | Mandragora | | Fallen Monk -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Omega Ruins | Halma | Spirit | Zaurus | | Adamantoise | Varuna | | | M. Tonberry | Wraith | | | | Machea | | | | Puroboros | | | | Demonolith | | | | Floating Death | | | | Great Malboro | | | | Black Element | | -------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- Inside Sin | Gemini | Exoray | Ahriman | | Adamantoise | Demonolith | | | Behemoth K. | Great Malboro | | | Barbatos | Wraith | | --------------.---------------.----------------.--------------.------------- -F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F Item Menu on Auto Sort @AUTO -F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F This is what the menu looks like when you have filled up every slot on the item inventory list, after it has been Sort with Auto. The words right of the table is small description of what icons are displayed with each item. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . Potion Hi-Potion | Blue Potion X-Potion Mega-Potion | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. Ether Turbo Ether | Yellow Potion -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. Elixir Megalixir | Blue Potion -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. Phoenix Down Mega Phoenix | Red Potion -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. Antidote Soft | Eye Drops Echo Screen | Green Bottle Holy Water Remedy | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. Power Distiller Mana Distiller | Purple Hammer Speed Distiller Ability Distiller| -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. Al Bhed Potion Healing Water | Purple Potion . -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . Tetra Elemental | Bomb Fragment | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . | Bomb Core Fire Gem | Electro Marble Lightning Marble | Lightning Gem Fish Scale | Dragon Scale Water Gem | Antarctic Wind Arctic Wind | Ice Gem Grenade | Frag Grenade Sleeping Powder | Purple Sword Dream Powder Silence Grenade | Smoke Bomb Shadow Gem | Shining Gem Blessed Gem | Supreme Gem Poison Fang | Silver Hourglass Gold Hourglass | Candle of Life Petrify Grenade | Farplane Shadow Farplane Wind | . -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . Dark Matter | Chocobo Feather | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . | Chocobo Wing Lunar Curtain | Light Curtain Star Curtain | Healing Spring Mana Spring | Stamina Spring Soul Spring | Purple Hammer Purifying Salt Stamina Tablet | Mana Tablet Stamina Tonic | Mana Tonic Twin Stars | . -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . Three Stars | Power Sphere | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . | Red Sphere Mana Sphere Speed Sphere | Ability Sphere Fortune Sphere | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. Attribute Sphere Special Sphere | Skill Sphere Wht Magic Sphere | Master Sphere Blk Magic Sphere Master Sphere | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. Lv. 1 Key Sphere Lv. 2 Key Sphere | Black Sphere Lv. 3 Key Sphere Lv. 4 Key Sphere | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. HP Sphere MP Sphere | Strength Sphere Defense Sphere | Magic Sphere Magic Def Sphere | Purple Sphere Agility Sphere Evasion Sphere | Accuracy Sphere Luck Sphere | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. Clear Sphere* | Return Sphere | * = Light Blue Sphere -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . | Friend Sphere Teleport Sphere | Water-Blue Sphere . -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . Warp Sphere | Map | Map -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. Rename Card Musk | Hypello Potion Shining Thorn | Pendulum Amulet | White Dice (?) Designer Wallet Door to Tomorrow | Wings to Discovery Gambler's Spirit | Underdog's Secret Winning Formula | -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --. -F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2 Key Item Analysis @KIA -F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2-F-2 I'm just going to give some notes for the Key Item Menu list. NA International/PAL Version Version .----------------------------------------. (Cloudy Mirror)* | Celestial Mirror Withered Bouquet | Flint Summoner's Soul | Aeon's Soul Jecht's Sphere | (Rusty Sword)** Tidus -> Sun Crest | Sun Sigil <- Tidus Yuna -> Moon Crest | Moon Sigil <- Yuna Kimarhi -> Saturn Crest | Saturn Sigil <- Auron Wakka -> Jupiter Crest | Jupiter Sigil <- Kimarhi Rikku -> Mercury Crest | Mercury Sigil <- Wakka Auron -> Mars Crest | Mars Sigil <- Lulu Lulu -> Venus Crest | Venus Sigil <- Rikku (Al Bhep Ship) Al Bhed Primer I | Al Bhed Primer II (Besaid) (Liki,PowerRm) Al Bhed Primer III | Al Bhed Primer IV (Kilika) (Winno,Bridge) Al Bhed Primer V | Al Bhed Primer VI (Luca,B) (LucaTheater) Al Bhed Primer VII | Al Bhed Primer VIII (Rin,Mi'ihen) (Mi'ihen) Al Bhed Primer IX | Al Bhed Primer X (MushroomRock) (Djose) Al Bhed Primer XI | Al Bhed Primer XII (Moonflow,NDwarf) (Guadosalam) Al Bhed Primer XIII | Al Bhed Primer XIV (Rin,Okay)*** (Macalania) Al Bhed Primer XV | Al Bhed Primer XVI (TravelA,Maca) (Sanubia) Al Bhed Primer XVII | Al Bhed Primer XVIII (Sanubia) (Home) Al Bhed Primer XIX | Al Bhed Primer XX (Home) (Home) Al Bhed Primer XXI | Al Bhed Primer XXII (Bevelle) (Calm Lands) Al Bhed Primer XXIII | Al Bhed Primer XXIV (Remiem) (CotSF) Al Bhed Primer XXV | Al Bhed Primer XVI (Omega Ruins) (Capt.Gaga) Blossom Crown | Flower Scepter (BelgemineSend) (Nemesis) Mark of Conquest | (Nothing is here/Blank) * = Cloudy Mirror will dissappear when you've powered it up in Macalania. It'll turn into Celestial Mirror. Originally obtained from Remiem. ** = Rusty Sword will disappear when you've got Auron's Masamune from Mushroom Rock. Originally obtained from entrance of CotSF/Calm Lands. *** = If you missed this, it can be obtained in Bikanel Monster Owner's words after you've defeated Nemesis for the first time: You've beaten my mightiest beast? Hmm, what extraordinary power! All right! From now on, you shall be known as the "One Who Conquered All!" I never imagined that my mightiest creation could be defeated. Yes. Truly remarkable! I can't find any other way to express it! All that's left to do is defeat Sin! I have faith in you, sonny. " Obtained Mark of Conquest! " There won't be any more new fiends, but you can still battle them anytime. Feel free to come back whenever you want to train! You'll of course need to pay for it, though! Hahaha... I'm adding this dialouge in here because I can't find it anywhere else. Also, if you want more help getting Al Bhed Primers, go to Split's Al Bhed Sticky in the Game Help section on the FFX Board, if it's still there. It has links to pictures. ^_^ -F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3- Item Selling Guide @SELL -F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3-F-3- Basically lists the name of the item and what it solds for to item shops. .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Name of Item | Gil | Name of Item | Gil .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Potion | 12 | Hi-Potion | 125 | X-Potion | 250 | Mega-Potion | 375 | Ether | 250 | Turbo Ether | 750 | Elixir | 1,250 | Megalixir | 5,000 | Phoenix Down | 25 | Mega Phoenix | 1,000 .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Antidote | 12 | Soft | 12 | Eye Drops | 12 | Echo Screen | 12 | Holy Water | 75 | Remedy | 375 | Power Distiller | 25 | Mana Distiller | 25 | Speed Distiller | 25 | Ability Distiller | 25 .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Al Bhed Potion | 250 | Healing Water | 125 | Tetra Elemental | 200 | Bomb Fragment | 25 | Bomb Core | 50 | Fire Gem | 75 | Electro Marble | 25 | Lightning Marble | 50 | Lightning Gem | 75 | Fish Scale | 25 .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Dragon Scale | 50 | Water Gem | 75 | Antarctic Wind | 25 | Arctic Wind | 50 | Ice Gem | 75 | Grenade | 75 | Frag Grenade | 125 | Sleeping Powder | 25 | Dream Powder | 50 | Silence Grenade | 37 .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Smoke Bomb | 37 | Shadow Gem | 50 | Shining Gem | 75 | Blessed Gem | 125 | Supreme Gem | 250 | Poison Fang | 25 | Silver Hourglass | 25 | Gold Hourglass | 37 | Candle of Life | 50 | Petrify Grenade | 50 .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Farplane Shadow | 75 | Farplane Wind | 100 | Dark Matter | 7,500 | Chocobo Feather | 40 | Chocobo Wing | 50 | Lunar Curtain | 45 | Light Curtain | 45 | Star Curtain | 45 | Healing Spring | 150 | Mana Spring | 75 .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Stamina Spring | 75 | Soul Spring | 100 | Purifying Salt | 70 | Stamina Tablet | 200 | Mana Tablet | 500 | Stamina Tonic | 400 | Mana Tonic | 400 | Twin Stars | 200 | Three Stars | 2,500 | Power Sphere | 1 .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Mana Sphere | 1 | Speed Sphere | 1 | Ability Sphere | 1 | Fortune Sphere | 5 | Attribute Sphere | 25 | Special Sphere | 25 | Skill Sphere | 25 | Wht Magic Sphere | 25 | Blk Magic Sphere | 25 | Master Sphere | 25 .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Lv. 1 Key Sphere | 25 | Lv. 2 Key Sphere | 50 | Lv. 3 Key Sphere | 75 | Lv. 4 Key Sphere | 100 | HP Sphere | 75 | MP Sphere | 75 | Strength Sphere | 75 | Defense Sphere | 75 | Magic Sphere | 75 | Magic Def Sphere | 75 .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Agility Sphere | 75 | Evasion Sphere | 75 | Accuracy Sphere | 75 | Luck Sphere | 75 | Clear Sphere | 2,500 | Return Sphere | 125 | Friend Sphere | 150 | Teleport Sphere | 200 | Warp Sphere | 250 | Map | 12 .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Rename Card | 5 | Musk | 50 | Hypello Potion | 50 | Shining Thorn | 50 | Pendulum | 1,250 | Amulet | 3,450 | Designer Wallet | 200 | Door to Tomorrow | 2,000 | Wings to Discovery | 7,500 | Gambler's Spirit | 4,000 .--------------------.--------.-------------------.-------- | Underdog's Secret | 5,000 | Winning Formula | 10,000 .--------------------.---------.-------------------.------- -G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G Missable Item List @MI -G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G There are a limited amount of things that you can miss and can't obtain for the rest of the game. Them being: 1. Al Bhed Primer XIX 2. Al Bhed Primer XX 3. Al Bhed Primer XXI All 3 of these Primers can only be obtained while going through Home. If you missed any of them, you can't get them anymore on your current playthrough. However, you can load them up and compile them, or even get a friend's memory card (that has them) and absorb them as well. 4. Al Bhed Primer XXII Like the previous 3 Al Bhed Primers, if you missed your chance, you can't return to Bevelle Temple to get this. This is quite noticable though. 4. Magic Counter Armor This is basically a 1 slotted armor (Buckler) that has Magic Counter for Tidus. Normally a shield isn't suppose to have Magic Counter since Magic Counter is a weapon's ability. Like how Sensor belongs on a weapon. This is a glitch. This armor can only be bought during your first visit to the Calm Plains. The person sellig it should be on the southwestern part of Calm Lands nearby a shuttle. After your first visit, the guy selling it won't be there if you leave Calm Lands or head for the Travel Agency in the middle of the Calm Lands. Leaving is also considered if you go to Remiem Temple or the Monster Arena. 5. No Encounter Weapon This is also a glitch. No Encounter is suppose to belong on an armor, but instead you can get one from a weapon. This weapon is dropped by Geosgaeno, the Baaj Temple Optional Boss, after you get the Airship. Save before fightning, since you can only fight him once. On the screen that tells you what equipments he has dropped, if you see a weapon, that's it, it will have "No Encounter" on it. If not, restart and try again. ! You can't miss the destruction sphere from Bevelle ! -H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H End Game: Tedious List @ET -H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H This section lists the items that are tedious to obtain. It doesn't matter what purpose of the item serves; it's about getting 99 of them. This is based on the fact that you're at the end of the game, with max stats so that you can overkill just about every enemy with 99,999. This is a recreation, since I got some better feedback of what it takes to make an item hard to obtain. There are 2 items that are based on special situations.: 1. Dark Matter 2. Master Sphere Dark Matter NA Version: It's rare. All Monster Creations have it as a rare drop. INT/PAL Version: Dark Yojimbo makes it rather uncommon. Within 7/9 minutes, I can obtain 8 Dark Matter. In which case, this item does belong on this list, but not ranked Master Sphere NA Version: Limited to 10 Master Sphere INT/PAL Version: Dark Yojimbo still makes it extremly rare because it's a rare drop (2). Statically, from the hardest to obtain 99 of: 1. Attribute Sphere (BRIBE) = 19,800,000 2. Special Sphere (BRIBE) = 17,952,000 3. Skill Sphere (BRIBE) = 17,820,000 4. White Magic Sphere (BRIBE) = 12,672,000 5. Black Magic Sphere (BRIBE) = 7,524,000 6. Warp Sphere 7. Magic Sphere 8. Pendulum 9. Underdog 10. Luck Sphere 11. Wings of Discovery 12. Fortune Sphere 13. HP Sphere Attribute Sphere (as well as Special / Skill /White / Black) Requires a lot of gil to get to 99. Gil isn't hard to obtain, but getting milions does take a quite a long time. The fact is, it takes 75,768,000 gil when totaled. Warp Sphere Quite disputatble being on this list. If one was to Overkill Nemesis for it, this should deserve it's rank as number 6. However, since it can be stoled from Nemesis, it shouldn't even be on this list. That depends if the player is willing to Rare Setal it twice from Nemesis, escape, and reapeat. *From here on, the other items are based on how long it takes to constantly defeat the monster that drops it. Magic Sphere Jumbo Flan is the only enemy that drops this (2). Overkkilling him, from my fastest time, is about 3 minutes 20 seconds. Winning Formula Ultima Buster is the only enemy that drops this (2). Overkkilling him, from my fastest time, is about 2 minutes 50 seconds. Underdog's Secrets Th'uban is the only enemy that drops this (2). Overkkilling him, from my fastest time, is about 2 minutes 40 seconds. *I'll be repeating most of the same things all over again, so I'll just state the item, monster, and time. Magic Sphere - Jumbo Flan - 3 minute 20 seconds Winning Formula - Ultima Buster - 2 minute 50 seconds Underdog's Secret - Th'uban - 2 minute 40 seconds Pendulum - Neslug - 2 minute 40 seconds (tie with Th'uban) Luck Sphere - Greater Sphere - 2 minute Wings of Discovery - Shinryu - 1 minute 50 seconds Fortune Sphere - Earth Eater - 1 minute 40 seconds HP Sphere - Ironclad - 1 minute 35 seoncds NOTE: All times estimated are based on one full turn to get from the beginning of one battle to the next, with full preparation to do the same thing all over again. So that it may be repeated quickly. There might be a 10 second difference between these times and yours. *Steal* A few suggested that items that can be stoled from enemies shouldn't be on this list, but I disagree. So that's why I'll just list the items that takes a lot of battle to get. Each items listed here can only be stoled one at a time. In no special order. Ether - Funguar - Rare Frag Grenade - Splasher - Rare Tetra Elemental - Master Tonberry - Rare Designer Wallet - Cactuar King - Rare Level 4 Key Sphere - Nemesis - Common -I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I Customization Translation @CT -I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I This section is my of analyze the quickest way, cheapest way, or the only way to get the items needed for each ability in customization. Most of this section is mandatory. Common because it's so abudant that you can get it frequently. Buy means that the item needed can be bought from stores. If I decided that there is an alternative way, it will also be listed below it. If you didn't already know, for Bribe I use K meanig thousands. So 5K would = 5000 Gil. * = many other ways W E A P O N A B I L I T I E S .--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------. | Ability | Required Item(s) | Done By | .--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------. | Sensor | Ability Sphere x2 | Common | | Piercing | Level 2 Key Sphere x1 | R. Steal Catastrophe | | First Strike | Return Sphere x1 | R. Steal Greater Sphere | | Initiative | Chocobo Feather x6 | Steal Qactuar/Cactuar x6 | | | | Steal Fenrir x3 | |--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Firestrike | Bomb Fragment x4 | Steal Bomb x2 | | Lightningstrike | Electro Marble x4 | Steal Aerogue x4 | | Waterstrike | Fish Scale x4 | Steal Blue Element x2 | | Icestrike | Antarctic Wind x4 | Steal Snow Flan x2 | | Darktouch | Eye Drops x60 | Buy | |--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Darkstrike | Smoke Bomb x20 | Steal Pteryx x5 | | Silencetouch | Echo Screen x60 | Buy | | Silencestrike | Silence Grenade x20 | Steal Exoray x7 | | Sleeptouch | Sleeping Powder x10 | Steal Sand Wolf x5 | | | | Bribe Snow Wolf 8K | |--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Sleepstrike | Dream Powder x16 | Steal Bandersnatch x8 | | | | Bribe Bandersnatch 36K | | Poisontouch | Antidote x99 | Buy | | Poisonstrike | Poison Fang x24 | Steal Hornet x6 | | Steal Sleep Sprout x6 | | Stonetouch | Petrify Grenade x10 | Steal Jourmungand x3 | |--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Stonestrike | Petrify Grenade x60 | Steal Jourmungand x15 | | Deathtouch | Farplane Shadow x30 | Steal Espada x8 | | Deathstrike | Farplane Wind x60 | Overkill Don Tonberry x10 | | Zombietouch | Holy Water x70 | Buy | | Zombiestrike | Candle of Life x30 | Steal Don Tonberry x15 | |--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Slowtouch | Silver Hourglass x16 | Bribe Kusariqqu 8.9K | | Slowstrike | Gold Hourglass x30 | Steal Fafnir x15 | | Distill Power | Power Sphere x2 | Common | | Distill Mana | Mana Sphere x1 | Common | | Distill Speed | Speed Sphere x2 | Common | |--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Distill Ability | Ability Sphere x2 | Common | | Strength + 3% | Power Sphere x3 | Common | | Strength + 5% | Stamina Spring x2 | Steal Kottos | | Strength +10% | Skill Sphere x1 | Bribe Zu 360K | | Strength +20% | Supreme Gem x4 | Overkill Jormungand x1 | |--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Magic + 3% | Mana Sphere x3 | Common | | Magic + 5% | Mana Spring x2 | Steal Chimerageist x2 | | Magic +10% | Black Magic Sphere x1 | Bribe Black Element 152K | | Magic +20% | Supreme Gem x4 | Overkill Jormungand x1 | | Counterattack | Friend Sphere x1 | Overkill Vorban x1 | |--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Evade & Counter | Teleport Sphere x1 | Overkill Sleep Sprout | | Magic Counter | Shining Gem x16 | R. Steal Black Element x15 | | | | Overkill Couerlregina x10 | | Magic Booster | Turbo Ether x30 | Bribe Exoray 148K | | Alchemy | Healing Water x4 | Steal Adamantoise x4 | |--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Half MP Cost | Twin Stars x20 | Overkill Nega Elemental | | One MP Cost | Three Stars x20 | Overkill Catoblepas x10 | | Double AP | Megalixir x20 | Bribe Xiphos 54K x10 | | Triple AP | Wings to Discovery x50 | Overkill Shinryu x25 | | Overdrive -> AP | Door to Tomorrow x10 | Overkill Bomb King x5 | |--------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | SOS Overdrive | Gambler's Spirit x20 | Overkill Ornitholestes x5 | | Double Overdrive | Underdog's Secret x30 | Overkill Th'uban x15 | | Triple Overdrive | Winning Formula x30 | Overkill Ultima Buster x15 | | Gillionaire | Designer's Waller x30 | Overkill Catastrophe x15 | | Break Damage Limit | Dark Matter x60 | Constantly slay Sleep Sprout | | | | Overkill Dark Yojimbo x30 | |--------------------|------------------------|------------------------------| A R M O R A B I L I T I E S .------------------.------------------------.------------------------------. | Ability | Required Item(s) | Done By | .------------------.------------------------.