Based on RED (voice over) zillion came to Snacktalk in oh-six after three years without talking to snacky. Young punk, always warezing videogames, cocky as hell... He filled up the drive with an N64 ROM torrent. We liked him immediately. ZILLION is in snacktalk, telling everyone about the warez Yeah, I tell you what, I think I've got just about all the awesome ROMs there are. NES, SNES, Genesis, N64 ... Even got some fan-translated Famicom and Super Famicom ROMs! I've been warezing videogames since I was 13. Name the game, chances are I pirated it. Laughter errupts, but as the laughter dies down, ANDYPRO DUFRESNE -- so cold and carby -- calmly breaks the silence. ANDYPRO DUFRESNE You ever ... beat any of those games? snacktalk is silent. The smile from ZILLION's severe face drops, and a pale look of desperation takes its place. ZILLION, obviously embarassed and agitated, spits back. ZILLION What the hell you know about videogames, Capone? ANDYPRO DUFRESNE, unfazed, diffuses the tension: Everybody's pro in here. Don't you know that? Everyone laughs, but ZILLION laughs a little too stilted and a little too late. RED (voice over) As it turns out, zillion had himself a secret. Ever since he was a kid, there were games he just couldn't beat. Oh sure, he'd beaten his fair share of more modern games, but the moment a game turned difficult, he'd rage-quit and call the game "bullshit!" Or worse: blame the controller. Maybe it was the though of his secret getting out... or maybe it was just that zillion was finally ready to become a real pro... Whatever it was, something lit a fire under that boy's ass. ZILLION arrives in the VIDEOGAME LIBRARY, as ANDYPRO DUFRESNE is filing NES and Genesis carts back on their shelves because he's a J and of course they're organized by system and alphabetical by title. ZILLION I'm thinkin' maybe I should try to... (clears throat) ... to finally beat some of those old games. Hear you helped some fellas with that. ANDYPRO DUFRESNE I don't waste time on rage-quitters and warez d00dz, zillion. ZILLION I ain't no goddamn warez d00d! ANDYPRO DUFRESNE pauses, holds an NES cart to his chest, and exhales slowly. ANDYPRO DUFRESNE That's a good start. If we do this, we do it all the way. One hundred percent. Nothing half-assed. No Game Genie or Stage Select codes! ZILLION thinks about it, nods. ANDYPRO DUFRESNE So, zillion.... where do we begin? ZILLION Thing is, see... (leans in, mutters) ... I don't play Mega Man so good. ANDYPRO DUFRESNE (smiles) Well. You don't play Mega Man... so well. We cut to a montage of ZILLION and ANDYPRO DUFRESNE playing Mega Man. We hear Joe Esposito's "YOU'RE THE BEST AROUND" music theme from Karate Kid. ZILLION is obviously getting frustrated, dying again and again. We see Mega Man explode into little circles and hear that haunting death sound effect over and over. RED (voice over) So ANDYPRO DUFRESNE took ZILLION under his wing. Start walkin' him through Mega Man. ZILLION took to it pretty well, too. Boy found button-mashing skills he never knew he had. The song fades and we see ZILLION sitting in front of a CRT. His thumb is sore from the d-pad and his eyes are burning. We hear the familiar "tick-tick-tick-tick" sound of the boss doors opening. ANDYPRO DUFRESNE watches over ZILLION's shoulder, not wanting to intrude. ZILLION attacks Cut Man using Guts Man's Super Arm ability. It's Super Effective! ZILLION's eye widen. We see Cut Man's life bar dropping quickly! ZILLION Oh! Oh shit! Cut Man explodes on screen, a weird circle representing Cut Man's Rolling Cutter ability drops, and 70000 points are awarded. ZILLION drops the controller and pumps his fist in the air in victory! ZILLION So, I just use each Robot Master's ability against another Robot Master? ANDYPRO DUFRESNE That's right. ZILLION What the fuck?! If Dr. Light was such a good ... robot-maker-guy... why couldn't he make it so that Mega Man can shoot up? Hadn't they ever heard of Contra?! Days pass. Amid the failures, there are victories. Steadily... tenaciously... progress is made. ZILLION sits in front of the screen. He is silent, concentrating. ANDYPRO DUFRESNE is watching, but trying not to make ZILLION nervous. All day, ZILLION has been trying to kill Yellow Devil in Wily's castle. The most recent attempt has ZILLION trying desperately to dodge the moving robot blocks, but taking damage constantly. We hear the buttons clicking... we see zillion's mouth moving soundlessly, counting the blocks, trying to time his jumps. We hear the all-too-familiar sound of Mega Man's demise. It has become quiet in the VIDEOGAME LIBRARY. ANDYPRO DUFRESNE Well? ZILLION Well. It's for shit (gets up in disgust) Wasted a whole fuckin' year of my time with this bullshit! ANDYPRO DUFRESNE You're not considering the progress you've made! ZILLION It's worse! I can't get a fuckin' thing right! Might as well be playing ROCKMAN in Japanese! ZILLION storms out. ANDYPRO DUFRESNE calmly turns off the A/V modded top loading NES, removes the lovingly used Mega Man cart, and places it back in its dust sleeve. RED (voice over) Zillion's rage-quit hit Andypro harder than he cared to admit. And it wasn't long before Andypro was apusing carbs... his only means of coping. So when Captain Hadley caught Andypro in Warden Norton's personal donut stash... shit son... there ain't a man alive who could get away with that. And so, it was no surprise that Andypro found himself in solitary. One month. Longest damn stretch I ever heard of. Interior of solitary wing. It's dark, nighttime. Somewhere behind a steel door, unseen, is Andypro Dufresne. The footsteps pause outside his door. The slot opens. An elderly guard peers in. ELDERLY GUARD The kid beat it. Took 'im 13 hours of continuous play... When he finally offed Wily, only had three bars of health. Thought you'd like to know. The slot closes. The footsteps recede. Andypro Dufresne smiles.