======================================================= = -Final Fantasy X- -Thunder Plains' guide- = ======================================================= = -By-: = KeRoChAn = kero_hikaru@hotmail.com = ======================================================= = -Final Version- = Last Updated: 21 July 2002 = ======================================================= Note ---- This guide is written by KeRoChAn(me) and copyrighted 2001/2002. Please email me if you wish to put my guide on your website, and changing of content(or even a single letter) is not allowed. Webmasters, get my latest version of this guide from www.GameFAQs.com and make sure it is at the lastest version. Do not publish this guide for any use (magazines, books). .________________________________________________________________. |Version Update Log | |------------------ | | | |Final - Added Geosgeano thingy | | - Added one sugggestion | | | |Verison 1.2 - Updated some points. | | | |Version 1.1 - Added more information, including Spirit Lance, | | Shop List and more Monster Data. More Tips added. | | | |Version 1.0 - Just started this FAQ. ^-^ | | | | | .----------------------------------------------------------------. .--------. |Contents| .--------. o------------------------------------------------------------o |1. Introduction | |2. How to avoid the thunderbolts | |3. The Mini-game | | ->Prepare yourself | | ->Item Sample | | ->Monster Data | | ->Getting the Cleansing Salt | | ->Tips | |4. Obtaining Spirit Lance (Longinus) | |5. Shop List | |6. Well... | |7. Credits | o------------------------------------------------------------o Introduction ------------ Thunder Plains is located north of Guadosalam, and south of Makalania Forest. It is a place which consists of 3 sections/screens: A southern part, northern part and Outside the Travel Company. Thunderbolts strike very often here so towers were built to _absorb_ the lightning. But not all thunderbolts are being _absorbed_ by the lightning, and they strike to the ground. So travellers who are not near the tower to avoid bolts are likely to be striked by these bolts. How to avoid the thunderbolts ----------------------------- During your very first time at Thunder Plains, there will be a tutorial about how to avoid the thunderbolt when it strikes. When the thunderbolt is about to strike, your television screen will flash and it will come shooting down followed by a thunder sound. To avoid the bolt, simply press down the O button (JP Version) or the X button (US Version) when the screen is flashing and you will be able to dodge the lightning bolt. In my opinion, it's better to avoid the bolts as you walk along Thunder Plains as: - it won't give you a bad record of the times that you were striked by the bolts - you'll be pushed back one or two steps when you're striked by the bolts, thus encounters will be increased The Mini-game ------------- This game is all about dodging the thunderbolts. The more thunderbolts you dodge, the better the prize is. This mini-game is avaliable once you reached Thunder Plains. The prizes for the bolt dodging are: .-------------------------------.------------------------------. | Number of Consecutive Times | Prize | .-------------------------------.------------------------------. | 5 | X-Potion x 2 | .-------------------------------.------------------------------. | 10 | Mega Potion x 2 | .-------------------------------.------------------------------. | 20 | MP Sphere x 2 | .-------------------------------.------------------------------. | 50 | Strength Sphere x 3 | .-------------------------------.------------------------------. | 100 | HP Sphere x 3 | .-------------------------------.------------------------------. | 150 | Megalixir x 4 | .-------------------------------.------------------------------. | 200 | Venus Sigil | .-------------------------------.------------------------------. .-------------------------------.------------------------------. |Total Number of bolts undodged | Prize | .-------------------------------.------------------------------. | 30 | Ether | .-------------------------------.------------------------------. | 80 | Elixir | .-------------------------------.------------------------------. Prepare yourself ---------------- Although you can start this mini-game before obtaining the Airship, I think that you should start it after obtaining the Airship. Why? Because Cleansing Salts are only easily avaliable after you obtained the Airship. Collect 30 Clenasing Salts and equip it to your weapon gives you the [Encounter-None] ability. With this, you can be free from those annoying battles when you're playing this mini-game. Q. How do you get Cleansing Salt? A. These are the possible ways of getting Cleansing Salt. I've made a data for this item. Sample ------ .----------------.-----------------------------------------------------. | Item name | Description | .-------.--------.-------------------------.---------------------------. | Buy | Sell | Ability in weapon/armor | Ability for Aeons | .-------.--------.-------------------------.