------------------------------. | Fire Ward | Bomb Fragment x4 | Steal Bomb x2 | | Fireproof | Bomb Core | Bribe Bomb 17K | | Fire Eater | Fire Gem x20 | Steal Bomb King x5 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Lightning Ward | Electro Marble x4 | R. Steal Gold Element x2* | | Lightningproof | Lightning Marble x8 | | | Lightning Eater | Lightning Gem x20 | Steal Vidatu x5 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Water Ward | Fish Scale x4 | | | Waterproof | Dragon Scale x8 | | | Water Eater | Water Gem x20 | Steal Maelspike x10 | | | | Bribe Blue Element 30K x2 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Ice Ward | Antarctic Wind x4 | Steal Snow Flan x2 | | Iceproof | Arctic Wind x8 | Bribe Snow Flan 12K | | Ice Eater | Ice Gem x20 | Bribe Ice Flan 27K x2/3 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Dark Ward | Eye Drops x40 | Buy | | Darkproof | Smoke Bomb x10 | Steal Pteryx x3 | | Silence Ward | Echo Screen x30 | Buy | | Silenceproof | Silence Grenade x10 | Steal Exoray x3 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Sleep Ward | Sleeping Powder x6 | Steal Sand Wolf x3 | | Sleepproof | Dream Powder x8 | Steal Bandersnatch x4 | | Poison Ward | Antidote x40 | Buy | | Poisonproof | Poison Fang x12 | Steal Hornet x3 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Stone Ward | Soft x30 | Buy | | Stoneproof | Petrify x20 | Steal Jourmungand x5 | | Death Ward | Farplane Shadow x15 | Steal Espada x4 | | Deathproof | Farplane Wind x60 | Overkill Don Tonberry x10 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Zombie Ward | Holy Water x30 | Buy | | Zombieproof | Candle of Life x10 | Steal Don Tonberry x5 | | Slow Ward | Silver Hourglass x10 | Bribe Kurasriqqu 8.9K | | Slowproof | Gold Hourglass x20 | Overkill Fafnir x10 | | | | Bribe Mushussu 13.6K x4 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Confuse Ward | Musk x16 | Steal Floating Death x4 | | Confuseproof | Musk x48 | Steal Floating Death x12 | | Berserk Ward | Hypello Potion x8 | Steal Halma x3 | | | | Bribe Madfet 14.2K | | Berserkproof | Hypello Potion x32 | Steal Halma x11 | | | | Bribe Madfet 14.2K x1/2 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Curseproof | Tetra Element x12 | Steal Master Tonberry x12 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | SOS NulBlaze | Bomb Core x1 | Bribe Red Element 9K | | SOS NulShock | Lightning Marble x1 | R. Steal Yellow Element x1* | | SOS NulTide | Dragon Scale x1 | R. Steal Water Flan x1* | | SOS NulFrost | Arctic Wind x1 | Steal Ice Flan x1 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | SOS Shell | Lunar Curtain x8 | Steal Juggernaut x2 | | | | Steal Jumbo Flan x2 | | SOS Protect | Light Curtain x8 | Overkil Fafnir | | SOS Reflect | Star Curtain x8 | Steal Nega Elemental x2 | | SOS Haste | Chocobo Feather x20 | Steal Fenrir x10 | | SOS Regen | Healing Spring x12 | Overkill Kottos | | SOS Overdrive | Gambler's Spirit x20 | Overkill Ornitholestes x5 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Auto-Shell | Lunar Curtain x80 | Steal Juggernaut x20 | | | | Steal Jumbo Flan x20 | | Auto-Protect | Light Curtain x70 | Overkill Fafnir x2 | | Auto-Reflect | Star Curtain x40 | Steal Nega Elemental x10 | | Auto-Haste | Chocobo Wing x80 | Bribe Machea 360K x1/2 | | | | Steal Cactuar King x40 | | Auto-Regen | Healing Spring x80 | Overkill Kottos x2 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Defense +3% | Power Sphere x3 | Common | | Defense +5% | Stamina Spring x2 | Steal Kottos | | Defense +10% | Special Sphere x1 | Bribe Adamontoise 1.088K | | Defense +20% | Blessed Gem x4 | Overkill Cactuar King | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Mag Defense +3% | Mana Sphere x3 | Common | | Mag Defense +5% | Mana Spring x2 | Steal Chimerageist | | Mag Defense +10% | White Magic Sphere x1 | Bribe Dark Flan 256K | | Mag Defense +20% | Blessed Gem x4 | Overkill Cactuar King | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | HP +5% | X-Potion x1 | Bribe Valaha 174K | | HP +10% | Soul Spring x3 | R. Steal Kottos/Bashura x2 | | HP +20% | Elixir x5 | Bribe YKT-63 84K | | | | Bribe YKT-11 124K | | HP +30% | Stamina Tonic x1 | Overkill Abyss Worm | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | MP +5% | Ether x1 | Steal Behemoth | | MP +10% | Soul Spring x3 | R. Steal Kottos/Bashura x2 | | MP +20% | Elixir x5 | Bribe YKT-63 84K | | | | Bribe YKT-11 124K | | MP +30% | Mana Tonic x1 | Overkill Malboro Menace | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Auto-Potion | Stamina Tablet x4 | R. Steal Adamontoise x4* | | Auto-Med | Remedy x20 | Buy | | | | Bribe Ochu 36K | | Auto-Phoenix | Mega Phoenix x20 | Bribe Ghost 200K | | | | Bribe Alcyone 8.6 x10 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Pickpocket | Amulet x30 | Overkill Stratoavis x8 | | Master Thief | Pendulum x30 | Overkill Neslug x15 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | HP Stroll | Stamina Tablet x4 | R. Steal Adamontoise x4 | | MP Stroll | Mana Tablet x2 | Overkill Abaddon | | No Encounter | Purifying Salt x30 | Steal Abaddon x10 | |------------------.------------------------.------------------------------| | Break MP Limit | Three Stars x30 | Overkill Catoblepas x15 | | Break HP Limit | Wings to Discovery x30 | Overkill Shinryu x15 | | Ribbon | Dark Matters x99 | Constantly slay Sleep Sprout | | | | Overkill Dark Yojimbo x50 | |------------------|------------------------|------------------------------| -J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J Aeon Ability Translation @AT -J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J This section is the main motivation for me to make this list. I planned this from the beginning, but I got sidetracked. So this is the original idea that I had for this Database, yet I knew this solely couldn't be a guide on its own. So in a few words, this section is listing every ability that can be learned by Aeons and translates into what monster(s) you need to kill to have enough items to teach that ability. The first table is based on teaching it to one aeon. |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Ability Name | Required Items | Done by | .-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------. | Dark Attack | Smoke Bomb x6 | Steal Pteryx/Stratoavis x2 | | Silence Attack | Silence Grenade x3 | Steal Exoray x1 | | Sleep Attack | Sleeping Powder x3 | *Bribe Snow Wolf 8K | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Dark Buster | Smoke Bomb x12 | Steal Pteryx x3 | | | | Steal Stratoavis x4 | | Silence Buster | Silence Grenade x10 | Steal Exoray x4 | | Sleep Buster | Sleeping Powder x10 | Bribe Snow Wolf 8K | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Zombie Attack | Holy Water x99 | Buy | | Triple Foul | Skill Sphere x4 | Bribe Zu 350K x2 | | Delay Attack | Silver Hourglass x20 | Bribe Kusariqqu 8.9K | | Delay Buster | Gold Hourglass x30 | Steal Fafnir x15 | | | | Bribe Mushussu 13.6K x6 | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Extract Power | Power Sphere x20 | Power Dis. Kottos Overkill | | Extract Mana | Mana Sphere x20 | Mana Dis. Kottos Overkill | | Extract Speed | Speed Sphere x20 | Speed Dis. Kottos Overkill | | Extract Ability | Ability Sphere x20 | Ability Dis. Kottos Overkill | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Power Break | Stamina Spring x8 | Steal Kottos x2 | | Magic Break | Mana Spring x4 | Steal Chimerageist x2 | | Armor Break | Level 2 Key Sphere | R. Steal Catastrophe x2 | | Mental Break | Shining Thorn x4 | R. Steal Dark Element x2 | | Full Break | Dark Matter x2 | Overkill Dark Yojimbo | | | | Sleep Sprout | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Pray | Healing Water x5 | Steal Adamantoise x5 | | Cheer | Power Sphere x5 | Power Dis. Kottos Overkill | | Aim | Speed Sphere x5 | Speed Dis. Kottos Overkill | | Focus | Mana Sphere x20 | Mana Dis. Kottos Overkill | | Reflex | Speed Sphere x10 | Speed Dis. Kottos Overkill | | Luck | Luck Sphere x2 | Overkill Greater Sphere x1 | | Jinx | Luck Sphere x2 | Overkill Greater Sphere x1 | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Lancet | Soul Spring x20 | R. Steal Kottos x10 | | Doublecast | Three Stars x5 | Overkill Catobepas x3 | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Cure | Hi-Potion x99 | Buy | | Cura | X-Potion x30 | Bribe Valaha 174K | | Curaga | Mega-Potion x60 | Bribe Grendel 190K | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | NulBlaze | Bomb Fragment x2 | Steal Bomb x1 | | NulShock | Electro Marble x1 | R. Steal Gold Element x1 | | NulTide | Fish Scale x2 | Steal Blue Element x1 | | NulFrost | Antarctic Wind x2 | Steal Snow Flan x1 | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Scan | Ability Sphere x10 | Ability Dis. Kottos Overkill | | Life | Elixir x8 | R. Steal Dark Yojimbo x8 | | Full-Life | Megalixir x1 | Bribe Xiphos 27K | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Haste | Chocobo Feather x10 | Steal Fenrir x5 | | Hastega | Chocobo Wing x16 | Steal Cactuar King x8 | | | | Bribe Machea 360K | | Slow | Silver Hourglass x4 | Bribe Kusariqqu 8.9K | | Slowga | Gold Hourglass x8 | Steal Fafnir x4 | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Shell | Lunar Curtain x4 | Steal Juggernaut x1 | | Protect | Light Curtain x6 | Overkill Fafnir | | Reflect | Star Curtain x3 | Steal Nega Elemental x1 | | Dispel | Purifying Salt x3 | Steal Abaddon x1 | | Regen | Healing Spring x60 | Overkill Kottos | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Holy | Blessed Gem x60 | Overkill Cactuar x10 | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Fire | Bomb Fragment x1 | Steal Bomb x1 | | Thunder | Electro Marble x2 | R. Steal Gold Element x1 | | Water | Fish Scale x1 | Steal Blue Element x1 | | Blizzard | Antarctic Winds x1 | Steal Snow Flan x1 | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Fira | Bomb Core x2 | Bribe Bomb 17K | | Thundara | Lightning Marble x2 | Bribe Gandarewa 2,960 | | Watera | Dragon Scale x2 | R. Steal Water Flan x1 | | Blizzara | Arctic Winds x2 | R. Steal Ice Flan x1 | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Firaga | Fire Gem x4 | Steal Bomb King x1 | | Thundaga | Lightning Gem x4 | Steal Vidatu x1 | | Waterga | Water Gem x4 | R. Steal Maelspike x2 | | Blizzaga | Ice Gem x4 | Steal Chimera x4 | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Bio | Poison Fang x8 | R. Steal Hornet x2 | | Demi | Shadow Gem x8 | Steal Abyss Worm x2 | | Death | Farplane Shadow x30 | Steal Espada x8 | | Drain | Stamina Spring x60 | Bribe Bashura 340K | | Osmose | Mana Spring x10 | Steal Chimerageist x5 | |-----------------.----------------------.------------------------------| | Flare | Shining Gem x60 | Overkill Coeurlregina x10 | | Ultima | Supreme Gem x99 | Overkill Jormungand x25 | |-----------------|----------------------|------------------------------| Now, you might be thinking that's kinda of complex. So, I'll try to make an easy way to quickly describe everything without copying this table. I don't know if this complex matters or not, but I'll to categorize it twice, which wouldn't be in this FAQ, and tell you the main numbers. I'll divide this part into 6 sections: 1. Kottos 2. Shops Items 3. Non-Creation - Simple 4. Creation - Simple 5. Non-Creation - Complex 6. Creation - Complex Keys: S = Steal OK = Overkill B = Bribe Neslug: Quick Hits until Neslug goes into its shell ------------------------------------------- I. Kottos ------------------------------------------- Combiningg all the common sphere with the Kottos/Distiller trick, we analyze: Power Sphere - 25 x 6 = 150 | 150/40 = 4 Mana Sphere - 40 x 6 = 240 | 240/40 = 6 So you need to use Speed Sphere - 35 x 6 = 210 | 210/40 = 6 Kottos/Distiller 21 times Ability Sphere - 30 x 6 = 180 | 180/40 = 5 But on top of that, keep this in mind. We need these while doing Kottos: Healing Spring - 360 Overkill Kottos x9 Stamina Spring - 408 Steal Kottos x102 Soul Spring - 120 Rare Steal Kottos x60 In the process: Extract Power Cheer Lancet Extract Mana Aim Regen Extract Speed Focus Drain Extract Ability Reflex Scan ------------------------------------------- 2. Shop Items ------------------------------------------- Go to a shop that has both Holy Water and Hi-Potion (Ex: Calm Lands) Constantly buy 99 Potion and 99 Holy Water for Cure and Zombie Attack. After each purchase, teach it to the aeon. Per Aeon = 49500 + 29700 = 79,200 Total = 79200 x 5 = 396,000 Gil (Didn't include Cure for Anima) In the process: Zombie Attack Cure ------------------------------------------- 3. Non-Creation - Simple ------------------------------------------- Simple being that you simply keep stealing, killing, or bribing a monster. The items required to teach all 6 Aeons does not exceed 99. It would be a great idea to have a equipment that have abilities similiar to this (BDL being optional): Break Damage Limit Master Thief First Strike Auto Haste --------------------------------------- BESAID | KILIKA Water Flan RS x5 | Garuda B 80K | -------------------------.-------------- MI'IHEN | MUSHROOM Bomb S x5 | B 17K | -------------------------.-------------- DJOSE | THUNDER Snow Flan S x5 | Gold Element B 24K B 12K | -------------------------.-------------- MACALANIA | BIKANEL Blue Element S x7 | Zu B 360K x12 Ice Flan B 27K x2 | Snow Wolf B 8K x13 | -------------------------.-------------- CALM LANDS | SUNKEN CAVE | Dark Element S x12 -------------------------.-------------- GAGAZET | SIN Maelspike S x8 | Adamantoise S x15 | Exoray RS x22 ---------------------------------------- In the process: Blizzard NulFrost Pray Blizzara NulBlaze Darktouch Blizzaga NulTide Darkstrike Fire NulShock Silencetouch Fira Silencestrike Water Sleeptouch Watera Sleepstrike Wateraga Thunder Thundara ------------------------------------------- 4. Creation - Simple ------------------------------------------- | Area (Page 2) | Abyss Worm S x12 | Chimerageist S x42 | Catoblepas S x5 | Abaddon S x6 ------------------------.------------------ Species (Page 1) | ORIGINAL (Page 1) Fenrir S x30 | Greater Sphere OK x12 Hornet S x10 | Catastrophe RS x6 Vidatu S x4 | | Species (Page 2) | Nega Elemental S x5 | Fafnir OK x1 | Bomb King S x4 | Juggernaut S x6 | ------------------------.------------------ In the process: Firaga Haste Armor Break Thundaga Protect Mental Break Demi Shell Triple Foul Bio Reflect Osmose Dispel Doublecast ------------------------------------------- 5. Complex - Non-Creation ------------------------------------------- Complex being that in order to teach it to all the Aeons, the items required exceed 99. In this situation, a certain number of items is used up to teach an aeon, then another batch of items is needed to teach another aeeon. Another note is that since it requires bribe, you may need to do a lot of resetting in order to save some gil. Yet, if you have the gil, then this isn't a problem. Is any case, I'll start with the less complex. EX: Ability = Location Enemy - B/S/OK x(number of times) - Items got (divided items consumed to teach 1 Aeon = #Aeon/s taught = Items Left) Repeat etc... *Hastega = Omega Ruins Machea - Bribe 360K - 60 (/20 = 3A = 0) - Bribe 360K - 60 (/20 = Done) *Cura = CotSF Valaha - Bribe 174K - 60 (/30 = 2A = 0) Repeat x2 = Done *Curaga = Gagazet Grendel - Bribe 190K - 60 (/60 = 1A = 0) Repeat x5 = Done Double Ability Item = *Slow & *Delay Attack = Thunder Plains Kusariqqu - Bribe 8.9K - 20 (/20 = 1A(Delay Attack) = 0) Repeat x5 = Done - B 8.9K x2 - 40 (/4 = 6A (Slow) = Done *Double Ability Item = *Slowga & *Delay Buster = Gagazet Nidhogg - Bribe 40K x8 - 96 (/30 = 3A(Delay Buster) = 6) Repeat x1 = Done - B 40K x4 - 48 (/8 = 6A = Done) ------------------------------------------- 6. Complex - Creation ------------------------------------------- *Holy Cactuar King - OK x 10 - 60 (/60 = 1A = 0) Repeat x5 = Done *Death Espada - Steal x25 -99 (/30 = 3A = 9) Steal x13 (/30 = 2A = Done) *Flare Couerlregina - OK x 10 - 60 (/60 = 1A = 0) Repeat x5 = Done *Ultima Jormungand - OK x25 - 99 (/99 = 1A = 0) Repeat x5 = Done So this leaves Elixirs and Dark Matter. Both of which can be gotten by battling Dark Yojimbo. If you're playing the NA version, you need to find some alternative. -K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K Mix Quickness @MQ -K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K This is section is to show how you can easily get all the items needed to create all of Rikku's Mix(es). In this plan, I'm assuming that you've maxed stats and can pretty much Overkill any Monster Arena Creations. Don't worry, Earth Eater is probably the only creation worth noticing. The list of items that you'll need: (The left half are items that can be bought.) 11 Potion 12 Healing Spring 5 Hi-Potion 8 Fire Gem 5 Antidote 7 Bless Gem 2 Phoenix Down 6 Amulet 5 Power Distiller 5 Teleport Sphere 7 Grenade 4 Water Gem 5 Power Sphere 4 Lightning Gem 8 Map 3 Star Curtain 3 Level 1 Key Sphere 2 Three Stars 2 Stamina Tonic 2 Shadow Gem 2 Mana Tablet 2 Ice Gem 2 Fortune Sphere 2 Ether 2 Dream Powder The quickest way of getting these items: Overkill Steal Bribe -------------------- ------------------- ---------- Sleeping Sprout x3 Bomb King x2 Blue Element Stratoavis x2 Nega Elemental x1 30K Cactuar King x2 Vidatu x1 (Maca) Earth Eater x1 Sand Worm x1 (Bika) Kottos x1 Chimera Brain x2 (Calm) Abyss Worm x1 Behemoth x2 (Gaga) Abaddon x1 Bandersnatch x2 (Gaga) Catoblepas x1 Ice Flan x1 (Maca) Master Coeurl x2 Bomb x1 (Mi'ihen) (Omega) Aerouge x1 (TP) Water Flan x1 (Besaid) After getting these items, mix the following combinations: There are 60 of them: Healing Spring + Healing Spring Potion + Potion Healing Spring + Bomb Fragment Potion + Ether Healing Spring + Fire Gem Potion + Phoenix Down Healing Spring + Electro Marble Potion + Antidote Healing Spring + Fish Scale Potion + Fire Gem Healing Spring + Water Gem Potion + Mana Tablet Healing Spring + Lightning Gem Potion + Stamina Tonic Healing Spring + Arc Wind Potion + Three Stars Healing Spring + Ice Gem Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere Healing Spring + Grenade Potion + Fortune Sphere Healing Spring + Blessed Gem Hi-Potion + Hi-Potion Antidote + Fire Gem Hi-Potion + Fire Gem Antidote + Water Gem Hi-Potion + Dream Powder Antidote + Grenade Hi-Potion + Level 1 Key Sphere Antidote + Power Sphere Phoenix Down + Level 1 Key Sphere Map + Map Power Distiller + Power Distiller Map + Ether Power Distiller + Dream Powder Map + Power Distiller Power Distiller + Power Sphere Map + Fire Gem Map + Lightning Gem Map + Water Gem Map + Grenade Fire Gem + Ice Gem Blessed Gem + Blessed Gem Fire Gem + Teleport Sphere Blessed Gem + Grenade Fire Gem + Amulet Blessed Gem + Stamina Tonic Lightning Gem + Grenade Blessed Gem + Mana Tablet Grenade + Shadow Gem Blessed Gem + Amulet Star Curtain + Star Curtain Teleport Sphere + Lightning Gem Power Sphere + Power Sphere Teleport Sphere + Water Gem Teleport Sphere + Grenade Amulet + Amulet Three Stars + Power Sphere Amulet + Star Curtain Amulet + Shadow Gem NOTE: May be wise to move items to the top of the list using Manual. This will save some time, since you'll do less scrolling. -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# GAMEFAQS COPY/PASTE SECTION @P -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# This section is created for those who want to post some info from this guide onto the Gamefaqs Message Board. The following will only work for Gamefaqs' message board only, since text posted are in Arial Size 9 Font. This section is in consideration due to the fact that posting it straight from here will make it unattractive on the boards, but this may be removed in the future. *NOTE* : Gamefaqs only allow 80 characters per line in their posted FAQs. There are some items in here that requires more than 80 characters for that line, so those are entered into the next line. If pasting these, you'll have to manually edit them yourself. + Ability Distiller .. 1. Forces enemy to drop Ability Spheres. .. 2. Use it on Kottos/Fafnir to make them drop 20 Ability Spheres. .......Overkill them to get 40 Abiility Spheres. .. 3. Same abilities as Distill Ability (Weapon) & Extract Ability (Ability) ..Buy: Rin's Item Shop = Airship............(110 Gil) ........ Chest's Shop....= Via Purifico.....(100 Gil) ........ O'aka on Highbridge.....................(100 Gil) ........ Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (100 Gil) ........ Calm Land's Item Shop................(100 Gil) ....... Monster Arena Item Shop.............(100 Gil) ....... Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet......(100 Gil) ....... Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet.....(100 Gil) ....... Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC)...... (100 Gil) ....... Besaid Item Shop........(FC)....... (100 Gil) ....... Luca Item Shop..........(FC).........(100 Gil) ....... Luca Square Item Shop.. (FC).... (100 Gil) ....... Mi'ihen Item Shop...... (FC).........(100 Gil) ....... Djose Item Shop........ (FC).........(100 Gil) ....... Guadosalam Item Shop....(FC)...(150 Gil) ....... Thunder Plains..........(FC)..........(100 Gil) ....... Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania.....(100 Gil) ....... Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania.....(100 Gil) ..Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + Ability Sphere .. 1. Activates Ability nodes on Sphere Grid .. 2. Customization: ........Sensor:.......... 2 Ability Sphere ........Distill Ability:...2 Ability Sphere .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Extract Ability: 20 Ability Sphere ........Scan:..............10 Ability Sphere ..Buy: N/A Steal: N/A Drop: Klikk......................- 1,2;2,4 = Baaj Temple ...... Piranha.......................-....;1,2 = Submerged Ruins ...... Echuilles...................- 2,4;2,4 = S.S. Liki ...... Geneaux's Tentacle - 1,2;1,2 = Kilika ...... Dual Horn.................- 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad, Home ...... Basilisk.................... - 1,2;2,4 = Djose ...... Larva........................- 1,2;1,2 = Thunder Plains ...... Xiphos..................... - 1,2;2,4 = Macalania ...... Chimera....................- 1,2;2,4 = Macalania, Home ...... Anima.......................- 1,2;1,2 = Macalania Temple ...... Sand Worm..............- 2,4;.....= Bikanel Island ...... Guado Guardian..... - 1,2;1,2 = Home ...... Warrior Monk.......... - 1,2;1,2 = Bevelle, Via Purifico, Highbridge ...... Maze Larva............. - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico ...... Chimera Brain..........