Chrono Trigger Dumped by: YK ID666 tags by: YK Downloaded from: -Update 2: * Couple problematic tracks redumped, including the final battle. We've gotten several reports that the redump was somehow screwy, but I can't be 100% certain it's been fixed, as I noticed no problem on my end... * A couple missing variants added. * Ambiences cleaned up. Several non-music tracks have been removed. -Update: * Complete redump by YK. Several songs had fade ins or the first few seconds clipped. These issues have all been resolved. * All SPCs completely retimed to reflect the redump fixes. * One new song: An unknown fanfare evidently only present in the Japanese version. I (YK) did not dump this one, and I do not know who did, unfortunately. * Three additional variants: "Underground Sewer" without the water effects (played in Ozzie's Fort), "Magus' Castle" with flying bat sounds, and the ending bit of "The Hidden Truth". * A gigantic number of ambient tracks have been added. Too many to list. * The variants found only in the pre-release have been removed, and included in the standalone dump of the *entire* pre-release soundtrack. * Tracknames use the American version's names when possible, but with the Japanese trackname noted in the comments tag. "People Without Hope" was chosen over "People Who Threw Away the Will to Live", as the latter was too long, and the former conveys the message exactly the same in fewer words. I've also seen the track referred to by this name in several places. * The comments tags also list where the songs are used. Most people should know all this, but it's nice nevertheless. * It's not a mistake on my part that the OST info (sans disc and track numbers) were left in "Time Vortex", "Strong Wind", and "Voice of Lavos". These ambient tracks were all included in some form on the OST, simply not as standalone tracks, so I felt this bit belonged. Original dumpers: Datschge, Killo Zapit, Skylark, TheFreak, YK Original taggers: Datschge