---------------------------. | Steal/Mug | Monster's name(No. of items), Monster's name(Rare) | .----------------.-----------------------------------------------------. | Dropped | Monster's name, Monster's name(Rare) | .----------------.-----------------------------------------------------. | Bribe | Monster's name(Amt. of gil= No. of items) | .----------------.-----------------------------------------------------. | Treasure Chest | Place to obtain the chest | .----------------.-----------------------------------------------------. | Training Fac. | Which Zone/Race conquered (No. of items) | .----------------.-----------------------------------------------------. | Mini-game | The name of game | .----------------.-----------------------------------------------------. .----------------.-----------------------------------------------------. | Cleansing Salt | Damages 1 enemy and removes all good status from it | .-------.--------.-------------------------.---------------------------. | - | 70 | Encounter-none (30) | Dispel (3) | .-------.--------.-------------------------.---------------------------. | Steal/ | Fallen Monk with bayonet(Rare), Fallen Monk with | | Mug | flamethrower(Rare), Abadon(3), Hornet(Rare-2) | .----------------.-----------------------------------------------------. | Monster Arena | Dragon Race Conquering (99) | .----------------.-----------------------------------------------------. Monster Data ------------ These are the datas of the monsters you could steal the Cleansing Salt from: .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | Fallen Monk | HP | Attack | Magic | Fire |Thunder| Water | Ice | | with .-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | bayonet | 3300 | 28 | 33 | - | - | - | - | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | AP | Overkill | Gil |Capture |Special| Location | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-----------------------. | | | | | | | | 1200 | Unknown | 540 | No | - | Yevon=Dome | | | | | | | | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-----------------------. | Guard | Silence/Slow/Death/Zombie/Confuse/Berserk/Threaten/Provoke/ | | | Power Break/Magic Break | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Attacks | Normal Attack(Zombie-Single) | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Steal | Life Candle x2/Cleansing Salt (Rare) | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Dropped | Ability Sphere | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Bribe | - | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. | Dropped Equipments | Weapon Ability | Armor Ability | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. | | | | | ? Slots | Unknown | Unknown | | | | | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | Fallen Monk | HP | Attack | Magic | Fire |Thunder| Water | Ice | | with .-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | flamethrower | 3300 | 28 | 33 | - | - | - | - | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | AP | Overkill | Gil |Capture |Special| Location | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-----------------------. | | | | | | | | 1200 | Unknown | 540 | No | - | Yevon=Dome | | | | | | | | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-----------------------. | Guard | Silence/Slow/Death/Zombie/Confuse/Berserk/Threaten/Provoke/ | | | Power Break/Magic Break | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Attacks | Normal Attack(Fire-All) | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Steal | Life Candle x2/Cleansing Salt (Rare) | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Dropped | Ability Sphere | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Bribe | - | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. | Dropped Equipments | Weapon Ability | Armor Ability | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. | | | | | ? Slots | Unknown | Unknown | | | | | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | | HP | Attack | Magic | Fire |Thunder| Water | Ice | | Abadon .-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | | 380000 | ?? | ?? | ? | ? | ? | ? | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | AP | Overkill | Gil |Capture |Special| Location | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-----------------------. | | | | | | | | ???? | ? | 0 | No | - | Monster Arena | | | | | | | | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-----------------------. | Guard | Scan/? | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Attacks | Firaga/Thundaga/Wataga/Blizzaga/Paraoh's Curse | | | Magic Concentrate/Embrem of Cosmos | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Steal | Cleansing Salt x3/Light Magic Stone | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Dropped | Body Power Medicine/Dark Matter | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Bribe | - | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. | Dropped Equipments | Weapon Ability | Armor Ability | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. | | Magic +20% | Magic Defense +20% | | 2 to 4 Slots | Magic +10% | Magic Defense +10% | | | Magic +5% | Magic Defense +5% | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | | HP | Attack | Magic | Fire |Thunder| Water | Ice | | Hornet .