- 1,2;2,4 = Calm Lands ...... Epaaj........................- 1,2;2,4 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ...... Valaha..................... - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ...... Grendel.....................- 1,2;2,4 = Gagazet ...... Fallen Monk..............- 1,2;1,2 = Zanarkand Ruins Sell: 1 Gil Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 4 = Djose Temple - Behind Shop Other: Prize - 5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place ......... Kottos/Fafnir may drop 20/40 Ability Spheres when Ability Distiller is ...........used on them, but it's only a Common Drop (7/8). + Accuracy Sphere .. 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into ACC +4 ..Buy: N/A Steal: N/A Sell: 1 Gil Drop: Hornet - 1,2 = Monster Arena ........ - Capture 4 of Each: Killer Bee, Bite Bug, Wasp, Nebiros Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Kilika Temple (FC) ........... Chest - 1 = Macalania Temple (FC) Other: N/A + Agility Sphere .. 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into AGL +4 ..Buy: N/A Steal: N/A Sell: 1 Gil Drop: Fenrir - 1,2 = Monster Arena .......... - Capture 3 of Each: Dingo, Mi'ihen Fang, Garm, Snow Wolf, Sand Wolf, ............ Skoll, Bandersnatch Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Kilika Temple (FC) .......... Chest - 1 = Djose Temple (FC) Other: N/A + Al Bhed Potion .. 1. Restores 1000 HP to Party & Removes Poison / Silence / Petrify .. 2. Deals 1000 damage to Zombies ..Buy: Rin's Item Shop = Airship FC (1000 Gil) Sell: 250 Gil Steal: Mech Gunner...... - 1,2 = Bikanel Island ...... Mech Hunter......... - 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ...... Mech Defender...... - 2,3 = Gagazet Drop: Alcyone........ - 1,2;1,2 = Bikanel Island ......... Mushussu......- 1,2;1,2 = Bikanel Island ......... Sand Wolf..... - 1,2;1,2 = Bikanel Island ......... Sandragora...- 2,4;2,4 = Bikanel Island ......... Zuu............... - 2,4;2,4 = Bikanel Island Bribe: Mech Gunner...... - 40 ( 56,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island.... (1,400) ......... Mech Hunter ..... - 60 (110,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island.... (1,833) ........ Mech Defender... - 99 (174,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island.... (1,757) Found: Chest.......... -..8 = Sanubia Desert ............ Chest.......... -..8 = Sanubia Desert ............ Chest.......... -..8 = Sanubia Desert ............ Chest.......... -..4 = Home - Main Corridor .......... Chest........... -..6 = Home Other: Gift.........-..4 = Airship by Al Bheds + Amulet .. 1. Mix Item .. 2. Customization: ........Pickpocket:....30 Amulet ..Buy: N/A Sell: 3,450 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Stratoavis - 2,4;2,4 = Monster Arena ........ - Capture 1 of each fiend from Besaid Island Bribe: Tonberry.. - 2 (270,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.... (135,000) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Antarctic Wind .. 1. Hits one target with 600 ice elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........Icestrike:.. 4 Antarctic Wind ........Ice Ward:..4 Antarctic Wind .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Blizzard:....1 Antarctic Wind ........NulFrost:...2 Antarctic Wind ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Snow Flan....... - 2,2 = Djose Highroad ......... White Element - 1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + Antidote .. 1. Removes Poison from one target .. 2. Customization: ........Poisontouch:... 99 Antidote ........Poison Ward:.. 40 Antidote ..Buy: Besaid Item Shop..................... ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka on S.S. Winno....................( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at Luca...............................( 50 Gil) ...... Luca Item Shop - After Auron -... ( 50 Gil) ...... Luca Square....- After Auron - .....( 50 Gil) ...... Rin's Highroad Item Shop........... ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka on the Oldroad................... ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka Mushroom Rock (Clasko)..(35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ...... O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ......... (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ...... O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath.(35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ...... Djose Item Shop...........................( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at South Moonflow.............( 50 Gil) ...... Man at South Moonflow...............(100 Gil) ...... Woman at South Moonflow.........( 75 Gil) ...... Tent Man at South Moonflow..... (100 Gil) ...... O'aka at North Moonflow.............( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at Guadosalam..................( 50 Gil) ...... Guadosalam Item Shop............. ( 75 Gil) ...... Thunder Plains........................... ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Woods....... ( 75 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Lake............( 75 Gil) ...... Macalania Item Shop.................( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Temple.......( 75 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Escape.......( 75 Gil) ...... Rin's Item Shop = Airship..........( 55 Gil) ...... Chest's Shop....= Via Purifico... ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka on Highbridge...................( 50 Gil) ...... Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Land ( 50 Gil) ...... Calm Land's Item Shop..............( 50 Gil) ...... Monster Arena Item Shop..........( 50 Gil) ...... Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet...( 50 Gil) ...... Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet...( 50 Gil) ...... Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC).... ( 50 Gil) ...... Besaid Item Shop........(FC)..... ( 50 gil) ...... Luca Item Shop..........(FC)...... ( 50 gil) ...... Luca Square Item Shop.. (FC). ( 50 gil) ...... Mi'ihen Item Shop...... (FC)..... ( 50 gil) ...... Djose Item Shop........ (FC)..... ( 50 gil) ...... Man at South Moonflow.. (FC.. ( 60 Gil) ...... Woman at South Moonflow (FC).. ( 50 Gil) ...... Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)( 57 Gil) ...... Guadosalam Item Shop....(FC).... ( 75 gil) ...... Thunder Plains..........(FC).......... ( 50 gil) ...... Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania..... ( 50 gil) ...... Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania..... ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: Killer Bee - 1;..= Kilika ......... Ragora.... - 1;..= Kilika ......... Bite Bug.. - 1;..= Djose Highroad ........ Grat......... - 4;..= Gagazet Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: Chest..- 2 = Besaid - Beach ........... Chest..- 2 = Besaid - Valley ........... Chest..- 4 = Moonflow - North Bank Other: Gift... - 4 = Kilika Woods .......... Prize..- 5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place .......... Prize -..4 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 2nd Place ......... Gift... - 2 = Highroad - South End .......... Gift... - 4 = Highroad – Central + Arctic Wind .. 1. Hits one target with 1000 ice elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........SOS NulFrost:.. 1 Arctic Wind ........Iceproof:........... 8 Arctic Wind .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Blizzara:........... 2 Arctic Wind ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Chimera..... - 1,...= Macalania ......... Ice Flan.......- 1,2 = Macalania Lake ......... Chimera..... - 3,...= Home Drop: N/A Bribe: White Element -..7 ( 7,800 Gil)...= Highroad..(1,114) .......... Snow Flan..... - 10 (12,000 Gil) = Djose........(1,200) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Attribute Sphere .. 1. Activates Attribute node already activated by ally ...... Attribute = Str +4, Eva +1, Luck +4, etc... ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: Maelspike - 1 (200,000 Gil) = Gagazet.... (200,000) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Black Magic Sphere .. 1. Activates Black Magic node already activated by ally .......Black Magic = Fira, Ultima, Osmose, etc... ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: S........ - 1,2;.,...= Macalania Temple ......... Evrae.............- 1,2;1,2 = Airship ......... Evrae Atlana..- 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico Bribe: Black Element - 2 (152,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins.... (76,000) Found: Chest - 1 = Via Purifico Other: N/A + Blessed Gem .. 1. Hits one target with 7500 holy elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........Defense +20%:..........4 Blessed Gem ........Mag Defense +20%:..4 Blessed Gem .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Holy:............ 60 Blessed Gem ..Buy: N/A Sell: 125 Gil Steal: Barbatos.......-..,1 = Inside Sin ......... Coeurlregina..-..,1 = Monster Arena ........... - Capture 1 of Each fiend from Mushroom Road ......... One-Eye....... -..,1 = Monster Arena ........... - Capture 4 of Each: Floating Eye, Buer, Evil Eye, Ahriman, ..... ..................................Floating Death Drop: Cactuar King..- 3,6;.,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture at least one of each fiend from Thunder plains Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Minigame - Bikanel: One of the chests when playing with Robeya + Bomb Core .. 1. Hits one target with 1000 fire elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........SOS NulBlaze:.. 1 Bomb Core ........Fireproof:..........8 Bomb Core .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Fira:.................. 2 Bomb Core ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Bomb - 2,3 = Home Drop: N/A Bribe: Bomb............- 16 (17,000 Gil). = Mi'ihen Highroad.... (1,062) .......... Red Element -..8 ( 9,000 Gil).. = Mushroom Rock........(1,125) Found: N/A Other: Chest (??? stoled by Rikku) - 1 = Moonflow + Bomb Fragment .. 1. Hits one target with 600 fire elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........Firestrike:.... 4 Bomb Fragment ........Fire Ward:....4 Bomb Fragment .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Fire:............ 1 Bomb Fragment ........NulBlaze:.... 2 Bomb Fragment ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Bomb.............- 2,3 = Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Red Element - 1,2 = Mushroom Rock Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + Candle of Life .. 1. Inflicts Doom on one target .. 2. Customization: ........Zombiestrike:.. 30 Candle of Life ........Zombieproof:....10 Candle of Life ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Fallen Monk (both) - 2,..= Zandarkand Ruins ......... Don Tonberry........ - 2,..= Monster Arena ............ - Capture 1 of each fiend from Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Pteryx.................... -..,1 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of Each: Condor, Simurgh, Alcyone Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Coerlregina ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mushroom Road + Chocobo Feather .. 1. Gives one target Haste status .. 2. Customization: ........Initiative:........ 6 Chocobo Feather ........SOS Haste:.. 20 Chocobo Feather .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Haste:.......... 10 Chocobo Feather ..Buy: N/A Sell: 40 Gil Steal: Qactuar - 1,1 = Thunder Plains ......... Cactuar - 1,..= Bikanel Island ......... Fenrir..- 2,..= Monster Arena .............. - Capture 3 of Each: Dingo, Mi'ihen Fang, Garm, Snow Wolf, Sand Wolf, .................Skoll, Bandersnatch Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 10 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Ixion (1-timer) .......... Prize - 99 = Unlock Fenrir ............... - Capture 3 of Each: Dingo, Mi'ihen Fang, Garm, Snow Wolf, Sand Wolf, ..................Skoll, Bandersnatch + Chocobo Wing .. 1. Gives target party Haste status .. 2. Customization: ........Auto-Haste:....80 Chocobo Wing .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Hastega:....... 16 Chocobo Wing ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Cactuar...... -..,1 = Bikanel Island ......... Cactuar King..- 2,..= Monster Arena ............ - Capture at least one of each fiend from Thunder plains ......... Fenrir........-..,1 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 3 of each: Dingo, Mi'ihen Fang, Garm, Snow Wolf, Sand Wolf, .............. Skoll, Bandersnatch ........ Ornitholestes -..,1 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 3 of each: Dinonix, Ipiria, Raptor, Melusine, Iguion, .............. Yowie, Zaurus Drop: N/A Bribe: Machea - 60 (360,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins.... (6,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize..- 99 = Unlock Cactuar King ........ - Capture 1 of each fiend from Thunder Plains + Clear Sphere .. 1. Removes nodes from Sphere Grid. Except for Ability, White Magic, ...... Black Magic, and Skill nodes. ..Buy: Monster Arena Item Shop (10,000 Gil) ........ - To enable this option, Unlock Ultima Buster ........ - Capture 5 of each fiend Sell: 2,500 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + Dark Matter .. 1. Hits target party with 13000 non-elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........Break Damage Limit:....60 Dark Matter ........Ribbon:.........................99 Dark Matter .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Full Break:..................... 2 Dark Matter ..Buy: N/A Sell: 7,500 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Stravtavis......-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Besaid .......... Marlboro Manace -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Kilika .......... Kottos..........-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mi'ihen Highroad .......... Coerlregina.... -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mushroom Rock .......... Jormungand......-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Djose Highroad .......... Cactuar King....-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Thunder Plains .......... Espada..........-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Macalania .......... Abyss Worm......-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Bikanel Island .......... Chimerageist....-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Calm Lands .......... Don Tonberry....-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Cavern of the Stolen Fayth .......... Catoblepas......-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Gagazet .......... Abaddon........ -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Inside Sin .......... Vorban..........-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Omega Ruins .......... Fenrir..........-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 3 of each: Dingo, Mi'ihen Fang, Garm, Snow Wolf, Sand Wolf, ............... Skoll, Bandersnatch .......... Ornitholestes.. -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 3 of each: Dinonix, Ipiria, Raptor, Melusine, Iguion, ............... Yowie, Zaurus .......... Pteryx..........-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of each: Condor, Simurgh, Alcyone .......... Hornet..........-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of each: Killer Bee, Bite Bug, Wasp, Nebiros ......... Vidatu..........-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of each: Gandarewa, Aerouge, Imp ......... One Eye........ -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 4 of each: Floating Eye, Buer, Evil Eye, Ahriman, .............. Floating Death ......... Jumbo Flan......-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 3 of each: Water Flan, Thunder Flan, Snow Flan, Ice Flan, .............. Flame Flan, Dark Flan ......... Nega Elemental..-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 3 of each: Yellow Element, White Element, Red Element, .............. Gold Element, Blue Element, Dark Element, Black Element ......... Tanket..........-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 3 of each: Ralso, Bunyip, Murussu, Mafdet, Shred, Halma ......... Fafnir..........-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 4 of each: Vouivre, Lamashtu, Kusariqqu, Mushussu, Nidhogg ......... Sleep Sprout....-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 5 of each: Funguar, Thorn, Exoray ......... Bomb King...... -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 5 of each: Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros ......... Juggernaut......-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 5 of each: Dual Horn, Valaha, Grendel ......... Ironclad........-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 10 of each: Iron Giant, Gemini A, Gemini B ......... Earth Eater.... -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock 2 Area Creations ......... Greater Sphere..-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock 2 Species Creations ......... Catastrophe.... -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock 6 Area Creations ......... Th'uban........ -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock 6 Species Creations ......... Neslug..........-.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock All Area Creations ......... Ultima Buster.. -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 5 of each Fiend ......... Shinryu........ -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 2 of each: Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike ......... Nemesis........ -.., ;1,2 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 10 of each fiend and Defeat All Monster Creations ......... Dark Anima......- 1,2; ,..= Gagazet ......... Dark Bahamut....- 1,2; ,..= Zandarkand Ruins ......... Dark Cindy......- 1,2; ,..= Mushroom Rock ......... Dark Ifrit......- 1,2; ,..= Sanubia Desert ......... Dark Ixion......- 1,2; ,..= Thunder Plains ......... Dark Mindy......- 1,2; ,..= Mushroom Rock ......... Dark Sandy......- 1,2; ,..= Mushroom Rock ......... Dark Shiva......- 1,2; ,..= Macalania Temple ......... Dark Valefor....- 1,2; ,..= Besaid Village ......... Dark Yojimbo....- 1,2; ,..= Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ........ Penance (Arms)..- 1,1; ,..= Penance Bribe: Land Worm - 2 (1,600,000 Gil) = I. Sin - Point of No Return (800,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize -..1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place .......... Prize - 99 = Unlock Ultima Buster .............. - Capture 5 of each Fiend + Defense Sphere .. 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into DEF +4 ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Tanket - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ........ - Capture 3 of each: Ralso, Bunyip, Murussu, Mafdet, Shred, Halma Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Inside Sin ...... Chest - 1 = Kilika Temple (AC) ...... Chest - 1 = Remiem Temple Other: N/A + Designer Wallet .. 1. Mix Item .. 2. Customization: ........Gillionaire:.. 30 Designer Wallet ..Buy: N/A Sell: 200 Gil Steal: Cactuar King -..,1 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Thunder Plains ......... Don Tonberry -..,1 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 1 of each fiend from Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: Catastrophe - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............ - Unlock 6 Area Creations Bribe: Defender Z - 5 (846,000 Gil) = Zandarkand Ruins.... (169,200) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 - Unlock Vorban ................... - Capture 1 of each fiend from Omega Ruins + Door to Tomorrow .. 1. Mix Item .. 2. Customization: ........Overdrive -> AP:.. 10 Door to Tomorrow ..Buy: N/A Sell: 2,000 Gil Steal: Ultima Weapon - 10,20 = Omega Ruins Drop: Bomb King - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 5 of each: Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros Bribe: Mech Scouter - 1 (55,000 Gil) = Calm Lands.... (55,000) .......... Mech Leader..- 2 (74,000 Gil) = Gagazet........(37,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 - Unlock Catastrophe ........ - Unlock 6 Area Creations + Dragon Scale .. 1. Hits one target with 1000 water elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........SOS NulTide:.. 1 Dragon Scale ........Waterproof:.....8 Dragon Scale .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Watera:............2 Dragon Scale ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Water Flan -..,2 = Besaid Island ...... Aqua Flan..-...,2 = Via Purifico ...... Maze Larva -..,2 = Via Purifico ...... Sahagin....-....,2 = Via Purifico ...... Sahagin....-....,1 = Via Purifico ...... Octopus....- 2,....= Via Purifico ...... Phlegyas.. - 2,....= Via Purifico ...... Remora..... - 1,2 = Via Purifico Drop: N/A Bribe: Splasher (x1) - 4..( 4,000 Gil)... = Gagazet.... (1,000) ......... Splasher (x2) - 8..( 8,000 Gil)... = Gagazet.... (1,000) ......... Splasher (x3) - 12 (12,000 Gil) = Gagazet.... (1,000) Found: Random Chest..- 1 = Moonflow North Bank (By Steal) Other: Prize - 2 - Defeat Belgemine at Moonflow + Dream Powder .. 