HTML sample:
Name Date Created Options
Kentucky Hospitals 04/15/2010 LoadCopyRenameDeleteShow Hospitals
Lexington Big 4 03/03/2010 LoadCopyRenameDeleteShow Hospitals
Lexington KY hosps 04/15/2010 LoadCopyRenameDeleteShow Hospitals
Louisville Big 4 02/10/2010 LoadCopyRenameDeleteShow Hospitals
Nashville Big 5 03/03/2010 LoadCopyRenameDeleteShow Hospitals
JS sample: function ahd_ml_options_init() { $("#savedlists").click(function (e) { var eclass = $('class'); var ehref = $('href'); var tablerow = $(; var listidattr = tablerow.attr('id'); var listid = listidattr.substring(7); // remove the "listid-" portion var listname = tablerow.children('.listname').html(); var rtn = false; switch (eclass) { case "listload": // do nothing, but return true rtn = true; break; case "listcopy": ahd_ml_copy(listid, listname); break; case "listrename": ahd_ml_rename(listid, listname); break; case "listdelete": var message = "Are you sure you want to delete this list?"; jConfirm(message, "Delete List?", function (result) { if (result) window.location = ehref; }); break; case "listshowhospitals": ahd_ml_show_list_contents(listid); break; } return rtn; }); }