-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | | 620000 | ?? | ?? | ? | ? | ? | ? | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | AP | Overkill | Gil |Capture |Special| Location | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-----------------------. | | | | | | | | ???? | ? | 0 | No |Flying | Monster Arena | | | | | | | | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-----------------------. | Guard | Scan/? | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Attacks | Normal Attack(Silence+Blind+Sleep+Death)/Curaga | | | Sting of Poison(Poison)/Sting of Confusion(Confuse) | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Steal | Cleansing Salt x2/Poison Fang x4 | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Dropped | Aim Sphere/Dark Matter | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Bribe | - | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. | Dropped Equipments | Weapon Ability | Armor Ability | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. | | Attack +20% | Defense +20% | | 2 to 4 Slots | Attack +10% | Defense +10% | | | Attack +5% | Defense +5% | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. For the Monster Arena, you need: >>> Vouivre [Mi'hen Highroad] x4 >>> Lamashtu [Mushroom Rock Road] x4 >>> Kusariqqu [Thunder Plains] x4 >>> Mushussu [Sanubia Desert] x4 >>> Nidhogg [Cavern of the Stolen Fayth or Mt. Gagazet] x4 in order to get 99 Cleansing Salts. Getting the Cleansing Salt -------------------------- Q. It's too troublesome, I want an easier way. A. Another way of getting [Encounter-none] is defeating Demonolith, which is located in Omega Ruins and Inside Sin, but dropping the weapon for encounter none is rare. I've constructed a data for Demonolith. .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | | HP | Attack | Magic | Fire |Thunder| Water | Ice | | Demonolith .-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | | 45000 | 33 | 99 | Half | Half | Half | Half | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-------.-------.-------. | AP | Overkill | Gil |Capture |Special| Location | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-----------------------. | | | | | | Inside Sin | | 11000 | Unknown | 1400 | Yes | - | / | | | | | | | Omega Ruins | .--------------------.-------------.--------.--------.-------.-----------------------. | Guard | Death/Zombie/Petrify/Poison/Confuse/Berserk/Provoke/Sleep | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | | Normal Attack(Zombie-Single) | | Attacks | Breath(Petrify-All) | | | Paraoh's Curse(Poison/Silence/Blind) | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Steal | Stone Grenade x2/Stone Grenade x2 | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Dropped | Mana Sphere/Lv 3 Key Sphere | .--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------. | Bribe | Lv 3 Key Sphere x40 (900000 gil) | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. | Dropped Equipments | Weapon Ability | Armor Ability | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. | | | Stoneproof | | 3 to 4 Slots | Stone Touch | / | | | | Encounter None | .--------------------.-------------------------------.-------------------------------. Q. Is there another way of getting an equipment with "Encounter-none" ability? A. Of course. Go defeat Geosgeano in Baaj Temple. The Baaj Temple is located in X-16 Y-57. After defeating this monster, it might drop a weapon(yes a weapon) with the "Encounter-None" ability. Q. Ahh! Geosgeano keeps halving Tidus' HP!! I don't have enough potions!! Tidus is too weak to attack it!! A. ---____________--- Please only defeat it after you obtain the Airship. You can never beat it when you encounter it early in the game unless you used Gameshark etc. You'll get nothing even though you used gameshark as there will not be no screen of the items obtained after defeating the monster.... Q. Now I've got the [Encounter-none]. What should I do now? A. Start the mini-game! Q. I couldn't dodge for 200 times! I can only dodge for xxx times! A. I have this experience before and what I could tell you is to try and keep trying. Practice makes perfect! ***Well, I have some tips to guide you through this dodging game. Tips ---- 1)Choose a suitable place to dodge the lightning. ------------------------------------------------- Thunderbolts strike in different parts of the area and the frequency of bolts striking is different too. Some strike in single bolts, double bolts or even triple bolts. The place with triple bolts indicated is the highest frequency, which means the bolts strike down every 3-7 seconds. Staying in the Triple bolts area to dodge will save more time than dodging in the double or the single bolt area. In my opinion, I think the best place to dodge is at [Thunder Plains=Northern part]. There is a Triple Bolt area at the southern tip of the Northern Part, which leads to the Travel Company if you go further south. So you need not