1. One hit for 1000 (2000) + Sleep status against all in target party .. 2. Lasts for 8 turns .. 3. Customization: ........Sleepstrike:.. 16 Dream Powder ........SleepProof:.... 8 Dream Powder ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Skoll................- 1,2 = Calm Lands ......... Bandersnatch - 2,3 = Gagazet Drop: N/A Bribe: Skoll................- 12 (20,000 Gil) = Calm Lands.... (1,666) ......... Bandersnatch - 20 (36,000 Gil) = Gagazet........(1,800) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Echo Screen ....1. Removes Silence from one target ....2. Customization: ........ Silencetouch:.. 60 Echo Screen ........ Silence Ward:.. 30 Echo Screen ..Buy: O'aka at Luca............................( 50 Gil) ...... Luca Item Shop - After Auron -... ( 50 Gil) ...... Rin's Highroad Item Shop............ ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka on the Oldroad................... ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka Mushroom Rock (Clasko).. (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ...... O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ.......... (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ...... O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ...... Djose Item Shop...........................( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at South Moonflow.............( 50 Gil) ...... Man at South Moonflow...............(100 Gil) ...... Woman at South Moonflow..........( 75 Gil) ...... Tent Man at South Moonflow...... (100 Gil) ...... O'aka at North Moonflow.............( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at Guadosalam.................( 50 Gil) ...... Guadosalam Item Shop............. ( 75 Gil) ...... Thunder Plains.......................... ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Woods....... ( 75 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Lake...........( 75 Gil) ...... Macalania Item Shop.................( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Temple.......( 75 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Escape.......( 75 Gil) ...... Rin's Item Shop = Airship...........( 55 Gil) ...... Chest's Shop....= Via Purifico... ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka on Highbridge...................( 50 Gil) ...... Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands ( 50 Gil) ...... Calm Land's Item Shop...............( 50 Gil) ...... Monster Arena Item Shop...........( 50 Gil) ...... Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet.....( 50 Gil) ...... Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet....( 50 Gil) ...... Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC)..... ( 50 Gil) ...... Besaid Item Shop........(FC)....... ( 50 gil) ...... Luca Item Shop..........(FC)........ ( 50 gil) ...... Luca Square Item Shop.. (FC).... ( 50 gil) ...... Mi'ihen Item Shop...... (FC)........ ( 50 gil) ...... Djose Item Shop........ (FC)........ ( 50 gil) ...... Man at South Moonflow.. (FC).... ( 60 Gil) ...... Woman at South Moonflow (FC). ( 50 Gil) ...... Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)( 57 Gil) ...... Guadosalam Item Shop....(FC).... ( 75 gil) ...... Thunder Plains..........(FC).......... ( 50 gil) ...... Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania..... ( 50 gil) ...... Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania.... ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: Floating Eye - 1,..= Mi'ihen Highroad Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place ...... Prize - 4 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 2nd Place + Electro Marble .. 1. Hits one target for 600 lightning elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........Lightningstrike:.... 4 Electro Marble ........Lightning Ward:....4 Electro Marble .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Thunder:............. 2 Electro Marble ........NulShock:............1 Electro Marble ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Yellow Element - 1,...= Kilika Woods ...... Gandarewa...........- 1,2 = Mushroom Rock ...... Thunder Flan...... - 1,2 = Mushroom Rock ...... Aerouge................- 1,..= Thunder Plains ...... Gold Element..... - 1,2 = Thunder Plains Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + Elixir .. 1. Restores all HP/MP to one target, but limited to 9999 HP and 999 MP ...... when used in battle .. 2. Restores MAX HP/MP to one target when used in the Menu .. 3. Deals 9999 damage and lowers their MP by 999 when used on Zombies .. 4. Customization: ........HP +20%:.....5 Elixir ........MP +20%:....5 Elixir .. 5. Aeon Ability: ........Life:............. 8 Elixir ..Buy: N/A Sell: 1,250 Gil Steal: S........... -..,1 = Macalania Temple ..........S. Flux......... - 1,1 = Gagazet ......... Braska's Final A. -.......,1 = Point of No Return ......... Dark Anima..............-..,1 = Gagazet ......... Dark Bahamut.........-..,1 = Zandarkand Ruins ......... Dark Cindy...............-..,1 = Mushroom Rock ......... Dark Ifrit...................-..,1 = Sanubia Desert ......... Dark Ixion................-..,1 = Thunder Plains ........ Dark Mindy..............-..,1 = Mushroom Rock ......... Dark Sandy............-..,1 = Mushroom Rock ......... Dark Shiva..............-..,1 = Macalania Temple ......... Dark Valefor............-..,1 = Besaid Village ......... Dark Yojimbo..........-..,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Penance (Arms)....- 1,1 = Penance ......... Penance................ - 1,..= Airship Drop: Oblitzerator......- 1,2;2,4 = Luca .......... Crawler........... - 1,2;2,4 = Lake Macalania Bribe: YKT-63............-..8 ( 84,000 Gil) ..= Bevelle............ (10,500) .......... YKT-11...........- 12 (124,000 Gil) = Zanarkand Ruins.... (10,333) Found: Chest - 1 = Guadosalam ........... Chest - 1 = Sanubia Desert ........... Chest - 1 = Via Purifico ........... Chest - 1 = Besaid Temple (FC) ........... Chest - 1 = Inside Sin Other: Gift..- 1 = Kilika (Talk after killing Lord Ochu) .......... Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place .......... Prize - 1 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 1st Place .......... Prize - 1 = Thunder Plains - Let 80 bolts hit you .......... Prize - 2 = Macalania (North) - Butterfly game after Spherimorph .......... Gift..- 1 = Macalania: Hall .......... Prize - 1 = Home - Second on First Row ......... Prize - 1 = Calm Lands - Wobbly Chocobo - First Win .......... Prize - 1 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race, 1 Chest & No Pole .......... Prize - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn .......... Prize - 1 = Bikanel Island - Obtain 3 to 5 of the cactuar's sphere + Ether .. 1. Restores 100 MP to one target .. 2. Lowers MP by 100 when used on Zombies .. 3. Customization: ........MP +5%:.... 1 Ether ..Buy: N/A Sell: 250 Gil Steal: Funguar.............. -..,1 = Mushroom Rock ......... Spherimorph...... - 1,..= Macalania Woods ......... Guado Guardian.-..,1 = Macalania Temple ......... YAT-99...............-..,1 = Bevelle ......... YKT-63...............-..,1 = Bevelle ......... Thorn................ -..,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Behemoth..........- 1,..= Gagazet ......... YAT-97...............-..,2 = Zanarkand Ruins ......... YKT-11...............-..,2 = Zanarkand Ruins ......... Spectral Keeper - 1,..= Zanarkand Ruins ......... Exoray................-..,1 = Inside Sin ......... Sin (Overdrive).. - 1,..= Airship Drop: N/A Bribe: Guado Guardian..- 10 (40,000 Gil) = Macalania.......... (4,000) .......... YAT-99................- 10 (54,000 Gil) = Bevelle............ (5,400) .......... YAT-97................- 16 (74,000 Gil) = Zanarkand Ruins.... (4,625) Found: Chest - 1 = Submerged Ruins - Ruins: Stairs ........... Chest - 1 = Kilika: Tavern, after seeing the house collaspe ........... Chest - 1 = Djose Temple ........... Chest - 1 = Moonflow: North Wharf ........... Chest - 1 = Thunder Plains: North ........... Chest - 2 = Sanubia Desert: East Other: Gift..- 1 = Besaid Beach .......... Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place .......... Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals .......... Prize - 1 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - Most Goals .......... Gift..- 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad: Central .......... Gift..- 1 = Mushroom Rock - Entrance .......... Gift..- 1 = Djose Highroad .......... Prize - 1 = Thunder Plains - Let 30 bolts hit you .......... Prize - 1 = Macalania (North) Butterfly game before Spherimorph .......... Gift..- 1 = Macalania: Hall .......... Prize - 1 = Sanubia Desert: Central - Steal from chests .......... Prize - 1 = Calm Lands - Hyper Dodger Chocobo ................................ - Beat/tie after the first win + Evasion Sphere .. 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into EVA +4 ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Pteryx - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............... - Capture 4 of each: Condor, Simurgh, Alcyone Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Besaid Temple (FC) Other: N/A + Eye Drops .. 1. Removes Darkness from one target .. 2. Customization: ........Darktouch:... 60 Eye Drops ........Dark Ward:.. 40 Eye Drops ..Buy: O'aka at Luca...............................( 50 Gil) ...... Luca Item Shop - After Auron -...... ( 50 Gil) ...... Rin's Highroad Item Shop............. ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka on the Oldroad..................... ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka Mushroom Rock (Clasko).... (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ...... O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ............ (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ...... O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath..(35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ...... Djose Item Shop.............................( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at South Moonflow...............( 50 Gil) ...... Man at South Moonflow.................(100 Gil) ...... Woman at South Moonflow............( 75 Gil) ...... Tent Man at South Moonflow....... (100 Gil) ...... O'aka at North Moonflow...............( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at Guadosalam....................( 50 Gil) ...... Guadosalam Item Shop................ ( 75 Gil) ...... Thunder Plains............................. ( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Woods......... ( 75 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Lake..............( 75 Gil) ...... Macalania Item Shop...................( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Temple........( 75 Gil) ...... O'aka at Macalania Escape.............( 75 Gil) ...... Rin's Item Shop = Airship...............( 55 Gil) ...... Chest's Shop....= Via Purifico .......( 50 Gil) ...... O'aka on Highbridge........................( 50 Gil) ...... Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands.... ( 50 Gil) ...... Calm Land's Item Shop....................( 50 Gil) ...... Monster Arena Item Shop................( 50 Gil) ...... Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet........( 50 Gil) ...... Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet........( 50 Gil) ...... Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC)......... ( 50 Gil) ...... Besaid Item Shop........(FC)........... ( 50 gil) ...... Luca Item Shop..........(FC)........... ( 50 gil) ...... Luca Square Item Shop.. (FC)...... ( 50 gil) ...... Mi'ihen Item Shop...... (FC).......... ( 50 gil) ...... Djose Item Shop........ (FC).......... ( 50 gil) ...... Man at South Moonflow.. (FC)..... ( 60 Gil) ...... Woman at South Moonflow (FC).. ( 50 Gil) ...... Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)( 57 Gil) ...... Guadosalam Item Shop....(FC).... ( 75 gil) ...... Thunder Plains....................(FC).. ( 50 gil) ...... Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania...... ( 50 gil) ...... Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania...... ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place ......... Prize - 4 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 2nd Place ......... Gift..- 3 = Mi'ihen Highroad: Central + Farplane Shadow .. 1. Hits one target with Death (KO) .. 2. Customization: ........Deathtouch:....30 Farplane Shadow ........Death Ward:...15 Farplane Shadow .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Death:........... 30 Farplane Shadow ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Ghost............... -..,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Tonberry...........-..,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Wraith...............- 1,..= Inside Sin ......... Master Coeurl - 2,4 = Omega Ruins ......... Espada.............- 4,..= Monster Arena ............... - Capture 1 of each fiend from Macalania Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + Farplane Wind .. 1. Hits target party with Death (KO) .. 2. Customization: ........Deathstrike:.....60 Farplane Wind ........Deathproof:.... 60 Farplane Wind ..Buy: N/A Sell: 100 Gil Steal: Wraith.......... -..,1 = Inside Sin ......... Varuna......... - 1,..= Omega Ruins ......... Coeurlregina - 2,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mushroom Rock ......... Espada......... -..,1 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Macalania ........ Sleep Sprout -..,1 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 5 of each: Funguar, Thorn, Exoray Drop: Don Tonberry - 3,6; ,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Bribe: Epaaj.. - 25 (174,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.... (6,960) ......... Ahriman -..6 ( 56,000 Gil). = Gagazet........................(9,333) .......... Wraith..- 60 (444,440 Gil) = Inside Sin.................... (7,407) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 = Unlock Chimerageist ................... - Capture 1 of each fiend from Calm Lands + Fire Gem .. 1. Five Random hits of 600 fire elemental damage at target party .. 2. Customization: ........Fire Eater:.. 20 Fire Gem .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Firaga:..........4 Fire Gem ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Flame Flan - 1,2 = Calm Lands ...... Grenade....- 2,3 = Gagazet ...... Puroboros..- 3,4 = Omega Ruins ...... Bomb King..- 4,..= Monster Arena ........ - Capture 5 of each: Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros Drop: N/A Bribe: Bomb B...... - 14 ( 44,000 Gil) = Home.......... (3,142) .......... Flame Flan - 10 ( 30,000 Gil) = Calm Lands.... (3,000) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Fish Scale .. 1. Hits one target with 600 water elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........Waterstrike:.... 4 Fish Scale ........Water Ward:....4 Fish Scale .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Water:......... 1 Fish Scale ........NulTide:...... 2 Fish Scale ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Water Flan.... - 1,..= Besaid ......... Blue Element - 2,3 = Macalania Woods ........ Aqua Flan.......- 2,..= Via Purifico ....... Maze Larva..... - 2,..= Via Purifico ........ Sahagin...........- 2,..= Via Purifico Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + Fortune Sphere .. 1. Activates Luck nodes on Sphere Grid .. 4. Aeon's Soul: ........Luck +1:..[Aeon's LUCK/2], capped at 99.... Note: [] = Round Down ..Buy: N/A Sell: 5 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Earth Eater - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena .............. - Unlock 2 Area Creations Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad: Oldroad, South ........... Chest - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ........... Chest - 1 = Zanarkand Ruins: Overpass Other: N/A + Frag Grenade .. 1. One hit for 800 (1600) + Armor Break against all in target party ..Buy: N/A Sell: 125 Gil Steal: Mech Leader -..,2 = Gagazet ......... Splasher....-..,1 = Gagazet Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn .......... As an alternative, use Rikku's Mix with 2 common spheres + Friend Sphere .. 1. Teleport to any ally's location on the Sphere Grid .. 2. Customization: ........Counterattack:....1 Friend Sphere ..Buy: N/A Sell: 150 Gil Steal: Neslug...........-..,1 = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock All Area Creations ......... Dark Sandy....- 1,..= Mushroom Rock Drop: Biran Ronso.... -.., ;1,2 = Gagazet ......... Yenke Ronso... -.., ;1,2 = Gagazet ......... Master Coeurl.. -.., ;1,2 = Omega Ruins ......... Spirit..................-.., ;1,2 = Omega Ruins ......... Vorban...............- 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Omega Ruins Bribe: Coeurl - 2 (120,000 Gil) = Calm Lands.... (60,000) Found: Chest..- 1 = Zanarkand Ruins - Dome: Interior ........... Chest..- 1 = Omega Ruins: Must kill Ultima first. Other: Prize..- 1 = Home: Answer the 9 Word in Al Bhed Puzzle ......... Prize..- 1 = Bikanel Island - Obtain 9 to 10 of the cactuar's sphere .......... Prize..- 2 = Omega Ruins - Open 6 chests ......... Gift.... - 1 = 1. Before Crawler, tell Clasko to become a Chocobo Breeder .............................2. Airship FC, return to S.S. Liki, talk to Clasko + Gambler's Spirit .. 1. Mix Item .. 2. Customization: ........SOS Overdrive:.. 20 Gambler's Spirit ..Buy: N/A Sell: 4,000 Gil Steal: Omega Weapon.. - 30,30 = Omega Ruins ......... Earth Eater....-..1,.. = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock 2 Area Creations ......... Greater Sphere -..1,.. = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock 2 Species Creations ......... Catastrophe....-..1,.. = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock 6 Area Creations ......... Th'uban........-..1,.. = Monster Arena ........... - Unlock 6 Species Creations ......... Neslug........ -..1,.. = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock All Area Creations ......... Ultima Buster..-..1,.. = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 5 of each Fiend ......... Shinryu........-..1,.. = Monster Arena ........... - Capture 2 of each: Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike Drop: Ornitholestes..- 2,4; ,..= Monster Arena ............ - Capture 3 of each: Dinonix, Ipiria, Raptor, Melusine, Iguion, ............... Yowie, Zaurus Bribe: Floating Death - 10 (134,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins.... (13,400) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Th'uban .................. - Unlock 6 Species Creations + Gold Hourglass .. 1. Hits target party with 1000 damage + Slow Status .. 2. Customization: ........Slowstrike:... 30 Gold Hourglass ........Slowproof:....20 Gold Hourglass .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Slowga:...........8 Gold Hourglass ........Delay Buster: 30 Gold Hourglass ..Buy: N/A Sell: 37 Gil Steal: Nidhogg -..,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Fafnir..- 2,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of each: Vouivre, Lamashtu, Kusariqqu, Mushussu, Nidhogg Drop: N/A Bribe: Mushussu -..5 (13,600 Gil) = Bikanel Island................ (2,720) .......... Nidhogg..- 12 (40,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.... (3,333) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Tanket ................... - Capture 3 of each: Ralso, Bunyip, Murussu, Mafdet, Shred, Halma + Grenade .. 1. One hit for 350 (700) against all in target party ..Buy: Rin's Highroad Item Shop..- ( 30 Gil) ......... Thunder Plains Item Shop..- (300 Gil) ........ Macalania Item Shop.......... - (300 Gil) ........ Rin's Item Shop = Airship... - (330 Gil) ........ Calm Lands' Item Shop...... - (300 Gil) ........ Rin on Airship......(FC)........- (300 Gil) ........ Rin's Highroad......(FC).......- (300 Gil) ....... Thunder Plains......(FC).......- (300 Gil) ....... Macalania Item Shop (FC)....- (300 Gil) Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Klikk................- 1,2 = Submerged Ruins ......... Piranha...........- 1,2 = Submerged Ruins ......... Tros............... - 1,3 = Salvage Ship ........ Mech Guard... - 2,3 = Bikanel Island ........ Mech Scouter - 3,4 = Calm Lands ........ Mech Scouter - 3,3 = Calm Lands *Fire'd* ........ Mech Leader..- 2,..= Gagazet ........ Splasher....... - 1,..= Gagazet Drop: N/A Bribe: Mech Guard.. - 50 (25,600 Gil) = Bikanel Island.... (512) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Healing Spring .. 1. Gives one target Regen status .. 2. Lasts for 10 turns .. 3. Customization: ........SOS Regen:.. 12 Healing Spring ........Auto-Regen:...80 Healing Spring .. 4. Aeon Ability: ........Regen:.......... 60 Healing Spring ..Buy: N/A Sell: 150 Gil Steal: Evrae Atlana.....-..,1 = Via Purifico ......... Achelous...........-..,1 = Gagazet ........ Behemoth King - 1,..= Inside Sin ........ Catoblepas....- 3,.....= Monster Arena ............ - Capture 1 of each fiend from Gagazet ........ Vorban..............- 2,..= Monster Arena ............ - Capture 1 of each fiend from Omega Ruins Drop: Kottos........- 20,40; ,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mi'ihen Highroad Bribe: Octopus...... - 20 ( 90,000 Gil).. = Via Purifico.... (4,500) .......... Phlegyas......-..6 ( 33,600 Gil).. = Via Purifico.... (5,600) .......... Achelous......