I recently began replaying Metal Gear Solid 2 on the PS2 using my Sony PVM 2030 RGB monitor. I was about four hours in, and the game kept crashing right after a cutscene (fortunately, I had saved very recently). I tried several times and it was always a crash. I looked at the bottom of my disc, and there is a light scratch which is probably what is causing the crash. I was bummed. This was not just the vanilla MGS2 release, but a later, enhanced release subtitled "MGS2: Substance." Here are the versions of MGS2 I own: 1. original ps2 release 2. "greatest hits" ps2 release 3. MGS2: Substance for Xbox (original) 4. MGS2: Substance for PS2 (my scratched disc) 5. MGS HD Collection for PS3 (includes mgs2/3/peace walker) 6. MGS HD Collection for PS Vita (includes mgs2/3) 7. MGS Essentials Collection for PS3 (includes mgs1/2/3/4/peace walker) The only versions I don't own are any Japanese releases, and the Xbox 360 version of MGS HD Collection. I also don't yet own the MGS2 demo that came with Kojima's Zone of the Enders for PS2. So I was bummed that the ONE version I want to play has a scratch on the disc! I was about to order another copy of MGS2: Substance for PS2 on eBay (which would be like $20 - 30), when I thought that I should check my box of HIDEO KOJIMA games just to be sure. Sure enough, I had yet another copy of MGS2:Substance for PS2 (which was from the PS2 MGS Essentials Collection). I tried it this morning and it works just fine! :)