run from one end to another to dodge and claim your prize. o----------------Thunder Plains - Nothern Part Map----------------o | / X XX / | | / \ | | \ | | | \ / | | \ XX | | | _/ / ______________________ | | / / / Legend \ | | / | | ------ | | | | / | X - Single Bolt | | | \ (O) / | XX - Double Bolt | | | \ __| | XXX - Triple Bolt | | | \ XXX / | (O) - Tower | | | \ __ | | A - To the Travel | | | | / | | | Company | | | | / | | | B - To [Thunder | | | | / | \ | Plains=Southern | | | | | | B _\ | Part] | | | | A | | ____/ \______________________/ | | ----- |___/ | | | | | o-----------------------------------------------------------------o *I hope this map helps* Alternative Way: ---------------- Submitted by Pip Theres a ridge near the second quactaur stone in the third area. If you wedge Tidus in between the stone and the ridge you can dodge the bolts easily and you dont have to worry about being pushed back. Also I think you should tell people to take a break every 10-20 bolts dodged,it helped me :) 2)Choose a suitable time ------------------------ Yep. Choose a suitable time. Not the time in FFX, it's your real-life time. Time is one of the _important_ factors. When do you think you're most alert? Morning? Afternoon? Night? Or even Midnight? Why do you need to be alert? If you're not alert enough, you might be striked during your xxxth dodging, and you'll have to restart. Another reason for choosing a suitable time is: Concentration. You need to concentrate in order to dodge the lightning. You can't be watching cartoons and dodging at the same time. Choose a time which is the most quiet. If it is too noisy, your concentration may decrease. Another tip is choose a dark night or a very early morning to play this mini game. Why? The flash before the bolt strikes is white. So you could immediately notice this and press the appropriate button at the right time. A bright sky might decrease your alert-ness. 3)Don't _fly away_ ------------------ What does it mean? Don't let your mind wander around. Concentrate! Or else.... 4)Well....Can I save in between dodges? That'll make an easier job. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, No. It'll be a really easy job if saving is possible. Saving or entering the Travel Agency during your dodging game will reset the dodge counter. 5)Can I keep on getting the same prize or are they only one-time items? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't think so. There is no way you can get another Venus Sigil when you've gotten one. I was striked during my 64th dodging the very first time I played this mini-game and I collected the prize from the starting. When I tried this sidequest again after I obtain the airship, I managed to dodge 200 bolts and the prize I collected was starting the 100th dodging. From this I can conclude that the prizes for dodging are only one-time items. 6)What about the items that the Travel Agency gave when you're striked by the bolt? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well....I've only been striked a total of 30+ times, so I do not know. But, the number of times you're striked by the lightning will not reset so I think they're one-time item too. Who knows when the =being striked counter= will reset? Obtaining Spirit Lance (Longinus) --------------------------------- Spirit Lance(aka Longinus) is Kimahri's Ultimate Weapon. To obtain it, you'll have to pray at 3 Cactuar statues in Thunder Plains. Cactuar Statues are located all over Thunder Plains. You must pray to the statues with a spirit_floating around it. Otherwise, nothing will happen. Pray to the statues by pressing the |_| (Square) button. Then you'll have to find another statue with a spirit floating around it. After praying again, repeat the above steps again for the last time. Then you should see a faint cactuar spirit walking towards something. Follow it(or do it yourself) to the Southern Part of the Plains and pray to the _fallen tower?_. You'll obtain the Spirit Lance. Note: Please obtain the Celestial Mirror before opening the chest. The mirror can be obtained by doing the Macalania Forest Sidequest afetr obtaining the airship. So I don't wish to receive mails asking me : Why can't I open the chest??? -.-"" If you have queries of obtaining the mirror, you can consult CB!'s Ultimate Weapons Guide in GameFAQs. Shop List --------- I've constructed a shop list so that you can made a decision whether to buy these equipment/items, or not. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Weapon Shop (Travel Company) | .---------------------------------.