- 16 (102,000 Gil) = Gagazet..........(6,375) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Sleep Sprout ........ - Capture 5 of each: Funguar, Thorn, Exoray + Healing Water .. 1. Restores all HP to party, but limited to 9999 .. 2. Customization: ........Alchemy:....4 Healing Water .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Pray:......... 5 Healing Water ..Buy: N/A Sell: 125 Gil Steal: Adamantoise - 1,..= Inside Sin Drop: N/A Bribe: Anacondaur - 16 (116,000 Gil) = Calm Lands.... (7,250) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Hi-Potion .. 1. Restores 1000 HP to one target .. 2. Deals 1000 damage to Zombies .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Cure:......99 Hi-Potion ..Buy: O'aka at Macalania Woods........ (750 Gil) ......... O'aka at Macalania Lake.............(750 Gil) ......... Macalania Item Shop...................(500 Gil) ......... O'aka at Macalania Temple.........(750 Gil) ......... O'aka at Macalania Escape.........(750 Gil) ......... Rin's Item Shop = Airship............(550 Gil) ......... Chest's Shop....= Via Purifico ...(500 Gil) ......... O'aka on Highbridge....................(500 Gil) ......... Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (500 Gil) ......... Calm Land's Item Shop..............(500 Gil) ......... Monster Arena Item Shop..........(500 Gil) ......... Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet....(500 Gil) ......... Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet....(500 Gil) ......... Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC).... (500 Gil) ......... Besaid Item Shop........(FC)...... (500 gil) ......... Luca Item Shop..........(FC)....... (500 gil) ......... Luca Square Item Shop.. (FC).. (500 gil) ......... Mi'ihen Item Shop...... (FC)....... (500 gil) ......... Djose Item Shop........ (FC)...... (500 gil) ......... Guadosalam Item Shop....(FC). (750 gil) ......... Thunder Plains..........(FC)....... (500 gil) ......... Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania.. (500 gil) ......... Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania.. (500 gil) Sell: 125 Gil Steal: Dual Horn.............-..,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Bunyip................. - 1,..= Djose Highroad ......... Garm................... - 1,..= Djose Highroad ......... Buer.................... - 1,..= Thunder Plains ......... Kusariqqu............- 1,..= Thunder Plains ......... Murussu..............- 1,..= Macalania Woods ......... Xiphos................ - 1,..= Macalania Woods ......... Wasp.................. - 1,..= Macalania Woods ......... Evil Eye.............. - 1,..= Macalania Woods ......... Mafdet................ - 1,..= Lake Macalania ......... Mushussu........... - 1,..= Bikanel Island ......... Dual Horn............- 1,..= Home ......... Guado Guardian - 1,..= Home ......... Warrior Monk..... - 2,..= Bevelle (both) ......... Negator...............- 1,2 = Lake Macalania ......... Guado Guardian - 1,..= Macalania Temple ......... Wendigo..............- 1,..= Lake Macalania ......... Bat Eye................- 1,..= Via Purifico ......... Swamp Mafdet... - 1,..= Via Purifico ......... Epaaj..................- 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Nidhogg..............- 1,..= Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Tonberry............ - 1,..= Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Valaha.............. - 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Grendel..............- 1,..= Gagazet ......... Black Element..- 1,...= Omega Ruins ......... Machea............ - 2,...= Omega Ruins Drop: Worker............. - 1,2; ,..= Luca .......... Mech Guard... - 1,2;1,2 = Bikanel Island .......... Mech Gunner..- 2,4;2,4 = Bikanel Island .......... YKT-63........... - 1,2; ,...= Bevelle .......... Mech Scouter - 1,2; ,...= Calm Lands (both) .......... Mech Leader..- 1,2; ,...= Gagazet .......... YKT-11.......... - 2,4; ,..= Zanarkand Ruins .......... Negator...........-.., ;1,2 = Lake Macalania Bribe: Dual Horn....- 60 (37,500 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad.... (625) Found: Chest..- 1 = Submerged Ruins - Before Geosgaeno ........... Chest..- 1 = Submerged Ruins - Ruins: Stairs ........... Chest..- 1 = Besaid: Valley (lake/water) ........... Chest..- 1 = Besaid Village ........... Chest..- 1 = S.S. Winno ........... Chest..- 2 = Luca: Basement B ........... Chest..- 1 = Highroad: South End? ........... Chest..- 1 = Highroad: Central? ........... Chest..- 2 = Highroad: North End ........... Chest..- 1 = Besaid Temple (FC) ........... Chest..- 1 = Mushroom Rock: Aftermath ........... Chest..- 1 = Djose Highroad ........... Chest..- 2 = Guadosalam ........... Chest..- 2 = Thunder Plains: South ........... Chest..- 4 = Sanubia Desert: East ........... Chest..- 4 = Sanubia Desert: Central ........... Chest..- 8 = Sanubia Desert: West ........... Corpse - 2 = Home Other: Gift.... - 1 = Besaid Beach ......... Gift.... - 1 = Kilika Woods .......... Prize. -..1 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - First Place ......... Gift.... - 1 = Mushroom Rock ......... Gift.... - 2 = Mushroom Rock: Valley ......... Gift.... - 2 = Djose Highroad ......... Gift.... - 2 = Macalania (Temple): Hall ......... Prize...- 1 = Home - Third for First Row + Holy Water .. 1. Removes Zombie and Curse from one target .. 2. Customization: ........Zombietouch:... 70 Holy Water ........Zombie Ward:.. 30 Holy Water .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Zombie Attack: 99 Holy Water ..Buy: Calm Land's Item Shop..............(300 Gil) ......... Monster Arena Item Shop..........(300 Gil) ......... Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet....(300 Gil) ......... Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet....(300 Gil) ......... Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC).... (300 Gil) Sell: 75 Gil Steal: YAT-97 - 3,..= Zanarkand Ruins ......... YKT-11 - 3,..= Zanarkand Ruins Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + HP Sphere .. 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into HP +300 ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Lord Ochu........-...., ;1,2 = Kilika Woods .......... Left Fin (Sin's). - 1,2;1,2 = Sin .......... Ironclad............ - 1,2; ,...= Monster Arena .............. - Capture 10 of each: Iron Giant, Gemini A, Gemini B Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Luca - Dock No. 5 ........... Chest - 1 = Gagazet: Mountain Trails ........... Chest - 1 = Inside Sin - Sin: City of Dying Dreams (after Omnis) Other: Prize - 1 = Bevelle Temple's Destruction Sphere .......... Prize - 3 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 100 bolts in a row + Hypello Potion .. 1. Mix Item .. 2. Customization: ........Berserk Ward:.. 8 Hypello Potion ........BerserkProof:..32 Hypello Potion ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Raldo................-..,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Bunyip............. -..,1 = Djose Highroad ......... Murussu...........-..,1 = Macalania Woods ......... Madfet............. -..,1 = Lake Macalania ......... Swamp Madfet -..,1 = Via Purifico ......... Shred...............- 1,2 = Calm Lands ......... Halma..............- 3,..= Omega Ruins Drop: N/A Bribe: Raldo................- 10 ( 4,800 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad.... (480) ......... Bunyip............. - 16 ( 8,000 Gil) = Djose Highroad...... (500) ......... Murussu...........- 24 (11,600 Gil) = Macalania Woods......(483) ......... Mafdet............. - 28 (14,200 Gil) = Lake Macalania...... (507) ......... Swamp Madfet - 34 (17,000 Gil) = Via Purifico........ (500) ......... Shred...............- 50 (39,000 Gil) = Calm Lands.......... (780) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Ice Gem .. 1. Five random hits of 600 ice elemental damage at target party .. 2. Customization: ........Ice Eater:.. 20 Ice Gem .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Blizzaga:.... 4 Ice Gem ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Chimera Brain - 1,..= Calm Lands Drop: N/A Bribe: Ice Flan - 9 (27,000 Gil) = Lake Macalania.... (3,000) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Level 1 Key Sphere .. 1. Removes a Level 1 Lock on the Sphere Grid ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Earth Eater.. -..,1 = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock 2 Area Creations Drop: Chocobo Eater -.. 1/2 = Mi'ihen Highroad (Kill, Push Off) ......... Gui............... - 3,6;3,6 = Mushroom Rock ......... Master Coeurl - 1,2; ,.. = Omega Ruins ......... Puroboros...... -.., ; 1,2 = Omega Ruins ......... Sand Worm.... -.., ; 1,2 = Bikanel Island Bribe: Imp.. - 4 (17,600 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.... (4,400) Found: Chest - 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad: Central? .......... Chest - 3 = Moonflow: South Bank Road ........... Chest - 3 = Moonflow: South Bank Road ........... Chest - 1 = Lake Macalania: Crevasse Other: Gift..- 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad - Agency: Front .......... Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place .......... Prize - 1 = Calm Lands - Dodger Chocobo - First Win .......... Prize - 1 = Gagazet - Wakka's Minigame + Level 2 Key Sphere .. 1. Removes a Level 2 Lock on the Sphere Grid .. 2. Customization: ........Piercing:........ 1x Level 2 Key Sphere .. 2. Aeon Ability: ........Armor Break:..2x Level 2 Key Sphere ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Catastrophe.. -..,1 = Monster Arena ............ - Unlock 6 Area Creations Drop: Spherimorph.... - 1,2;1,2 = Macalania Woods .......... S. Natus - 2,4;2,4 = Highbridge ......... Defender X.......- 1,2;2,4 = Calm Lands .......... Tonberry............-.., ;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth .......... Defender Z........- 1,2; ,..= Zanarkand Ruins .......... Varuna...............-.., ;1,2 = Omega Ruins Bribe: Behemoth - 30 (460,000 Gil) = Gagazet.... (15,333) Found: Chest....- 1 = Lake Macalania - Lake Bottom, near Kimarhi ........... Chest....- 1 = Sanubia Desert: Central ........... Chest....- 1 = Home: Living Quarters ........... Chest....- 1 = Calm Lands ........... Chest....- 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Other: Prize....- 1 = Calm Lands - Hyper Dodger Chocobo: First Win + Level 3 Key Sphere .. 1. Removes a Level 3 Lock on the Sphere Grid ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Biran Ronso..... - 1,2 = Gagazet ......... Yenke Ronso.... - 1,2 = Gagazet ......... Ultima Buster.... -..,1 = Monster Arena ............... - Capture 5 of each Fiend Drop:..Defender Z.............-.., ;1,2 = Zanarkand Ruins .......... Y. Woman............ - 1,2;1,2 = Zanarkand Ruins .......... Right Fin (Sin's)... - 1,2;1,2 = Sin .......... Sin (Overdrive).... - 1,2;1,2 = Sin .......... Behemoth King..... -.., ;1,2 = Inside Sin .......... Demonolith.............-.., ;1,2 = Inside Sin .......... S. Omnis.. - 1,2;1,2 = Inside Sin .......... Machea..................-.., ;1,2 = Omega Ruins .......... Ultima Weapon... - 3,6;3,6 = Omega Ruins Bribe: Demonolith - 40 (900,000 Gil) = Inside Sin.... (22,500) Found: Chest......-..1 = Zanarkand Ruins - Dome: Interior ........... Chest......-..1 = Inside Sin - Sin: Sea of Sorrow Other: Prize......-..1 = Calm Lands - Catcher Chocobo - First Win .......... Prize......-..2 = Omega Ruins - Open 4 chests + Level 4 Key Sphere .. 1. Removes a Level 4 Lock on the Sphere Grid ..Buy: N/A Sell: 100 Gil Steal: Nemesis - 1,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 10 of each fiend and Defeat All Monster Creations Drop: Spectral Keeper... - 1,2;1,2........ = Zanarkand Ruins .......... S. Flux........- 1,2;1,2........ = Inside Sin .......... Land Worm........... -...., ;1,2........ = Inside Sin (Point of No Return) .......... Omega Weapon....- 3,6;3,6........ = Omega Ruins Bribe: Chimera Brain.. - 2 (196,000 Gil) = Calm Lands.... (98,000) Found: Chest.. - 1.. = Home: Living Quarters .......... Chest.. - 1.. = Gagazet: Mountain Trail ........... Chest.. - 1.. = Inside Sin - Sin: City of Dying Dreams Other: Prize.. - 1.. = Omega Ruins - Open the first Chest .......... Prize.. - 1.. = Omega Ruins - Open 7 chests + Light Curtain .. 1. Gives one target Protect status .. 2. Customization: ........SOS Protect:....8 Light Curtain ........Auto-Protect:..70 Light Curtain .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Protect:............6 Light Curtain ..Buy: N/A Sell: 45 Gil Steal: Iron Giant.......- 1,1 = Thunder Plains ......... Gemini (both) - 1,2 = Inside Sin ......... Tanket.............- 4,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 3 of each: Ralso, Bunyip, Murussu, Mafdet, Shred, Halma ......... Ironclad...........- 4,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 10 of each: Iron Giant, Gemini A, Gemini B Drop: Fafnir..- 20,40; ,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of each: Vouivre, Lamashtu, Kusariqqu, Mushussu, Nidhogg Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize -..1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn .......... Prize - 99 = Unlock Juggernaut .............. - Capture 5 of each: Dual Horn, Valaha, Grendel + Lightning Gem .. 1. Five random hits of 600 lightning elemental damage to target party .. 2. Customization: ........Lightning Eater:.. 20 Lightning Gem .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Thundaga:.......... 4 Lightning Gem ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Chimera Brain..-..,2 = Calm Lands ......... Imp..................- 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Vidatu.............. - 4,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of each: Gandarewa, Aerouge, Imp Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 4 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Valefor a 2nd time + Lightning Marble .. 1. Hits one target with 1000 lightning elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........SOS NulShock:.... 1 Lightning Marble ........LightningProof:..... 8 Lightning Marble .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Thundara:............ 2 Lightning Marble ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Yellow Element -..,1 = Kilika ......... Aerouge............-..,1 = Thunder Plains ......... Chimera.............-..,1 = Macalania Woods ......... Chimera.............-..,3 = Home Drop: N/A Bribe: Yellow Element -..6 ( 6,000 Gil) = Kilika............ (1,000) ......... Thunder Flan.... -..8 ( 9,000 Gil) = Mushroom Rock......(1,125) ......... Gandarewa........-..4 ( 2,960 Gil) = Mushroom Rock......(..740) ......... Aerouge.............-..4 ( 4,000 Gil) = Thunder Plains.... (1,000) ......... Gold Element.... - 20 (24,000 Gil) = Thunder Plains.... (1,200) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 4 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Ixion a 2nd time + Luck Sphere .. 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into LUCK +4 .. 2. Aeon Ability: ........Luck:.... 2 Luck Sphere ........Jinx:.... 2 Luck Sphere ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Greater Sphere - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............. - Unlock 2 Species Creations Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Kilika Woods ........... Chest - 1 = Zanarkand Ruins - Dome: Corridor .......... Chest - 1 = Kilika Temple (FC) .......... Chest - 1 = Djose Temple (FC) Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place .......... Prize - 1 = Macalania Temple's Destruction Sphere + Lunar Curtain .. 1. Gives one target Shell status .. 2. Customization: ........SOS Shell:.... 8 Lunar Curtain ........Auto-Shell:.. 80 Lunar Curtain .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Shell:............ 4 Lunar Curtain ..Buy: N/A Sell: 45 Gil Steal: Larva..........- 1,2 = Thunder Plains ......... Crawler......- 1,2 = Lake Macalania ......... Defender X - 4,4 = Calm Lands ......... Defender... - 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Defender Z - 2,2 = Zanarkand Ruins ......... One Eye......- 3,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of each: Floating Eye, Buer, Evil Eye, Ahriman, ............... Floating Death ......... Jumbo Flan - 4,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 3 of each: Water Flan, Thunder Flan, Snow Flan, Ice Flan, ............... Flame Flan, Dark Flan ........ Tanket........ -..,4 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 3 of each: Ralso, Bunyip, Murussu, Mafdet, Shred, Halma ........ Juggernaut.. - 4,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 5 of each: Dual Horn, Valaha, Grendel Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Abaddon ................... - Capture 1 of each fiend from Inside Sin + Magic Sphere .. 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into MAG +4 ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Jumbo Flan - 1,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 3 of each: Water Flan, Thunder Flan, Snow Flan, Ice Flan, ................ Flame Flan, Dark Flan Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Luca - Dock No. 5 ........... Chest - 1 = Macalania Temple (FC) Other: Prize - 1 = Djose Temple's Destruction Sphere + Magic Defense Sphere .. 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into MDEF +4 ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: One Eye - 1,2 = Monster Arena ........ - Capture 4 of each: Floating Eye, Buer, Evil Eye, Ahriman, ............ Floating Death Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Moonflow: South Bank Road ........... Chest - 1 = Djose Temple (FC) .......... Chest - 1 = Macalania Temple (FC) Other: + Mana Distiller .. 1. Forces enemy to drop Mana Spheres. .. 2. Use it on Kottos/Fafnir to make them drop 20 Mana Spheres. ......Overkill them to get 40 Mana Spheres. .. 3. Same abilities as Distill Mana (Weapon) & Extract Mana (Ability) ..Buy: Rin's Item Shop = Airship.........(110 Gil) ......... Chest's Shop....= Via Purifico... (100 Gil) ......... O'aka on Highbridge...................(100 Gil) ........ Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (100 Gil) ........ Calm Land's Item Shop................(100 Gil) ....... Monster Arena Item Shop.............(100 Gil) ....... Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet.....(100 Gil) ....... Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet.....(100 Gil) ....... Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC)..... (100 Gil) ....... Besaid Item Shop........(FC)....... (100 Gil) ....... Luca Item Shop..........(FC)........ (100 Gil) ....... Luca Square Item Shop.. (FC)... (100 Gil) ....... Mi'ihen Item Shop...... (FC)....... (100 Gil) ....... Djose Item Shop........ (FC)....... (100 Gil) ....... Guadosalam Item Shop....(FC).. (150 gil) ....... Thunder Plains..........(FC)........ (100 Gil) ....... Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania... (100 Gil) ....... Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania... (100 Gil) Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + Mana Sphere .. 1. Activates Magic, Magic Defense, and MP nodes on Sphere Grid .. 2. Customization: ........Magic +3%:..............3 Mana Sphere ........Mag Defense +3%:..3 Mana Sphere ........Distill Mana:........... 2 Mana Sphere .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Focus:.............. 20 Mana Sphere ........Extract Mana:....10 Mana Sphere .. 4. Aeon's Soul: ........Magic +1:..............[Aeon's MAG/2], capped at 99 ........Mag Defense +1:..[Aeon's MDEF/2], capped at 99 ........MP +10:................[SQRT(Aeon's MP/2.25) +10].... Note: [] = Round Down ..Buy: N/A Sell: 1 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Piranha (x2)........- 1,2; ,..= Submerged Ruins .......... Water Flan.........- 1,2;1,2 = Besaid .......... Sin.................... - 1,2;1,2 = S.S. Liki .......... Sinscale.............- 1,2;1,2 = Under S.S. Liki .......... Ragora...............- 1,2;1,2 = Kilika .......... Yellow Element..- 1,2;1,2 = Kilika .......... White Element.. - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad .......... Funguar............ - 1,2;1,2 = Mushroom Rock .......... Gandarewa...... - 1,2;1,2 = Mushroom Rock .......... Red Element.... - 1,2;1,2 = Mushroom Rock .......... Thunder Flan....- 1,2;1,2 = Mushroom Rock .......... Snow Flan........ - 1,2;1,2 = Djose Highroad .......... Ochu...................-.., ;2,4 = Moonflow .......... Aerogue........... - 1,2;1,2 = Thunder Plains .......... Gold Element....- 1,2;1,2 = Thunder Plains .......... Blue Element....- 1,2;1,2 = Macalania Woods .......... Ice Flan............- 1,2;1,2 = Lake Macalania .......... Sandragora.......- 1,2; ,..= Bikanel Island ...........Aqua Flan....... - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico .......... Octopus.......... - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico .......... Remora...........- 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico .......... Coeurl.............- 1,2;2,4 = Calm Lands/CotSF .......... Flame Flan......- 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands .......... Malboro.......... - 2,4;2,4 = Calm Lands/CotSF .......... Nebiros.......... - 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands .......... Dark Element.- 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth .......... Ghost............ - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth .......... Imp................ - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth .......... Thorn............. - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth .......... Dark Flan....... - 1,2;2,4 = Gagazet .......... Grat.................- 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet .......... Maelspike...... - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet .......... Mandragora....- 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet .......... Demonolith......- 1,2; ,..= Inside Sin .......... Exoray............- 1,2;1,2 = Inside Sin .......... Great Malboro- 1,2;1,2 = Inside Sin .......... Wraith..............- 1,2;2,4 = Inside Sin .......... Black Element...- 1,2; ,..= Omega Ruins .......... Floating Death- 2,4;3,6 = Omega Ruins .......... Machea.............- 1,2; ,..= Omega Ruins .......... Puroboros........ - 1,2; ,..= Omega Ruins .......... Spirit..................- 1,2; ,..= Omega Ruins .......... Varuna...............- 1,2; ,..= Omega Ruins Bribe: N/A Found: Chest -..2 = Kilika Woods Other: Prize -..5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place ......... Prize -..5 = Defeat Belgemine's Shiva beyond twice ......... Prize -..8 = Defeat Belgemine's Bahamut beyond twice ......... Prize - 10 = Defeat Belgemine's Anima beyond twice ......... Kottos/Fafnir may drop 20/40 Mana Spheres when Mana Distiller is ..................used on them, but it's only a Common Drop (7/8). + Mana Spring .. 1. Absorbs up to 1000 MP from one enemy .. 2. Customization: ........Magic +5%:..............2 Mana Spring ........Mag Defense +5%:..2 Mana Spring .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Magic Break:...........4 Mana Spring ........Osmose:...............10 Mana Spring ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Coeurl..........- 1,1 = Calm Lands ......... Master Tonberry. - 1,..= Omega Ruins ......... Malboro Menace..-..,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Kilika ......... Chimerageist....- 2,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Calm Lands Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Vidatu ................... - Capture 4 of each: Gandarewa, Aerouge, Imp + Mana Tablet .. 1. For one turn or KO'd, target character's MP is doubled .. 2. It can't stack and Break MP is needed beyond 999 MP .. 3. Customization: ........MP Stroll:.... 2 Mana Tablet ..Buy: N/A Sell: 500 Gil Steal: Behemoth.. -..,1 = Gagazet ......... Jumbo Flan -..,1 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 3 of each: Water Flan, Thunder Flan, Snow Flan, Ice Flan, ............... Flame Flan, Dark Flan ......... Dark Shiva - 2,..= Macalania Temple Drop: Abaddon....- 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Inside Sin Bribe: Chimera....- 10 (105,000 Gil) = Macalania Woods.... (10,500) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 = Unlock Ironclad ........ - Capture 10 of each: Iron Giant, Gemini A, Gemini B + Mana Tonic .. 1. Party's MAX MP is doubled for one turn or KO'd .. 2. It can't stack and Break MP Limit is needed beyond 999 .. 2. Customization: ........MP +30%:....1 Mana Tonic ..Buy: N/A Sell: 400 Gil Steal: Great Malboro..-..,1 = Inside Sin ........ Vidatu........ -..,1 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of each: Gandarewa, Aerouge, Imp Drop: Malboro Menace - 2,4; ,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Kilika Bribe: Gemini (Sword) - 10 (720,000 Gil) = Inside Sin.... (72,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 = Unlock Hornet ........ - Capture 4 of each: Killer Bee, Bite Bug, Wasp, Nebiros + Map .. 1. Displays World Map ..Buy: Rin's Highroad Item Shop...... ( 50 Gil) ........ Thunder Plains....................... ( 50 Gil) ........ Macalania Item Shop...............( 50 Gil) ........ Rin's Item Shop = Airship........( 55 Gil) ........ Calm Land's Item Shop...........( 50 Gil) ........ Mi'ihen Item Shop.......... (FC).. ( 50 gil) ........ Thunder Plains...............(FC).. ( 50 gil) ........ Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania.. ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Automatic - 1 = Next day in Besaid + Master Sphere ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Dark Anima..........-.., ;1,2 = Gagazet .......... Dark Bahamut.....-.., ;1,2 = Zandarkand Ruins .......... Dark Cindy...........-.., ;1,2 = Mushroom Rock .......... Dark Ifrit...............-.., ;1,2 = Sanubia Desert .......... Dark Ixion............-.., ;1,2 = Thunder Plains .......... Dark Mindy..........-.., ;1,2 = Mushroom Rock .......... Dark Sandy.........-.., ;1,2 = Mushroom Rock .......... Dark Shiva..........-.., ;1,2 = Macalania Temple .......... Dark Valefor.......-.., ;1,2 = Besaid Village .......... Dark Yojimbo......-.., ;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth .......... Penance (Arms)..-.., ;1,1 = Penance .......... Penance........... - 3,6;3,6 = Penance Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 10 = Unlocking Nemesis ........ - Capture 10 of each fiend and Defeat All Monster Creations + Megalixir .. 1. Restores all HP/MP to target party, but limited to 9999 HP & 999 MP .. 2. Deals 9999 damage and lowers their MP by 999 when used on Zombies targets .. 3. Restores MAX HP/MP to one character when used in the Menu .. 4. Customization: ........Double AP:.. 20 Megalixir .. 5. Aeon Ability: ........Full-Life:........1 Megalixir ..Buy: N/A Sell: 5,000 Gil Steal: Penance -..,1 = Penance Drop: N/A Bribe: Xiphos..-.....2 (.. 54,000 Gil). = Macalania Woods.... (27,000) ......... Varuna...- 20 (1,120,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins........ (56,000) Found: Chest -..3 = Sanubia Desert: West ...... Chest -..1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ...... Chest -..1 = Inside Sin - Sin: City of Dying Dreams ...... Chest -..1 = Baaj Temple Other: Prize -..1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place .......... Prize -..2 = Macalania (Central) - Butterfly game after Spherimorph ......... Prize -..1 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race, 2 chests & No Pole ......... Prize -..4 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 150 bolts in a row ......... Prize -..1 = Bikanel Island - Obtain 6 or 7 of the cactuar's sphere ......... Prize - 30 = Unlock Shinryu ............... - Capture 2 of each: Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike + Mega Phoenix .. 1. Revies KO'd allies with Max HP restored, but limited to 9999 HP .. 2. KOs when used on Zombies .. 3. Customization: ........Auto-Phoenix:.. 20 Mega Phoenix ..Buy: N/A Sell: 1,000 Gil Steal: Dark Ifrit....- 2,..= Bikanel Island Drop: Extractor....... - 1,2;1,2 = Moonflow .......... YAT-99...........- 1,2;1,2 = Bevelle .......... Mech Hunter.... -.., ;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth .......... Mech Defender -.., ;1,2 = Gagazet .......... YAT-97..............-.., ;1,2 = Zanarkand Ruins Bribe: Alcyone -..2 (..8,600 Gil)... = Bikanel Island................ (4,300) ......... Ghost.. - 38 (199,980 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.... (5,262) Found: Chest.. -..1 = Djose Temple Other: Prize.. -..1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place ......... Prize.. - 99 = Unlock Pteryx ............. - Capture 4 of each: Condor, Simurgh, Alcyone + Mega-Potion .. 1. Restores 2000 HP to target party .. 2. Deals 2000 damage Zombie targets .. 3. Aeon Ability: ...........Curaga:....60 Mega-Potion ..Buy: N/A Sell: 375 Gil Steal: Random Chest.... - ?1? = Moonflow North Bank ......... Xiphos.................. -..,1 = Macalania Woods ......... Dual Horn..............-..,1 = Home ......... Grendel.................-..,1 = Gagazet ......... Mech Leader.........-..,1 = Gagazet ......... YKT-11................. -..,1 = Zanarkand Ruins ......... Left Fin (Sin's) - 1,.......= Sin Drop: YKT-63............. -.., ;1,2 = Bevelle ......... Mech Scouter.... -.., ;1,2 = Calm Lands (both) Bribe: Dual Horn........- 25 ( 75,900 Gil) = Home........(3,036) ......... Grendel..........- 60 (190,000 Gil) = Gagazet.... (3,166) Found: Chest -..1 = Mushroom Rock: Ridge ........... Chest -..1 = Moonflow: North Bank Road ........... Chest -..1 = Guadosalam .......... Chest -..1 = Lake Macalania: Crevasse .......... Chest -..2 = Sanubia Desert: Central .......... Chest -..3 = Sanubia Desert: West .......... Chest -..1 = Via Purifico - Just near Kimarhi .......... Chest -..2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Chest -..2 = Gagazet: Mountain Trails Other: Gift..-....2 = Mi'ihen Highroad - Rin .......... Prize -..1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place .......... Prize -..1 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals ......... Gift..-....1 = Mushroom Rock: Precipice ......... Gift..-....1 = Djose Highroad ......... Prize -..2 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 10 bolts in a row ......... Prize -..1 = Home - First option in second row ......... Prize -..1 = Calm Lands - Dodge Chocobo: Tie or beat your time ......... Prize - 60 = Defeating Belgemine's Shiva (1-timer) + MP Sphere .. 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into MP +40 ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Lord Ochu..- 1,2; ,..= Kilika ......... Sin's Core - 1,2;1,2 = Sin ......... Vidatu.... - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of each: Gandarewa, Aerouge, Imp Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 2 = Thunder Plains: South ........... Chest - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Other: Prize - 2 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 20 bolts in a row .......... Prize - 1 = Macalania (Central) - Butterfly game before Spherimorph + Musk .. 1. Mix Item .. 2. Customization: ........Confuse Ward:.. 16 Musk ........ConfuseProof:.. 48 Musk ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Floating Eye.. -.., 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Buer.......... -.., 1 = Thunder Plains ......... Evil Eye...... -.., 1 = Lake Macalania ......... Sandragora.... -..,10 = Bikanel Island ......... Evil Eye...... - 1, 2 = Home ........ Ahriman........- 2, 3 = Gagazet ........ Floating Death - 4, 5 = Omega Ruins Drop: N/A Bribe: Floating Eye - 1 (2,800 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad.... (2,800) ......... Buer........ - 2 (4,600 Gil) = Thunder Plains...... (2,300) ......... Evil Eye.... - 4 (6,200 Gil) = Lake Macalania...... (1,550) ......... Evil Eye.... - 4 (8,600 Gil) = Home................ (2,150) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Pendulum .. 1. Mix Item .. 2. Customization: ........Master Thief:.. 30 Pendulum ..Buy: N/A Sell: 1,250 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Neslug - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............. - Unlock All Area Creations Bribe: Master Tonberry -..4 (..960,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins.... (240,000) .......... Ultima Weapon.. - 99 (1,400,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins.... ( 14,141) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 30 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race, Win with 4 chests & No Pole + Petrify Grenade .. 1. Inflicts Petrify at target party .. 2. Customization: ........Stonetouch:....10 Petrify Grenade ........Stonestrike:... 60 Petrify Grenade ........StoneProof:....20 Petrify Grenade ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Dinonix......... -..,1 = Kilika ......... Ipiria..............-..,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Raptor.............-..,1 = Mushroom Rock ......... Basilisk.........- 1,1 = Djose Highroad ......... Melusine........-..,1 = Thunder Plains ......... Iguion.............-..,1 = Macalania Woods ......... Cave Iguion... -..,1 = Via Purifico ......... Anacondaur...- 1,2 = Calm Lands ......... Yowie............. -..,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Demonolith....- 2,2 = Inside Sin ......... Zaurus..........- 2,3 = Omega Ruins ......... Jourmungand - 4,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Djose Highroad Drop: N/A Bribe: Dinonix....... -..2 ( 2,800 Gil) = Kilika........................ (1,400) ......... Ipiria.............-..3 ( 3,600 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad.............. (1,200) ......... Raptor..........-..2 ( 4,000 Gil) = Mushroom Rock.................. (2,000) ......... Basilisk......- 24 (40,500 Gil) = Djose Highroad................ (1,687) ........ Melusine.......-..4 ( 5,300 Gil) = Thunder Plains................ (1,325) ........ Iguion............-..5 ( 7,400 Gil) = Macalania Woods................ (1,480) ........ Cave Iguion -..6 (11,000 Gil) = Via Purifico.................. (1,833) ........ Yowie......... - 12 (18,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.... (1,500) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Jormungand ........ - Capture 1 of each fiend from Djose Highroad + Phoenix Down .. 1. Revives one KO'd ally with 50% MAX HP restored, but limited to 9999 ..Buy: Besaid Item Shop........................ (100 Gil) ......... O'aka on S.S. Winno.....................(100 Gil) ......... O'aka at Luca................................(100 Gil) ......... Luca Item Shop - After Auron - ....(100 Gil) ......... Luca Square....- After Auron - .....(100 Gil) ......... Rin's Highroad Item Shop........... (100 Gil) ......... O'aka on the Oldroad................... (100 Gil) ......... O'aka Mushroom Rock (Clasko).. (70 - 120 - 150 - 200 Gil)* ......... O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ........... (70 - 120 - 150 - 200 Gil)* ......... O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath..(70 - 120 - 150 - 200 Gil)* ......... Djose Item Shop............................(100 Gil) ......... O'aka at South Moonflow..............(100 Gil) ......... Man at South Moonflow................(200 Gil) ......... Woman at South Moonflow..........(150 Gil) ......... Tent Man at South Moonflow..... (200 Gil) ......... O'aka at North Moonflow............(100 Gil) ......... O'aka at Guadosalam.................(100 Gil) ......... Guadosalam Item Shop............ (150 Gil) ......... Thunder Plains......................... (100 Gil) ......... O'aka at Macalania Woods...... (150 Gil) ......... O'aka at Macalania Lake...........(150 Gil) ......... Macalania Item Shop.................(100 Gil) ......... O'aka at Macalania Temple........(150 Gil) ......... O'aka at Macalania Escape........(150 Gil) ......... Rin's Item Shop = Airship............(110 Gil) ......... Chest's Shop....= Via Purifico ....(100 Gil) ......... O'aka on Highbridge....................(100 Gil) ......... Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (100 Gil) ......... Calm Land's Item Shop...............(100 Gil) ......... Monster Arena Item Shop...........(100 Gil) ......... Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet....(100 Gil) ......... Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet....(100 Gil) ......... Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC).... (100 Gil) ......... Besaid Item Shop.............(FC).. (100 Gil) ......... Luca Item Shop................(FC).. (100 Gil) ......... Luca Square Item Shop... (FC).. (100 Gil) ......... Mi'ihen Item Shop............ (FC).. (100 Gil) ......... Djose Item Shop............... (FC).. (100 Gil) ........ Man at South Moonflow..... (FC).. (120 Gil) ........ Woman at South Moonflow (FC).. (100 Gil) ........ Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)(115 Gil) ........ Guadosalam Item Shop......(FC).. (150 gil) ........ Thunder Plains..........(FC).......... (100 Gil) ........ Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania..... (100 Gil) ........ Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania..... (100 Gil) Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Condor - 1,..= Besaid ......... Ghost...- 2,..= Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: YAT-99.............- 1,2; ,..= Bevelle ......... Mech Hunter.... - 1,2; ,..= Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Mech Defender - 1,2; ,..= Gagazet ......... YAT-97.............- 2,4; ,..= Zanarkand Ruins Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 1 = Besaid Village (infront of shop) ........... Chest - 2 = Luca - Dock No. 2 ........... Chest - 2 = Moonflow: South Wharf ........... Chest - 2 = Thunder Plains: South ........... Chest - 3 = Macalania Woods: Central ........... Chest - 3 = Macalania: Hall Other: Gift..- 3 = Besaid: Dock .......... Gift..- 3 = Kilika - Encounter Lord Ochu from the left and escape .......... Prize - 2 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place .......... Prize - 2 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 3rd Place .......... Gift...- 2 = Mushroom Rock - Entrance .......... Gift...- 2 = Djose Highroad? .......... Prize - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn + Poison Fang .. 1. Hits one target with 2000 damage + Poison status .. 2. Customization: ........Poisonstrike:.. 24 Poison Fang ........PoisonProof:....12 Poison Fang .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Bio:............ 8 Poison Fang ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Killer Bee.... -..,1 = Kilika ......... Bite Bug..... -..,1 = Djose Highroad ......... Wasp.......... -..,1 = Macalania Woods ......... Nebiros.......- 1,2 = Calm Lands ......... Hornet...... - 4,..= Monster Arena ............... - Capture 4 of each: Killer Bee, Bite Bug, Wasp, Nebiros ......... Sleep Sprout - 4,..= Monster Arena .............. - Capture 5 of each: Funguar, Thorn, Exoray Drop: N/A Bribe: Killer Bee - 2 ( 2,200 Gil) = Kilika..............(1,100) ......... Bite Bug.. - 2 ( 4,000 Gil) = Djose Highroad......(2,000) ......... Wasp...... - 3 ( 7,200 Gil) = Macalania Woods.... (2,400) ......... Nebiros....- 6 (14,000 Gil) = Calm Lands..........(2,333) Found: Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Malboro Menance .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Kilika + Potion .. 1. Restores 200 HP to one target .. 2. Deals 200 damage to Zombies ..Buy: Besaid Item Shop.......................... ( 50 Gil) ......... O'aka on S.S. Winno......................( 50 Gil) ......... O'aka at Luca.................................( 50 Gil) ......... Luca Item Shop - After Auron -..... ( 50 Gil) ......... Luca Square....- After Auron - ......( 50 Gil) ......... Rin's Highroad Item Shop............ ( 50 Gil) ......... O'aka on the Oldroad.................... ( 50 Gil) ......... O'aka Mushroom Rock (Clasko)... (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ......... O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ............ (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ......... O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath..(35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ......... Djose Item Shop............................( 50 Gil) ......... O'aka at South Moonflow..............( 50 Gil) ......... Man at South Moonflow................(100 Gil) ......... Woman at South Moonflow...........( 75 Gil) ......... Tent Man at South Moonflow...... (100 Gil) ......... O'aka at North Moonflow..............( 50 Gil) ......... O'aka at Guadosalam..................( 50 Gil) ......... Guadosalam Item Shop.............. ( 75 Gil) ......... Thunder Plains........................... ( 50 Gil) ......... O'aka at Macalania Woods......... ( 75 Gil) ......... O'aka at Macalania Lake.............( 75 Gil) ......... Macalania Item Shop..................( 50 Gil) ......... O'aka at Macalania Temple.........( 75 Gil) ......... O'aka at Macalania Escape.........( 75 Gil) ......... Rin's Item Shop = Airship............( 55 Gil) ......... Chest's Shop....= Via Purifico.... ( 50 Gil) ......... O'aka on Highbridge....................( 50 Gil) ......... Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands ( 50 Gil) ......... Calm Land's Item Shop...............( 50 Gil) ......... Monster Arena Item Shop...........( 50 Gil) ......... Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet....( 50 Gil) ......... Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet....( 50 Gil) ......... Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC).... ( 50 Gil). ......... Besaid Item Shop.............(FC... ( 50 gil) ......... Luca Item Shop................(FC).. ( 50 gil) ......... Luca Square Item Shop... (FC).. ( 50 gil) ........ Mi'ihen Item Shop.............. (FC).. ( 50 gil) ........ Djose Item Shop................ (FC).. ( 50 gil) ........ Man at South Moonflow.... (FC).. ( 60 Gil) ........ Woman at South Moonflow (FC).. ( 50 Gil) ........ Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)( 57 Gil) ........ Guadosalam Item Shop....(FC)... ( 75 gil) ........ Thunder Plains..........(FC)......... ( 50 gil) ........ Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania.... ( 50 gil) ........ Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania.... ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: Dingo............. - 1,..= Besaid ........ Kimarhi.......... - 1,1 = Besaid ......... Sin................ - 1,1 = S.S. Liki ......... Echuilles....... - 1,1 = S.S. Liki ......... Sincale.......... - 1,1 = S.S. Liki (both) ......... Lord Ochu..... - 1,1 = Kilika ........ Geneaux........ - 1,1 = Kilika ...........