---------------------------------------------. | Name of Weapon/Equipper | Ability/(Empty Slots = - ) | Price | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Baroque Sword/Tidus | Attack +5%/ - | 825 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Glow Wand/Yuna | Magic +5%/ - | 825 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Switch Hitter/Wakka | Attack +5%/ - | 825 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Variable Mog/Lulu | Magic +5%/ - | 825 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Halberd/Kimahri | Piercing/Attack +5%/ - | 1650 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Sun Flame/Auron | Piercing/Attack +5%/- | 1650 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Devastator/Rikku | Attack +5%/ - | 825 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Thunder Shield/Tidus | Lightning Ward/HP +5% | 2475 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Thunder God Ring/Yuna | Lightning Ward/HP +5% | 2475 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Yellow Support/Wakka | Lightning Ward/HP +5% | 2475 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Thunder Bangle/Lulu | Lightning Ward/HP +5% | 2475 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Thunder God Armlet/Kimahri | Lightning Ward/HP +5% | 2475 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Electricity Assault Bracer/Auron| Lightning Ward/HP +5% | 2475 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Thunder Guard/Rikku | Lightning Ward/HP +5% | 2475 | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. .---------------------------. .----------------------------------------. | Item Shop (Travel Company)| | Item Shop (Travel Company) Aft Airship | .----------------.----------. .----------------------------------------. | Item Name | Price | | Item Name | Price | .----------------.----------. .-----------------------------.----------. | Potion | 50 | | Potion | 50 | .----------------.----------. .-----------------------------.----------. | Pheonix Down | 100 | | Hi-Potion | 500 | .----------------.----------. .-----------------------------.----------. | Antidote | 50 | | Pheonix Down | 100 | .----------------.----------. .-----------------------------.----------. | Eye Drop | 50 | | Antidote | 50 | .----------------.----------. .-----------------------------.----------. | Echo Screen | 50 | | Eye Drop | 50 | .----------------.----------. .-----------------------------.----------. | Soft | 50 | | Echo Screen | 50 | .----------------.----------. .-----------------------------.----------. | Grenade | 300 | | Soft | 50 | .----------------.----------. .-----------------------------.----------. | Map | 50 | | Power Distiller | 100 | .----------------.----------. .-----------------------------.----------. | Mana Distiller | 100 | .-----------------------------.----------. | Speed Distiller | 100 | .-----------------------------.----------. | Ability Distiller | 100 | .-----------------------------.----------. | Grenade | 300 | .-----------------------------.----------. | Map | 50 | .-----------------------------.----------. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Weapon Shop (Travel Company) [After obtaining the Airship] | .---------------------------------.---------------------------------------------. | Name of Weapon/Equipper | Ability/(Empty Slots = - ) | Price | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Variable Sword/Tidus | Attack +10%/Attack +5%/ - /| 41625 | | | - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Adapt Staff/Yuna | Attack +10%/Attack +5%/ - /| 41625 | | | - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Multi Talent/Wakka | Attack +10%/Attack +5%/ - /| 41625 | | | - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Freehand Mog/Lulu | Attack +10%/Attack +5%/ - /| 41625 | | | - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Glow Lance/Kimahri | Attack +10%/Attack +5%/ - /| 41625 | | | - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Unknowing Fire/Auron | Attack +10%/Attack +5%/ - /| 41625 | | | - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Flexible Arm/Rikku | Attack +10%/Attack +5%/ - /| 41625 | | | - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Protect Shield/Tidus | SOS Protect/Lightningproof | 21150 | | | / - / - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Protect Ring/Yuna | SOS Protect/Lightningproof | 21150 | | | / - / - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Protect Support/Wakka | SOS Protect/Lightningproof | 21150 | | | / - / - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Protect Bangle/Lulu | SOS Protect/Lightningproof | 21150 | | | / - / - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Protect Armlet/Kimahri | SOS Protect/Lightningproof | 21150 | | | / - / - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Protect Bracer/Auron | SOS Protect/Lightningproof | 21150 | | | / - / - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. | Protect Targe/Rikku | SOS Protect/Lightningproof | 21150 | | | / - / - | | .---------------------------------.----------------------------.----------------. Well.... -------- This is the final version of this FAQ....so there will be no more updates unless there is really a need to.... Thank you for your support all these years!! (8 months only I think...) =P Credits ------- Thanks to: CB! ->for the Ultimania Guide of the Bolt Striking Frequency Map, which I _drew_ it from. ->for the names of the equipments selling in Thunder Plains. CJayC ->for creating such great website Squaresoft ->for creating this marvellous game. Everyone(including you) who is reading this guide.