^'s Tentacle. - 1,1 = Kilika ........ Worker............- 1,2 = Luca ........ Oblitzerator....- 1,1 = Luca ........ Garuda...........- 1,1 = Luca Stadium ........ Sahagin Chief - 1,1 = Luca Stadium ........ Vouivre........... - 1,1 = Luca Stadium ........ Dual Horn....... - 1,..= Mi'ihen Highroad ........ Mi'ihen Fang....- 1,..= Mi'ihen Highroad ........ Raldo............... - 1,..= Mi'ihen Highroad ........ Vouivre............. - 1,..= Mi'ihen Highroad ........ Chocobo Eater - 1,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad ........ Lamashtu..........- 1,..= Mushroom Rock ........ Gui................... - 1,1 = Mushroom Rock ...........^- Head...........- 1,1 = Mushroom Rock ...........^- Arm............ - 1,1 = Mushroom Rock ....... .Extractor......... - 1,1 = Moonflow ........ Magic Urn........ - 1,1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: Negator...... - 1,2; ,..= Lake Macalania Bribe: Sincale...... - 5 (2,000 Gil) = S.S. Liki.... (400) Found: Chest -..2 = Besaid Temple (FC) ............ Chest -..2 - Submerged Ruins ............ Chest -..2 = Besaid Village ............ Case/Bag - (0 - 20) = S.S. Liki ....................- Offer potions until you have 20 in your inventory ........... Chest -..3 = Kilika - House before the Woods Other: Gift..-..2 = Zandarkand Civilian .......... Gift..-..3 = Salvage Ship (Unlimited freebies) .......... Gift..-..2 = Besaid Beach .......... Gift..-..3 = Besaid Beach .......... Prize -..2 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 3rd Place .......... Gift..- 10 = Mushroom Rock: Valley .......... Gift..- 10 = Djose Highroad .......... Prize -..1 = Home: Living Quarters - First on Third Row .......... Prize -..1 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race - Winning with No Improvement ........................ OR Winning when all (5) other prizes have been obtained .......... Prize -..1 = Bikanel Island - Obtain 1 to 2 of the cactuar's sphere + Power Distiller .. 1. Forces enemy to drop Power Spheres. .. 2. Use it on Kottos/Fafnir to make them drop 20 Power Spheres. ......Overkill them to get 40 Power Spheres. .. 3. Same as Distill Power (Weapon) & Extract Power (Ability) ..Buy: Rin's Item Shop = Airship............(110 Gil) ......... Chest's Shop....= Via Purifico ....(100 Gil) ......... O'aka on Highbridge....................(100 Gil) ......... Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (100 Gil) ......... Calm Land's Item Shop................(100 Gil) ......... Monster Arena Item Shop............(100 Gil) ......... Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet.....(100 Gil) ......... Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet.....(100 Gil) ......... Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC)..... (100 Gil) ......... Besaid Item Shop..............(FC).. (100 Gil) ......... Luca Item Shop.................(FC).. (100 Gil) ......... Luca Square Item Shop... (FC).. (100 Gil) ......... Mi'ihen Item Shop...... (FC)....... (100 Gil) ......... Djose Item Shop........ (FC)....... (100 Gil) ......... Guadosalam Item Shop....(FC).. (150 gil) ......... Thunder Plains..........(FC)........ (100 Gil) ......... Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania... (100 Gil) ......... Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania... (100 Gil) Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + Power Sphere .. 1. Activates Strength, Defense, and HP nodes on Sphere Grid .. 2. Customization: ........Strength +3%:....3 Power Sphere ........Defense..+3%:....3 Power Sphere ........Distill Power:.... 2 Power Sphere .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Cheer:............... 5 Power Sphere ........Extract Power:..20 Power Sphere .. 4. Aeon's Soul: ........Strength +1:....[Aeon's STR/2], capped at 99 ........Defense..+1:...[Aeon's DEF/2], capped at 99 ........HP.... +100:....[SQRT(Aeon's HP/16) + 16].... Note: [] = Round Down.. ..Buy: N/A Sell: 1 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Piranha (x1)........- 1,2; ,..= Submerged Ruins .......... Tros...................- 2,4;2,4 = Salvage Ship .......... Dingo................ - 1,2;1,2 = Besaid .......... Garuda..............- 1,2;1,2 = Besaid .......... Sinscale............- 1,2;1,2 = S.S. Liki .......... Dinonix............. - 1,2;1,2 = Kilika .......... Geneaux.......... - 2,4;3,6 = Kilika .......... Garuda..............- 1,2;1,2 = Luca Stadium .......... Sahagin Chief.. - 1,2;1,2 = Luca Stadium .......... Vouivre............ - 1,2;1,2 = Luca Stadium .......... Bomb................- 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad .......... Ipiria.................- 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Mi'ihen Fang.....- 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Raldo................ - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Vouivre............. - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Garuda..............- 1,2;2,4 = Mushroom Rock ......... Lamashtu.........- 1,2;1,2 = Mushroom Rock ......... Raptor................-.., ;1,2 = Mushroom Rock ......... Bunyip.............- 1,2;1,2 = Djose Highroad ........ Garm.................- 1,2;1,2 = Djose Highroad ........ Ochu....................- 1,2; ,..= Moonflow ........ Iron Giant...........- 2,4;3,6 = Thunder Plains ........ Kusariqqu.......... - 1,2;1,2 = Thunder Plains ........ Melusine...............-.., ;1,2 = Thunder Plains ........ Iguion....................-.., ;1,2 = Macalania Woods ........ Murussu............. - 1,2;1,2 = Macalania Woods ........ Madfet.................- 1,2;1,2 = Lake Macalania ........ Snow Wolf.......... - 1,2;1,2 = Lake Macalania ........ Wendigo............. - 1,2;2,4 = Lake Macalania ........ Mushussu..............- 1,2; ,..= Bikanel Island ........ Sand Wolf............. - 1,2; ,..= Bikanel Island ........ Zu..........................- 1,2; ,..= Bikanel Island ........ Treasure Chest..- 1,2;1,2.. = Bikanel Island ........ Bomb...................- 1,2;1,2 = Home ........ Cave Iguion.......... -.., ;1,2 = Via Purifico ........ Sahagin.............. - 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico ........ Swamp Mafdet....- 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico ........ Phlegyas.............- 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico ........ Anacondaur........- 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands ........ Ogre...................- 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands ........ Skoll.................. - 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands ........ Defender...........- 2,4;2,4 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ........ Nidhogg........... - 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ........ Tonberry.............- 1,2; ,..= Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ........ Yowie................. -.., ;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ........ Achelous...........- 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet ........ Bandersnatch....- 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet ........ Bashura........... - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet ........ Behemoth.........- 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet ........ Grenade........... - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet ........ Splasher............- 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet ........ Adamantoise.... - 2,4;4,8 = Inside Sin ........ Barbatos............- 1,2; ,..= Inside Sin ........ Behemoth King.. - 1,2; ,..= Inside Sin ........ Geminin (Both)..- 1,2;2,4 = Inside Sin ........ Land Worm........ - 1,2;....= Inside Sin (Point of No Return) ........ Halma............... - 1,2;2,4 = Omega Ruins ........ Master Tonberry - 1,2; ,..= Omega Ruins ........ Geosgaeno...... - 2,4;2,4 = Baaj Temple Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize -..5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place ...... Prize - 30 = Calm Lands - Win against Belgemine ...... Prize -..4 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Valefor beyond twice ...... Prize -..8 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Ixion beyond twice ...... Prize - 10 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Yojimbo beyond twice ...... Prize - 12 = Remiem - Defeat Belgemine's Magus Sisters beyond twice ..... Kottos/Fafnir may drop 20/40 Power Spheres when Power Distiller is .............used on them, but it's only a Common Drop (7/8). + Purifying Salt .. 1. Hits one with 1100 damage + Dispel effect .. 2. Customization: ........No Encounter:.. 30 Purifying Salt .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Dispel:..........3 Purifying Salt ..Buy: N/A Sell: 70 Gil Steal: Warrior Monk -..,1 = Bevelle (both) ......... Fallen Monk...-..,1 = Zanarkand Ruins (both) ........ Abaddon........- 3,..= Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Inside Sin ...... Hornet...... -..,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 4 of each: Killer Bee, Bite Bug, Wasp, Nebiros Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Fafnir ................ - Capture 4 of each: Vouivre, Lamashtu, Kusariqqu, Mushussu, Nidhogg + Remedy .. 1. Removes Poison / Petrify / Darkness / Silence / Confuse / Berserk / Slow ...... Zombie from one target .. 2. Customization: ........Auto-Med....20 Remedy ..Buy: Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC).. (1500 Gil) Sell: 375 Gil Steal: Ragora............... -..,1 = Kilika ......... Ochu................. - 1,2 = Moonflow ......... Sandragora....... - 2,..= Bikanel Island ......... YAT-99.............. - 1,..= Bevelle ......... YKT-63............... - 1,..= Bevelle ......... Malboro..............- 1,1 = Calm Lands/CotSF ......... Grat.................... -..,1 = Gagazet ......... Mandragora....... - 2,3 = Gagazet ......... Great Malboro....- 1,..= Inside Sin ......... Malboro Menace - 4,..= Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Kilika Drop: N/A Bribe: Lord Ochu....... - 80 ( 92,980 Gil) = Kilika............ (1,162) .......... Ragora.............-..8 ( 15,600 Gil) = Kilika............ (1,950) ......... Ochu................- 70 ( 36,000 Gil) = Moonflow.......... (..514) ......... Sandragora....- 99 (255,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island.... (2,575) ......... Grat.................- 40 ( 80,000 Gil) = Gagazet............(2,000) Found: Chest - 1 = S.S. Liki - Cabin .......... Chest - 1 = Kilika Woods? ........... Chest - 1 = Djose Temple ........... Chest - 1 = Thunder Plains: North .......... Chest - 1 = Macalania Woods: North .......... Chest - 2 = Macalania: Hall .......... Chest - 4 = Sanubia Desert: Oasis Other: Gift..- 1 = Besaid: Dock .......... Gift..- 1 = Mi'ihen Highroad? .......... Prize - 2 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place .......... Prize - 2 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals .......... Prize - 1 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - First Place .......... Gift..- 1 = Mushroom Rock (Entrance) .......... Gift..- 1 = Mushroom Rock: Valley .......... Prize - 1 = Home: Second option on third row + Rename Card .. 1. Rename an Aeon ..Buy: N/A Sell: 5 Gil Steal: Ornitholestes - 1,..= Monster Arena ............... - Capture 3 of each: Dinonix, Ipiria, Raptor, Melusine, Iguion, ................. Yowie, Zaurus Drop: Espada........- 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............... - Capture 1 of each fiend from Macalania Bribe: Zaurus........- 10 (157,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals ......... Prize - 2 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - Most Goals + Return Sphere .. 1. Return to any previously activated node on the Sphere Grid .. 2. Customization: ........First Strike:....1 Return Sphere ..Buy: N/A Sell: 125 Gil Steal: Greater Sphere.. -..,1 = Monster Arena ............... - Unlock 2 Species Creations ......... Dark Cindy.................. - 1,..= Mushroom Rock Drop: Biran Ronso...........- 1,2; ,..= Gagazet .......... Yenke Ronso.........- 1,2; ,..= Gagazet .......... Sanctuary Keeper - 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet .......... Genais................. - 1,2;1,2 = Sin .......... Barbatos................ -.., ;1,2 = Inside Sin .......... Black Element........-.., ;1,2 = Omega Ruins .......... Chimerageist......... - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............... - Capture 1 of each fiend from Calm Lands Bribe: Dark Element -..4 ( 36,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.. ( 9,000) ......... Mandragora.. - 24 (620,000 Gil) = Gagazet........................... .. (25,833) Found: Chest........-..1 = Gagazet: Mountain Cave Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place .......... Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals .......... Prize - 2 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - Most Goals + Shadow Gem .. 1. Hits target party with a gravity-based damage, reduces HP by 1/2 .. 2. If target is immune to gravity, no damage is done .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Demi:......8 Shadow Gem ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Sand Worm..- 2,..= Bikanel Island ......... Halma...........-..,2 = Omega Ruins ......... Abyss Worm - 4,..= Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Bikanel Island Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: Minigame - Bikanel: One of the chests when playing with Robeya Other: Prize....-..8 = Remiem - Defeat Belgemine's Yojimbo (1-timer) .......... Prize....- 99 = Unlock Abyss Worm ................. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Bikanel Island + Shining Gem .. 1. Hits one target with 6000 non-elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........Magic Counter:..16 Shining Gem .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Flare:..........60 Shining Gem ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Black Element -.....,4 = Omega Ruins ......... Right Fin.......... -..,1 = Sin (Sin's) ......... Genasis............. -..,1 = Sin ......... Omnis................ - 1,..= Inside Sin ......... Varuna................-..,1 = Omega Ruins ......... Abaddon............ -..,1 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Inside Sin ......... Bomb King........ -..,1 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 5 of each: Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros ......... Juggernaut.........-..,1 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 5 of each: Dual Horn, Valaha, Grendel Drop: Coeurlregina..- 3,6; ,..= Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mushroom Rock Bribe: Grenade....... - 12 (150,000 Gil) = Gagazet........ (12,500) .......... Puroburos.... - 36 (400,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins.... (11,111) Found: Minigame - Bikanel: One of the chests when playing with Robeya Other: Prize....- 40 = Remiem - Defeat Belgemine's Magus Sisters (1-timer) .......... Prize....- 60 = Unlock Espada ................. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Macalania + Shining Thorn .. 1. Mix Item .. 2. Aeon Ability: ........Mental Break:.. 4 Shining Thorn ..Buy: N/A Sell: 50 Gil Steal: Dark Element - 1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: N/A Bribe: Larva - 10 (29,960 Gil) = Thunder Plains.... (2,996) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Silence Grenade .. 1. One hit for 750 (1500) + Silence status against all in target party .. 2. Lasts for 8 turns .. 3. Customization: ........Silencestrike:... 20 Silence Grenade ........SilenceProof:....10 Silence Grenade .. 4. Aeon Ability: ........Silence Attack:.. 3 Silence Grenade ........Silence Buster:..10 Silence Grenade ..Buy: N/A Sell: 37 Gil Steal: Funguar - 1,..= Mushroom Rock ........ Anima.... - 3,..= Macalania Temple ...... Bat Eye -..,2 = Via Purifico ...... Thorn... - 2,..= Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ...... Exoray..- 3,..= Inside Sin Drop: N/A Bribe: Bat Eye - 12 (7,600 Gil) = Via Purifico.... (633) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Silver Hourglass .. 1. Inflicts Slow against target party .. 2. Customization: ........Slowtouch:....16 Silver Hourglass ........Slow Ward:....10 Silver Hourglass .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Slow:..........4 Silver Hourglass ........Delay Attack: 20 Silver Hourglass ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Vouivre..... -..,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad .......... Lamashtu..-..,1 = Mushroom Rock .......... Kusariqqu -..,1 = Thunder Plains .......... Mushussu..-..,1 = Bikanel Island Drop: N/A Bribe: Vouivre.. - 10 (5,100 Gil)... = Mi'ihen Highroad.... (510) ......... Lamashtu..- 10 (5,500 Gil) = Mushroom Rock........(550) ......... Kusariqqu - 20 (8,900 Gil). = Thunder Plains...... (445) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn .......... Prize - 40 = Unlock Don Tonberry ................. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Cavern of the Stolen Fayth + Skill Sphere .. 1. Activates Skill node already activated by ally ...... Skill = Quick Hit, Triple Foul, Mug, etc... .. 2. Customization: ........Strength +10%:.. 1 Skill Sphere .. 2. Aeon Ability: ........Triple Foul:.... 4 Skill Sphere ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: Zu......- 2 (360,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island.... (180,000) Found: Chest.. - 1 = Home: Living Quarters ........... Chest.. - 1 = Via Purifico Other: Crystal - 1 = Inside Sin: Point of No Return + Sleeping Powder .. 1. One hit for 750 (1500) + Sleep status against all in target party .. 2. Lasts 8 turns .. 3. Customization: ........Sleeptouch:.. 10 Sleeping Powder ........Sleep Ward:....6 Sleeping Powder .. 4. Aeon Ability: ........Sleep Attack:..3 Sleeping Powder ........Sleep Buster: 10 Sleeping Powder ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: Dingo............-..,1 = Besaid ......... Mi'ihen Fang -..,1 = Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Garm............ -..,1 = Djose Highroad ......... Snow Wolf....- 1,2 = Lake Macalania ......... Sand Wolf....- 2,2 = Bikanel Island Drop: N/A Bribe: Dingo............-..4 (2,500 Gil) = Besaid.............. (625) ..........Mi'ihen Fang -..6 (3,200 Gil) = Mi'ihen Highroad.... (533) ......... Garm............ -..8 (4,800 Gil) = Djose Highroad...... (600) ......... Snow Wolf....- 12 (8,000 Gil) = Lake Macalania...... (666) ......... Sand Wolf....- 12 (9,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island...... (750) Found: N/A Other: N/A + Smoke Bomb .. 1. One hit for 750 (1500) + Darkness status against all in target party .. 2. Lasts for 8 turns .. 3. Customization: ........Darkstrike:....20 Smoke Bomb ........Darkproof:.... 10 Smoke Bomb .. 4. Aeon Ability: ........Dark Attack:....6 Smoke Bomb ........Dark Buster:.. 12 Smoke Bomb ..Buy: N/A Sell: 37 Gil Steal: Condor.... -..,1 = Besaid ...... Garuda.... - 1,2 = Besaid ...... Garuda.... - 1,2 = Mushroom Rock ...... Simurgh....- 1,2 = Djose Highroad ...... Alcyone....- 1,2 = Bikanel Island ...... Zu............ - 3,4 = Bikanel Island ...... Stratoavis. - 3,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Besaid ...... Pteryx.... - 4,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of each: Condor, Simurgh, Alcyone Drop: N/A Bribe: Condor....-..4 ( 1,900 Gil) = Besaid............ (475) ......... Garuda..- 99 (80,000 Gil) = Besaid............ (808) ......... Simurgh.. -..6 ( 4,000 Gil) = Djose Highroad.... (666) Found: N/A Other: Prize.. -..6 - Lose to Belgemine's Ixion at Moonflow + Soft .. 1. Removes Petrify from one target .. 2. Customization: ........Stone Ward:.. 30 Soft ..Buy: O'aka Mushroom Rock HQ........... (35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ......... O'aka Mushroom Rock Aftermath..(35 - 60 - 75 - 100 Gil)* ......... Djose Item Shop............................( 50 Gil) ......... O'aka at South Moonflow..............( 50 Gil) ......... Man at South Moonflow................(100 Gil) ........ Woman at South Moonflow...........( 75 Gil) ........ Tent Man at South Moonflow....... (100 Gil) ........ O'aka at North Moonflow..............( 50 Gil) ........ O'aka at Guadosalam...................( 50 Gil) ........ Guadosalam Item Shop............... ( 75 Gil) ........ Thunder Plains............................ ( 50 Gil) ........ O'aka at Macalania Woods.......... ( 75 Gil) ........ O'aka at Macalania Lake...............( 75 Gil) ........ Macalania Item Shop....................( 50 Gil) ........ O'aka at Macalania Temple..........( 75 Gil) ........ O'aka at Macalania Escape..........( 75 Gil) ........ Rin's Item Shop = Airship.............( 55 Gil) ........ Chest's Shop....= Via Purifico..... ( 50 Gil) ........ O'aka on Highbridge.....................( 50 Gil) ........ Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands ( 50 Gil) ........ Calm Land's Item Shop...............( 50 Gil) ........ Monster Arena Item Shop...........( 50 Gil) ........ Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet....( 50 Gil) ........ Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet....( 50 Gil) ........ Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC).... ( 50 Gil) ........ Besaid Item Shop........(FC)....... ( 50 gil) ........ Luca Item Shop..........(FC)........ ( 50 gil) ........ Luca Square Item Shop.. (FC)... ( 50 gil) ....... Mi'ihen Item Shop...... (FC)......... ( 50 gil) ....... Djose Item Shop........ (FC)......... ( 50 gil) ....... Man at South Moonflow.. (FC).. ...( 60 Gil) ....... Woman at South Moonflow (FC).. ( 50 Gil) ....... Tent Man at South Moonflow (FC)( 57 Gil) ....... Guadosalam Item Shop....(FC).... ( 75 gil) ....... Thunder Plains..........(FC).......... ( 50 gil) ....... Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania..... ( 50 gil) ....... Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania..... ( 50 gil) Sell: 12 Gil Steal: Dinonix...... - 1,..= Kilika ......... Ipiria...........- 1,..= Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Raptor.........- 1,..= Mushroom Rock ......... Muslusine... - 1,..= Thunder Plains ........ Iguion..........- 1,..= Macalania Woods ........ Cave Iguion - 1,..= Via Purifico ........ Yowie......... - 1,..= Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: Chest - 4 = Mushroom Rock: Avaliable after Djose Temple Other: Prize - 4 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - 2nd Place ......... Gift.....- 3 = Mi'ihen Highroad: South "Don't kick the blitzball" ......... Prize - 1 = Home - Living Quarters, pick second option on second row + Soul Spring .. 1. Absorbs 1500 HP & 1500 MP from one enemy .. 2. Customization: ........HP +10%:....3 Soul Spring ........MP +10%:....3 Soul Spring .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Lancet:......20 Soul Spring ..Buy: N/A Sell: 100 Gil Steal: Bashura - 1,2 = Gagazet ......... Kottos.....-..,2 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mi'ihen Highroad Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize -..1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn .......... Prize - 99 = Unlock Kottos ................ - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mi'ihen Highroad + Special Sphere .. 1. Activates Special node already activated by ally ...... Special = Steal, Bribe, Aim, etc... .. 2. Customization: ........Defense +10%:.. 1 Special Sphere ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: S..... -.., ;1,2 = Macalania Temple Bribe: Adamantoise - 6 (1,088,000 Gil) = Inside Sin/Omega Ruins..(181,333) Found: Chest...... - 1 = Inside Sin - Sin: Sea of Sorrow Other: Prize...... - 1 = Home: Quarters + Speed Distiller .. 1. Forces enemy to drop Speed Spheres. .. 2. Use it on Kottos/Fafnir to make them drop 20 Speed Spheres. ......Overkill them to get 40 Speed Spheres. .. 3. Same abilities as Distill Speed (Weapon) & Extract Speed (Ability) ..Buy: Rin's Item Shop = Airship...........(110 Gil) ........ Chest's Sho....= Via Purifico...... (100 Gil) ........ O'aka on Highbridge....................(100 Gil) ........ Rin's Travel Shop = Calm Lands (100 Gil) ....... Calm Land's Item Shop................(100 Gil) ....... Monster Arena Item Shop............(100 Gil) ....... Ronso Item Shop.. = Gagazet.....(100 Gil) ....... Wantz's Item Shop = Gagazet.....(100 Gil) ....... Rin's Item Shop Airship (FC)...... (100 Gil) ....... Besaid Item Shop..............(FC).. (100 Gil) ....... Luca Item Shop..................(FC).. (100 Gil) ....... Luca Square Item Shop... (FC).. (100 Gil) ....... Mi'ihen Item Shop............ (FC).. (100 Gil) ....... Djose Item Shop.............. (FC).. (100 Gil) ....... Guadosalam Item Shop....(FC).. (150 gil) ....... Thunder Plains.................(FC).. (100 Gil) ....... Wantz's I.S.(FC) = Macalania.. (100 Gil) ....... Rin I.Shop (FC)..= Macalania.. (100 Gil) Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + Speed Sphere .. 1. Activates Agility, Accuracy, and Evasion nodes on Sphere Grid .. 2. Customization: ........Distill Speed:.......2 Speed Sphere .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Aim:.....................5 Speed Sphere ........Reflex:...............10 Speed Sphere ........Extract Speed....20 Speed Sphere .. 4. Aeon's Soul: ........Agility..+1:......[Aeon's AGL/2], capped at 99 ........Evasion..+1:....[Aeon's EVA/2], capped at 99 ........Accuracy +1:....[Aeon's ACC/2], capped at 99.... Note: [] = Round Down ..Buy: N/A Sell: 1 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Piranha (x3)... - 1,2; ,..= Submerged Ruins ......... Condor......... - 1,2;1,2 = Besaid ......... Dinonix.........- 1,2;1,2 = Kilika ......... Killer............ - 1,2;1,2 = Kilika ......... Floating Eye - 1,2;1,2 = Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Ipiria.............. - 1,2; ,..= Mi'ihen Highroad ......... Raptor.......... - 1,2; ,..= Mushroom Rock ......... Bite Bug..... - 1,2;1,2 = Djose Highroad ......... Simurgh......- 1,2;1,2 = Djose Highroad ......... Buer........... - 1,2;1,2 = Thunder Plains ......... Melusine...... - 1,2; ,..= Thunder Plains ......... Qactuar.......- 1,2;2,4 = Thunder Plains ......... Iguion........... - 1,2; ,..= Macalania Woods ......... Wasp.......... - 1,2;1,2 = Macalania Woods ......... Evil Eye...... - 1,2;1,2 = Lake Macalania ......... Alcyone.........- 1,2; ,..= Bikanel Island ......... Cactuar........- 2,4;3,6 = Bikanel Island ......... Evil Eye...... - 1,2;1,2 = Home ......... Bat Eye........- 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico ......... Cave Iguion..- 1,2;1,2 = Via Purifico ......... Shred............- 1,2;1,2 = Calm Lands ......... Yowie............- 1,2;1,2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth ......... Ahriman........- 1,2;1,2 = Gagazet ......... Zaurus......... - 1,2;2,4 = Omega Ruins Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize -..5 = Blitzball - League Prize - 3rd Place .......... Prize - 30 = Calm Lands - Lose to Belgemine's Shiva ......... Kottos/Fafnir may drop 20/40 Ability Spheres when Power Distiller is ..................used on them, but it's only a Common Drop (7/8). + Stamina Spring .. 1. Absorbs up to 400 Hp from on enemy .. 2. Customization: ........Strength +5%:.... 2 Stamina Spring ........Defense +5%:......2 Stamina Spring .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Power Break:......8 Stamina Spring ........Drain:............... 60 Stamina Spring ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Sand Worm....-..,2 = Bikanel Island ........ Ogre.............. - 1,2 = Calm Lands ........ Sin's Core..... - 3,4 = Sin ........ Land Worm....- 1,1 = Inside Sin - Point of No Return ........ Spirit............. - 1,2 = Omega Ruins ........ Stratoavis..... -..,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Besaid ........ Kottos........... - 4,..= Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Mi'ihen Highroad ........ Chimerageist -..,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Calm Lands ........ Fafnir............ -..,2 = Monster Arena ............. - Capture 4 of each: Vouivre, Lamashtu, Kusariqqu, Mushussu, Nidhogg Drop: N/A Bribe: Ogre.......- 50 (188,000 Gil) = Calm Lands.... (3,760) .......... Bashura - 80 (340,000 Gil) = Gagazet........(4,250) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 = Remiem - Defeat Belgemine's Anima (1-timer) ...... Prize - 99 = Unlock Ornitholestes ........ - Capture 3 of each: Dinonix, Ipiria, Raptor, Melusine, Iguion, ...........Yowie, Zaurus + Stamina Tablet .. 1. For one battle or KO'd, target character's MAX HP is doubled .. 2. It can't stack and Break HP Limit is needed beyond 9999 .. 3. Customization: ........Auto-Potion:....4 Stamina Tablet ........HP Stroll:........4 Stamina Tablet ..Buy: N/A Sell: 200 Gil Steal: Y. Woman.. - 1,..= Zanarkand Ruins ........ Adamontoise -..,1 = Inside Sin ........ Abyss Worm..-..,1 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 1 of each fiend from Bikanel Island ........ Vorban...........-..,1 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 1 of each fiend from Omega Ruins ........ Ironclad.........-..,1 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 10 of each: Iron Giant, Gemini A, Gemini B ........ Dark Ixion......- 2,..= Thunder Plains Drop: N/A Bribe: Defender.... - 20 (240,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth..(12,000) Found: Random Chest -..1 = Moonflow: South Bank Other: Prize -..1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - Magic Urn .......... Prize - 60 = Unlock One Eye ........ - Capture 4 of each: Floating Eye, Buer, Evil Eye, Ahriman, .......... Floating Death + Stamina Tonic .. 1. Party's MAX HP is doubled for one battle or KO'd .. 2. It can't stack and Break HP Limit is needed beyond 9999 .. 3. Customization: ........HP +30%:.... 1 Stamina Tonic ..Buy: N/A Sell: 400 Gil Steal: Machea..................-..,1 = Omega Ruins .......... Catoblepas...........-..,1 = Monster Arena ............ - Capture 1 of each fiend from Gagazet .......... Dark Yojimbo.......- 2,..= Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Drop: Abyss Worm.....- 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena .............. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Bikanel Island Bribe: Iron Giant........-..2 ( 72,000 Gil). = Thunder Plains.... (36,000) ......... Gemini (Club) - 10 (720,000 Gil) = Inside Sin........ (72,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlocking Stratoavis .................... - Capture 1 of each fiend from Besaid + Star Curtain .. 1. Gives one target Reflect status .. 2. Customization: ........SOS Reflect:....8 Star Curtain ........Auto-Reflect:..40 Star Curtain .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Reflect:........3 Star Curtain ..Buy: N/A Sell: 45 Gil Steal: Dark Flan.........- 1,2 = Gagazet ......... Genais.............. - 1,..= Sin ......... Barbatos........... - 1,..= Inside Sin ......... Nega Elemental - 4,..= Monster Arena ............... - Capture 3 of each: Yellow Element, White Element, Red Element, ................. Gold Element, Blue Element, Dark Element, Black Element Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize -..6 = Remiem Temple - Defeat Belgemine's Shiva beyond the 1st .......... Prize - 99 = Unlock Nega Elemental ................. - Capture 3 of each: Yellow Element, White Element, Red Element, ................... Gold Element, Blue Element, Dark Element, Black Element + Strength Sphere .. 1. On the Sphere Grid, turns an empty node into STR +4 ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Juggernaut - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ................. - Capture 5 of each: Dual Horn, Valaha, Grendel Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: Prize - 1 = Win the first Blitzball Tournament (against Luca Goers) ......... Prize - 3 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 50 bolts in a row ......... Gift - 1 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (Chamber - FC) + Supreme Gem .. 1. Hits target party with 9999 non-elemental damage .. 2. Customization: ........Strength +20%:.. 4 Supreme Gem ........Magic +20%:.......4 Supreme Gem .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Ultima:............. 99 Supreme Gem ..Buy: N/A Sell: 250 Gil Steal: Left Fin...............-..,1 = Sin ......... Sin.................... -..,1 = Overdrive Sin ........ S. Omnis -..,1 = Inside Sin Drop: Jormungand....- 2,4; ,..= Monster Arena ................. - Capture 1 of each fiend from Djose Highroad Bribe: Halma - 20 (260,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins.... (13,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 60 - Unlock Greater Sphere ............... - Unlock 2 Species Creations + Teleport Sphere .. 1. Teleport to any activated node on the Sphere Grid .. 2. Customization: ........Evade & Counter:.. 1 Teleport Sphere ..Buy: N/A Sell: 200 Gil Steal: Th'uban................... -..,1 = Monster Arena ................ - Unlock 6 Species Creations ......... Dark Mindy.............- 1,..= Mushroom Rock Drop: Master Tonberry -.., ;1,2 = Omega Ruins .......... Sleep Sprout......- 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ................. - Capture 5 of each: Funguar, Thorn, Exoray Bribe: Barbatos........- 20 (1,900,000 Gil) = Inside Sin.... (95,000) Found: Chest - 2 = Sanubia Desert: West ............ Chest - 1 = Omega Ruins Other: Prize - 1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place .......... Prize - 1 = Macalania Woods - Butterfly game after getting Airship .................... - Complete one of the games (out of 2) .......... Prize - 2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth - When trying to hire Yojimbo, ........................... if you triple his asking price .......... Prize - 2 = Omega Ruins - Open 11 chests + Tetra Elemental .. 1. Restores all HP and NUL-ALL to one character, but limited to 9999 .. 2. Customization: ........Curseproof:.. 12 Tetra Elemental ..Buy: N/A Sell: 200 Gil Steal: S. Natus.. - 2,3 = Bevelle/Highbridge ......... Master Tonberry.. -..,1 = Omega Ruins Drop: N/A Bribe: N/A Found: N/A Other: N/A + Three Stars .. 1. Party's MP cost is 0 for the battle or KO'd .. 2. Customization: ........One MP cost:..... 20 Three Stars ........Break MP Limit:..30 Three Stars .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Doublecast:......... 5 Three Stars ..Buy: N/A Sell: 2,500 Gil Steal: Jormungand....-..,1 = Monster Arena ............... - Capture 1 of each fiend from Djose Highroad ......... Shinryu.......... -..,1 = Monster Arena ............... - Capture 2 of each: Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike ......... Dark Anima.....- 2,..= Gagazet Drop: Catoblepas....- 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............... - Capture 1 of each fiend from Gagazet Bribe: Behemoth King - 14 (1,350,000 Gil) = Inside Sin....(96,428) Found: N/A Other: Prize -..1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place .......... Prize - 60 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race, Win with 5 chests & No Pole .......... Prize - 60 = Unlock Earth Eater ................ - Unlock 2 Area Creations + Turbo Ether .. 1. Restores 500 MP to one target .. 2. Lowers MP by 500 when used on Zombies .. 3. Customization: ........Magic Booster:.. 30 Turbo Ether ..Buy: N/A Sell: 750 Gil Steal: Spherimorph..........-..,1 = Macalania Woods ......... S.................- 1,..= Macalania Temple ......... Sanctuary Keeper - 1,2 = Gagazet ......... Spectral Keeper.....-..,1 = Zanarkand Ruins ......... Braska's F. Aeon - 1,....= Inside Sin - Point of No Return Drop: N/A Bribe: Funguar -..2 ( 10,800 Gil) = Mushroom Rock..................(5,400) ......... Thorn.. - 16 ( 81,600 Gil).. = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.... (5,100) ......... Exoray..- 30 (148,000 Gil) = Inside Sin.................... (4,933) Found: N/A Other: Prize -..1 = Calm Lands - Catcher Chocobo: Tie or beat your time .......... Prize.. - 60 = Unlock Bomb King ................ - Capture 5 of each: Bomb, Grenade, Puroboros + Twin Stars .. 1. Target character's MP cost is 0 for one battle or KO'd .. 2. Customization: ........Half MP Cost:....2 Twin Stars ..Buy: N/A Sell: 200 Gil Steal: Behemoth King..-..,2 = Inside Sin ......... Nega Elemental -..,1 = Monster Arena .............. - Capture 3 of each: Yellow Element, White Element, Red Element, ................ Gold Element, Blue Element, Dark Element, Black Element ......... Dark Bahamut.... - 2,..= Zanarkand Ruins Drop: Nega Elemental - 2,4; ,..= Monster Arena ................ - Capture 3 of each: Yellow Element, White Element, Red Element, .................. Gold Element, Blue Element, Dark Element, Black Element Bribe: Spirit - 10 (200,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins.... (20,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize..- 60 = Unlock Jumbo Flan ....................... - Capture 3 of each: Water Flan, Thunder Flan, Snow Flan, Ice Flan, ............................ Flame Flan, Dark Flan + Underdog's Secret .. 1. Mix Item .. 2. Customization: ........Double Overdrive:.. 30 Underdog's Secret ..Buy: N/A Sell: 5,000 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Th'uban - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ................ - Unlock 6 Species Creations Bribe: Chimera - 16 (180,000 Gil) = Home......(11,250) Found: N/A Other: Prize -..1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 1st Place ......... Prize.. - 99 = Airship - Obtain all 26 Al Bhed Primers and talk to Rin + Warp Sphere .. 1. Teleport to any node on the Sphere Grid ..Buy: N/A Sell: 250 Gil Steal: Nemesis...........-..,1 = Monster Arena ................. - Capture 10 of each fiend and Defeat All Monster Creations Drop: Nemesis......- 1,2; ,..= Monster Arean ................ - Capture 10 of each fiend and Defeat All Monster Creations Bribe: Master Coerl - 2 (260,000 Gil) = Omega Ruins.... (130,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize.. - 99 = Omega Ruins - Open all 12 chests + Water Gem .. 1. Five random hits of 600 water elemental damage to target party .. 2. Customization: ........Water Eater:.. 2 Water Gem .. 3. Aeon Ability: ........Waterga:....... 4 Water Gem ..Buy: N/A Sell: 75 Gil Steal: Evrae.............- 1,2 = Airship ......... Octopus..........-..,2 = Via Purifico ......... Phlegyas........ -..,1 = Via Purifico ......... Evrae Altana.. - 2,..= Via Purifico ......... Achelous........ - 2,..= Gagazet ......... Maelspike.......- 2,3 = Gagazet ......... Geosgaeno....- 1,2 = Baaj Temple Drop: N/A Bribe: Piranha (1/2/3) -..1 ( 500/1000/1500 Gil) = Submerged Ruins ......... Water Flan.......................-..2 ( 6,300 Gil) = Besaid......... ... (3,150) ......... Blue Element.................- 10 (30,000 Gil) = Macalania Woods.... (3,000) ......... Sahagin (land)..-..............8 (27,600 Gil) = Via Purifico...... (3,450) ......... Sahagin (water) -..............8 ( 7,600 Gil) = Via Purifico...... (..950) ......... Aqua Flan..................... - 16 (40,500 Gil) = Via Purifico... ... (2,531) ......... Maze Larvae................. - 14 (44,440 Gil) = Via Purifico..... . (3,174) ......... Remora..........................- 20 (60,000 Gil) = Via Purifico.. .... (3,000) Found: N/A Other: N/A + White Magic Sphere .. 1. Activates White Magic node already activated by ally ...... White Magic = Holy, Haste, Dispel, etc... .. 2. Customization: ........Mag Defense +10%:.. 1 White Magic Sphere ..Buy: N/A Sell: 25 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: N/A Bribe: Dark Flan - 2 (256,000 Gil) = Gagazet.... (128,000) Found: Chest.... - 1 = Via Purifico - Near Lulu ............ Chest.... - 1 = Besaid Temple (FC) Other: Crystal.. - 1 = Inside Sin - Point of No Return + Wings to Discovery .. 1. Mix Item .. 2. Customization: ........Triple AP:.......... 50 Wings to Discovery ........Break HP Limit:..30 Wings to Discovery ..Buy: N/A Sell: 7,500 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Shinryu - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena .............. - Capture 2 of each: Splasher, Achelous, Maelspike Bribe: Marlboro........... - 4 (..540,000 Gil) = Calm Lands................ (135,000) ......... Great Marlboro - 8 (1,280,000 Gil) = Inside Sin/Omega Ruins.... (160,000) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 30 = Remiem Temple - Chocobo Race, Win with 3 chests & No Pole + Winning Formula .. 1. Mix Item .. 2. Customization: ........Triple Overdrive:.. 30 Winning Formula ..Buy: N/A Sell: 10,000 Gil Steal: N/A Drop: Ultima Buster - 1,2; ,..= Monster Arena ............... - Capture 5 of each Fiend Bribe: Sand Worm - 16 (900,000 Gil) = Bikanel Island.... (56,250) Found: N/A Other: Prize - 99 = Unlock Neslug ................. - Unlock All Area Creations + X-Potion .. 1. Restores all of target's HP, but limited to 9999 when used in battle .. 2. Restores MAX HP to one character if used in the Menu. .. 3. Deals 9999 damage to Zombies .. 4. Customization: ........HP +5%:......1 X-Potion .. 5. Aeon Ability: ..........Cura:...... 30 X-Potion ..Buy: N/A Steal: Wendigo.............-..,1 = Lake Macalania ......... Guado Guardian -..,1 = Lake Macalania ......... Random Chest.. - 1,1 = Bikanel Island ......... Guado Guardian -..,2 = Home ......... Right Fin.............- 1,..= Sin ......... Dark Valefor...... - 2,..= Besaid Drop: Worker......... -.., ;1,2 = Luca Bribe: Guado Guardian - 30 ( 52,000 Gil) = Home........................(1,733) .......... Valaha............... - 60 (174,000 Gil) = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth..(2,900) Found: Chest -..1 = Submerged Ruins: Hall ........... Chest -..1 = Mushroom Rock: Precipice? ........... Chest -..1 = Moonflow: South Bank Road ........... Chest -..1 = Thunder Plains: North ........... Chest -..2 = Macalania: Hall .......... Chest -..2 = Sanubia Desert: Central .......... Chest -..2 = Sanubia Desert: West .......... Chest -..2 = Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Other: Prize -..1 = Blitzball - League Prize - 2nd Place .......... Prize -..1 = Blitzball - League Prize - Most Goals .......... Prize -..1 = Blitzball - Tournament Prize - First Place .......... Prize -..2 = Thunder Plains - Dodge 5 bolts in a row .......... Prize -..1 = Calm Lands - Woobly Chocobo: Tie or beat your time .......... Prize - 30 = Remiem - Defeat Belgemine's Ifrit (1-timer) -L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L Credits -L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L Split Infinity Eclesis ShoeCream - http://www.losmonos.netfirms.com/cgi-bin/tablecsv.pl Gangstal Pbird (man) Jungle Jim Jobber Blitz_Ace470 erict1628 Mace22 RDean ZealotBoy TheaN Games